









































一半 的內容附上了個人翻譯,這些翻譯是我兩年前做的,後來因為一些原因坑沒填上..


what is philosophy?


We asked a range of our interviewees for our Philosophy Bites

podcast the simple question 『What is Philosophy?』 They

had no warning of the question. Their answers surprised us. The

combination of perspectives was illuminating. Here they are in

alphabetical order.

在未事先被通知的情況下,我們問了一圈我們philosophy bites podcast 節目的參與者們一個簡單的問題:"什麼是哲學?"這些回答放在一起讓我們感到耳目一新,十分具有啟發性.


Marilyn Adams:

Philosophy is thinking really hard about the most

important questions and trying to bring analytic clarity both to the

questions and the answers.

Marilyn Adams:


Robert Adams:

Philosophy is what philosophers do. That』s important because I don』t want to be narrow as to what constitutes philosophy. There are certain ways of doing philosophy that are sufficiently different from the way that I and a majority of English-speaking philosophers do it, that I might hesitate to say they and we are practising the same discipline. But I think it would be unduly imperialistic to say what they』re doing is not philosophy.

Robert Adams:


Peter Adamson:

Wow. I guess I think philosophy is the study of the

costs and benefits that accrue when you take up a certain position. For

example, if you』re arguing about free will and you』re trying to decide

whether to be a compatibilist or incompatibilist—is free will compatible

with causal determinism?—what you』re discovering is what problems

and what benefits you get from saying that it is compatible, and what

problems and benefits you get from saying it』s incompatible.

Peter Adamson:

啊哈.我覺得哲學是不斷付出的研究與持續增長的收穫.舉個例子, 如果你正在思考自由意志的問題,並且你打算做一個決定, 到底是成為相容論者還是不相容論者, 也就是在問這樣一個問題: 自由意志和因果決定論是否相容. 你會發現, 當你說那是相容或不相容的, 你都會有所付出(思考)和收穫(回答).

John Armstrong:

Philosophy is the successful love of thinking.

John Armstrong:


Catalin Avramescu:

You』ve hit me with this question. It』s a little bit

like what Augustine famously said about the concept of time. When

nobody asks me about it, I know. But whenever somebody asks me about

what the concept of time is, I realize I don』t know.

Catalin Avramescu:

你這個問題真的是難住我了.這有點像奧古斯丁最著名的關於時間的言論: 關於時間是什麼, 當沒人問我的時候, 我一清二楚, 而當一旦有人問及, 我才意識到我對時間一無所知.

Simon Blackburn:

Well, it』s a process of ref lection on the deepest

concepts, that is structures of thought, that make up the way in which

we think about the world. So it』s concepts like reason, causation, matter,

space, time, mind, consciousness, free will, all those big abstract words

and they make up topics, and people have been thinking about them for

two and a half thousand years and I expect they』ll think about them for

another two and half thousand years if there are any of us left.

Simon Blackburn:

呃. 哲學是關於思想結構這種最深刻概念的反思, 他直接造就了我們思考世界的方式.所以他的概念, 如理性,因果關係,物質,空間,時間,心靈,意識,自由意志,所有這些概念抽象的[大詞]以及他們延伸出的話題,人類對他們的思考已經超過兩千五百年,我預測還會再想上另一個兩千五百年,只要我們還活著.

Richard Bradley:

Philosophy is 99 per cent about critical ref lection on

anything you care to be interested in.

Richard Bradley:


Wendy Brown:

Philosophy asks about life』s meanings. Philosophy

asks about who we are, what we might be, how we conceive ourselves,

and how we can even think these questions.

Wendy Brown:

哲學追問生命的意義.哲學追問我們是誰,我們將去往何處,我們如何構想自己, 以及我們為何會思考這些問題.


Allen Buchanan: I don』t think it』s any one thing, but I think generally

it involves being critical and ref lective about things that most people take

for granted.

Allen Buchanan:

我不認為哲學是什麼具體的東西, 不過我覺得哲學大多涉及一般人習以為常的事物,並對之進行批判性反思.

John Campbell:

I don』t think there is a general answer to that

question. The thing that interests me most is what science is telling us

about our common-sense picture of the world. What I』m uneasy about is

a doublethink where on the one hand we just operate uncritically with

our common-sense picture of the world, and then we shift into scientific

mode. I think science really destabilizes our common-sense picture of the

world. Understanding just where common sense has to give in the face of

the science, where common sense is consistent with science, and where

we have some real work to do to understand how they can both be

correct—that is really what drives me.

