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查閱Dexter Wiki得知是一種叫做Etorphine的藥物,一般用來麻醉大型哺乳動物,鎮靜效果是嗎啡的1000到3000倍。相關信息引述如下,原文地址:Etorphine - Dexter Wiki

Etorphine (Immobilon or M99) is a semi-synthetic opioid possessing an analgesic potency approximately 1,000-3,000 times that of morphine. It was first prepared in 1960 from oripavine, which does not generally occur in opium poppy extract but rather in "poppy straw" and in related plants, oriental poppy Papaver orientale and Papaver bracteatum. It was later reproduced in 1963 by a research group at Macfarlan-Smith and Co. in Edinburgh, led by Professor Kenneth Bentley. It can also be produced from thebaine.

Etorphine is often used to immobilize elephants and other large mammals. Etorphine is available legally only for veterinary medicine|veterinary use and is strictly governed by law. Diprenorphine (M5050), also known as Revivon, is an opioid receptor antagonist that can be administered in proportion to the amount of etorphine used (1.3 times) to reverse its effects. Veterinary-strength etorphine is fatal to humans. For this reason the package as supplied to vets always includes the human antidote as well as Etorphine.

Large Animal Immobilon is a combination of etorphine plus acepromazine maleate. An etorphine antidote Large Animal Revivon contains mainly diprenorphine for animals and a human-specific naloxone-based antidote, which should be prepared prior to the etorphine.

A close relative, dihydroetorphine has been used as an opioid painkiller for human usage in China. It is claimed to be less addictive than traditional opioids but this has yet to be confirmed.



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