


詳情可參見 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bindi_(decoration)


"I am confused why does Indian women

draw a red dot on their forehead."


You know what, I discussed this question with my parents, that my

friend from China is asking about this "red dot".

And guess?????, we all laughed, ( no we were not mocking at you), but

its natural for a foreigner to question about the details of Hindu

Culture. And you did the same, no mistake but curiosity, and the same

would go for me, if I ask about Chinese Culture.:-).

Look, according to Hindu Culture, married women put vermilion ( in

Hindi we call it
"Sindur"), on their head (among hair). Its actually a

red powder, below that on the forehead, right between eyes, they stick

a red dot (in Hindi its called "Bindi"). This sindur together with

bindi symbolizes married life of a women. (Similar to the way as rings

symbolizes married life of Westerners ).

Bindi is not that important, but sindur is the most important part of

a married Hindu women. Once she loses her husband, she is no more

allowed to wear, sindur. However in some cases she can still wear a


Bindi , i.e. the red dot on forehead, is just a kind of cheap ornament

for women and girls, which makes them look pretty. By the way it has

no important relation with married life. That means a girl with red

dot on forehead is not necessarily married, but if she has vermilion

on head, then its for sure that she is married.

Let me give you an advice, if you happen to meet a Bengali girl with

only a red dot on forehead, then dont hesitate to fall in love with

her!!!. Bengali girl with red dot on forehead and dressed in red-white

sari , looks damn pretty ( SEXY :-) ). I hope you wouldnt

disappoint me!!!!



Bindi一般情況下是 已婚婦女的標誌,但是現在要求不是那麼嚴格了,印度女性把Bindi作為一種廉價的裝飾品。

Vermilion 才是真正的已婚的標誌,印度語叫做"Sindur". Vermilion是一種硃紅色的粉末,塗在額頭上。



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