John Campbell:

我不認為這個問題有普適答案. 科學告訴我們世界的常識圖景,這很有意思,但讓我感到不安的是,當我們一方面用不清晰的常識圖景去看世界,另一方面我們卻直接切換到科學模式.我認為我們對世界的常識圖景著實受到了科學的撼動.光是理解哪些地方常識必須讓步於科學,哪些地方常識與科學相一致,以及我們該做點什麼來理解為何兩者可以同時正確,這些都已經讓我非常著迷.

Clare Carlisle:

Most simply put it』s about making sense of all

this . . . We find ourselves in a world that we haven』t chosen. There are

all sorts of possible ways of interpreting it and finding meaning in the

world and in the lives that we live. So philosophy is about making sense

of that situation that we find ourselves in.

Clare Carlisle:


我們發現自己在一個我們沒有選擇的世界中. 有無數種可能的方式解釋並找到他的存在的意義,並且能夠證明我們活著.所以哲學就是去弄懂我們的處境.

Tony Coady:

Oh, well I』m an analytic philosopher, so I』m committed

to the view that philosophy involves a lot of analytic work: a lot of

analysis of concepts. But I think some people think philosophy only

involves analysing concepts and getting clear about things. They also

think you should have arguments for everything—it』s a very argumentative profession. These are all features of philosophy. But philosophy

should also be aiming to do rather more synthetic large-scale sorts of

things. Philosophy should be concerned with issues to do with the

meaning of life, ethical and political issues, and should be scrutinizing

the basic assumptions of our society. Philosophy has always been

something of a science of presuppositions; but it shouldn』t just expose

them and say 『there they are』. It should say something further about

them that can help people. As I get older and older I』m more and more

concerned that there should be more imagination in philosophy than

there is. At one stage it was all very clever, but rather dry. Although I

would never want to get quite as imaginative as the various

post-structuralist philosophers who put such a premium on imagination

that the analysis and argument drop out, I still think that there』s

something in offering a big picture about our circumstances, and I think

that that』s something that should be encouraged in philosophy.

Tony Coady:


Tim Crane:

To quote Wilfrid Sellars, philosophy is the attempt to

understand how things in the most general sense of that word hang

together in the most general sense of those words.

Tim Crane:

正如 Wilfrid Sellars 所說, 哲學是嘗試去從那些最普遍意義上的詞中抽象出那個具有最普遍意義的詞.


philosophy is the attempt to understand how things in the most general sense of that word hang together in the most general sense of those words.

Roger Crisp:

I think it』s something you have to do to understand its


Roger Crisp:


Don Cupitt:

Philosophy is critical thinking: trying to become aware

of how one』s own thinking works, of all the things one takes for granted,

of the way in which one』s own thinking shapes the things one』s thinking


Don Cupitt:


Donna Dickenson:

Philosophy is what I was told as an undergraduate women couldn』t do—by an eminent philosopher who had best remain

nameless. But for me it』s the gadfly image, the Socratic gadfly: refusing

to accept any platitudes or accepted wisdom without examining it.

Donna Dickenson:

在我還是個本科女生,還無法解釋哲學是什麼時,我聽過一位著名哲學家的說法,我不是很喜歡他的說法,這說法就像蘇格拉底一樣喋喋不休:(哲學是)拒絕接受任何愚俗, 拒絕接受任何未經考察的智慧.

John Dunn:

I think it used to be an enquiry into what』s true and how

people should live; it』s distantly related to that still, but I』d say the

distance is growing rather than narrowing.

John Dunn:


Luciano Floridi:

Philosophy is conceptual engineering. That means

dealing with questions that are open to informed reasonable disagreement

by providing new concepts that can be superseded in the future if more

economic solutions can be found—but it』s a matter of rational agreement.

Luciano Floridi:

哲學是種概念工程, 通過使用[具有可證偽性的概念](concepts that can be superseded in the future if more economic solutions can be found—but it』s a matter of rational agreement),對那些開放性問題提出合理且深刻的異見(disagreement).

Sebastian Gardner: Philosophy is the attempt to unify theoretical

and practical reason.

Sebastian Gardner:


Raymond Geuss:

I』m afraid I have a very unhelpful answer to that,

because it』s only a negative answer. It』s the answer that Friedrich

Schlegel gave in his Athenaeum Fragments: philosophy is a way of trying

to be a systematic spirit without having a system.

Raymond Geuss:

我恐怕會提供一個並沒什麼用處的/否定的回答, 正如弗雷德里希`施萊格爾(Friedrich

Schlegel)在他的&<雅典殘篇&>(Athenaeum Fragments)所說:哲學就是一種試圖通過拒絕系統化的方式來成為系統化的精神.(philosophy is a way of trying to be a systematic spirit without having a system.)

A. C. Grayling:

Philosophy is enquiry into all those things which we

don』t yet properly and fully understand. When we do get some grip on a

problem or a set of problems we can hive that off into a special science or

a social science – although those natural and social sciences tend to end

up back as philosophical problems too—being those problems half

obscure, half unformed, where the questions are themselves doubtful,

where we』re peering out into the dark and don』t yet have a good sense of

what we』re doing. And that』s what philosophy is, it』s enquiry into the

mainly unknown.

A. C. Grayling:

哲學就是追問那些所有我們還不完全明白的東西.每當我們確實把握住了一個或一些問題的關鍵,就把他打包丟給(hive that off into)自然科學或社會科學----不過那些自然科學或社會科學最終還是會趨向於回歸到哲學問題----being those problems half

obscure, half unformed, where the questions are themselves doubtful,

where we』re peering out into the dark and don』t yet have a good sense of

what we』re doing. And that』s what philosophy is, it』s enquiry into the

mainly unknown.

Thomas Hurka:

Philosophy is abstract thought guided by principles

of logic and ideals of precision in thought and argumentation about the

most general issues concerning human beings and the world and our

place in the world.

Thomas Hurka:


Terence Irwin:

Some people have said, and I agree with them, that

it』s the argument from things that seem perfectly obvious to a conclusion

that』s extremely surprising. Other people have said that it』s a way of

trying to get clear about the basic presuppositions of claims we tend to

take for granted. Both of these are reasonably good ideas about what

philosophy tries to do.

Terence Irwin:


Chris Janaway:

Um . . . ah . . . that』s a very good question. I』m

reacting in the sort of way that you would expect philosophers to

react; they very often don』t give an answer, and people find that

suspicious. I suppose philosophy is the attempt to ask questions

which seem not to go away—questions which are always going to

be there.

Chris Janaway:

呃...哈...這是一個很好的問題(內心OS:呵呵),我的幾種反應正如你們所期料的那些哲學家的反應一樣;他們不會給你一個回答,反而讓人更加迷糊. 我猜哲學是試著去提出永恆的問題.

Anthony Kenny:

Philosophy is thinking as clearly as possible

about the most fundamental concepts that reach through all the


Anthony Kenny:


Chandran Kukathas:

My understanding of philosophy probably owes

more to Michael Oakeshott than anybody else. Philosophy is an attempt

to think systematically about the presuppositions of a given topic; to try

to understand that topic in terms of concepts that give you a complete

account of something. So, for example, to the extent that philosophy

discusses ethics, it tries to give you an account of what is the nature of

morality. Or to the extent that philosophy discusses politics, it tries to

give you an account of what politics is in terms of concepts that make

sense of this phenomenon.

Chandran Kukathas:

我對哲學是什麼的理解, 受到Michael Oakeshott較大的影響. 哲學是一種對給定話題的前設條件進行系統性地思考的嘗試, 以及一種對那些能給你某事物完備解釋的概念進行理解的嘗試.舉個例子,拿哲學所討論的倫理學領域而言, 它就在試圖給你解釋什麼是道德的本質.而在哲學所討論的政治學領域, 它就在嘗試給你解釋那些能影響到現象的政治概念是什麼.

Will Kymlicka:

Well I』m in a philosophy department but I』m always

wondering what exactly I have in common with many of my colleagues, because, to be frank, I don』t necessarily understand the work

they do in the philosophy of language or metaphysics. There』s a certain

element of contingency about what remains in a philosophy department. Philosophy used to encompass economics and so on; and bits and

pieces have separated themselves out and become self-standing

disciplines, and what』s left is just what』s left, rather than anything

coherent uniting it. I think of myself as a political philosopher; I』m

interested in the normative evaluation of political life and state

institutions. And that』s fairly strongly connected to moral philosophy.

Moral philosophy, as Robert Nozick said, sets the boundaries of

political philosophy.

Will Kymlicka:

好吧, 我儘管身處哲學系, 但是我一直在好奇我的研究和我同學們的到底有什麼共同之處, 因為, 說實話, 我真的不懂他們在語言哲學或形而上學上的工作.

可能,某些偶然的東西還留在哲學中,哲學過去包含了包括經濟學在內的各種事務,如今他們都被孕育出來,並成了一門門獨立的學科,但現在這裡還剩下什麼,哲學就是什麼, 不必拘泥於邏輯思辨上的統一性.(比如)我自認為是一位政治哲學家(研究者),我喜歡對公民政治生活和國家制度做一些評價研究,這和倫理學有著深刻的聯繫,正如Robert Nozick 所言,倫理學是政治哲學的邊界.

Brian Leiter:

This is a hard question. I can tell you what academic philosophy is, and it bears some relation to what philosophy has been historically. That is, philosophy is concerned with foundational or fundamental questions about the nature of everything else that human beings do: how we live, how we ought to live, what art is, what we know, whether we know anything, what science is, and so on. In that sense philosophy really is the most capacious of all the disciplines even if it isn』t, as Kant thought, the queen of the sciences. But since we』ve just been talking about Nietzsche, we can』t forget that there is a very different conception of what philosophers are. A philosopher for Nietzsche was an honorific. It refers to the person who creates or legislates value. It』s the person who, to borrow an image from one of my colleagues at the University of Chicago, Judge Richard Posner, is a moral entrepreneur. It』s a nice image. It』s somebody who creates new ways of evaluating things—what』s important, what』s worthwhile— that changes how an entire culture or an entire people understand those things.

Brian Leiter:

這是個難題.我可以告訴你學院派的哲學是什麼,他與歷史上的曾有過的哲學一脈相承,也就是說,哲學關注和人類相關的一切事物,比方說:我們是怎麼生活的,我們應該如何生活,什麼是藝術,我們知道什麼,我們能否知道任何事,什麼是科學等等. 從這種角度來說,哲學無所不包,容納所有學科,正如康德所言,哲學是科學的女王.

但我們一旦開始談論尼采,我們就會對哲學家(philosophers)這個概念耳目一新.尼采心目中的哲學家是一個尊者,他創建並規定價值,借用我芝加哥大學同事Judge Richard Posner的話來說,他是一個道德企業家--這是個有趣的比喻,他創建了對價值進行評估的新方式,改變了整個文化或整個人類怎樣理解什麼重要,什麼值得這些事情.

Jerrold Levinson:

Oh, I didn』t know you were going to ask me the really hard questions. I can tell a joke that says what philosophy is. A young man is going on a date and he asks his father for advice. 『Dad, I』m really nervous, what will I talk about in the dead spots?』 The father says, 『Look son, there are the three Fs: there』s Food, Family, and Filosophy.』 So the son says, 『Okay, I』ll remember that.』 So he goes on a date and he』s with the date in the car after dinner; and there』s one of these lulls, and so he thinks what am I going to say, my teeth are clattering. Ah, I』ll remember my father』s advice. 『So Mary, do you like asparagus?』 『Well, no John I don』t like asparagus.』 『Well, Mary, do you have any brothers?』 『Well actually John, I don』t have any brothers.』 『Well, Mary, if you had a brother would he like asparagus?』 That』s philosophy.

Jerrold Levinson:


有個年輕人打算趕赴約會,並且向他父親尋求建議."爸爸,我不知道如何避免在交談時踏入雷區, 這讓我很困擾." 他爸說:"聽著,孩子,有三個F開頭的單詞最好不要談論:食物,家庭,和哲學(filosophy)."








M. M. McCabe:

Thinking about thinking.

M. M. McCabe:


Jeff McMahan:

Can I just laugh? I have no idea what philosophy is.

Jeff McMahan:


Ray Monk:

Philosophy is the attempt to understand ourselves and the world.




A. W. Moore:

I』m hard pressed to say, but one thing that is certainly true is that 『What is Philosophy?』 is itself a striking philosophical question.

Alexander Nehamas:

I can』t answer that directly. I will tell you why I became a philosopher. I became a philosopher because I wanted to be able to talk about many, many things, ideally with knowledge, but sometimes not quite the amount of knowledge that I would need if I were to be a specialist in them. It allows you to be many different things. And plurality and complexity are very, very important to me.

Alex Neill: Philosophy is thinking that is obsessed with clarity.

David Papineau:

Philosophy is thinking hard about the most difficult problems that there are. And you might think scientists do that too, but there』s a certain kind of question whose difficulty can』t be resolved by getting more empirical evidence. It requires an untangling of presuppositions: figuring out that our thinking is being driven by ideas we didn』t even realize that we had. And that』s what philosophy is.

Anne Phillips:

Now I』m going to laugh. Philosophy for me is a way of thinking about dilemmas and contradictions. I don』t think of it in terms

of having to be abstracted from the real world, or having to be about hypothetical problems, but wherever you』re dealing with something where there』s a real dilemma and there are very good reasons to go one way, and very good reasons to go another, at that point I think you need philosophy.

Thomas Pogge:

I think that philosophy in the classical sense is the love of wisdom. So the question then is 『What is wisdom?』 And I think wisdom is understanding what really matters in the world. And that』s how I would answer people who say what I』m doing is not really philosophy. In my view what really matters is the enormous injustice that』s being perpetrated on the poor in this world. We have just heard from the food and agricultural organization of the United Nations that for the first time in human history there are more than a billion people who are chronically malnourished. The poorest half of humankind has 3 per cent of global household income: the richest half 97 per cent. If the poorest half had 4 per cent of global household income they wouldn』t have this severe poverty. And what the philosopher can do is just to say, 『this is something that matters』.

Janet Radcliffe Richards:

I regard philosophy as a mode of enquiry rather than a particular set of subjects. I regard it as involving the kind of questions where you』re not trying to find out how your ideas latch on to the world, whether your ideas are true or not, in the way that science is doing, but more about how your ideas hang together. This means that philosophical questions will arise in a lot of subjects. And if you haven』t got philosophical training you may well misunderstand the nature of a lot of those questions. So that』s how I prefer to think of philosophy—as a method, a kind of enquiry rather than a particular set of questions. Although of course there are some questions that can only be answered by that sort of enquiry.

Aaron Ridley:


Ben Rogers:

(Laughs). I must get back to the day job.

Michael Sandel:

Philosophy is ref lecting critically on the way things are. That includes ref lecting critically on social and political and economic arrangements. It always intimates the possibility that things could be other than they are. And better.

Julian Savulescu:

Philosophy is in my view gaining knowledge through the use of reason and conceptual tools, a priori reason, and by ref lecting about oneself and the state of the world. It employs the empirical sciences, but it』s not a version of science. It』s gaining knowledge through rational ref lection. And in my own area philosophy is about understanding what people should do, what sort of person people should be, how people should act, by rationally ref lecting on the courses of action or the nature of human beings. I also think philosophy should encourage people to gain knowledge, and ref lect and to try to seek to understand the world and themselves through their capacity as rational animals.

Walter Sinnott-Armstrong:

Philosophy is the search for a coherent and justified overall world-view. Philosophers should stop looking at little issues in the corner of our lives and try to see how things fit together; how psychology fits with philosophy, how the mind fits with the body, how aesthetic value relates to economic value and justice.

Those are the big issues:

how do we fit together the different aspects of our lives? And that』s what philosophy ought to be addressing.

Barry Smith:

I think it』s thinking fundamentally clearly and well about the nature of reality and our place in it, so as to understand better what goes on around us, and what our contribution is to that reality, and its effect on us.

Robert Rowland Smith:

I think the Greek term has it exactly right;it』s a way of loving knowledge.

Paul Snowdon:

Philosophy is the name we give to a collection of questions which are of deep interest to us and for which there isn』t any specialist way of answering. The categories in terms of which they are posed are ones which prevent experiments being carried out to answer them, so we』re thrown back on trying to answer them on the basis of evidence we can accumulate. For example, 『Does God exist?』 You can』t hand that question over to some chap in a white coat to do an experiment. The category 『God』 isn』t a category suitable for conducting experiments to determine whether there』s something of that sort or not. How do we decide? Well we simply have to weigh up the arguments for and against the existence of this kind of entity. And that is the general character of philosophical questions. Do values exist? Does the soul exist? Do sense data exist? And so on. 『Philosophy』 is the name for that group of deep and important questions where there is no simple experimental way of answering them, and yet we want to know the


Kate Soper:

I think that one of the important things that philosophy is trying to do is to respect both the cultural relativity and historicity of our ideas while at the same time tease out what might be more transhistorical, trans-cultural truths.

Raymond Tallis:

One of my favourite definitions comes from Wilfrid Sellars. It is trying to see how things in the wider sense hang together in the wider sense. And my dream of philosophy is to make the universe we live in mind-portable, so instead of being possessed by it, you possess it.

Tzvetan Todorov:

Philosophy is a subject that all French students have to take in the last class of high school. And they just hate it, because they can』t understand what philosophy is about. To answer more seriously, philosophy was a way of searching for wisdom, of leading a wiser life. And I adhere to this conception of philosophy.

Keith Ward:

I have a traditional, almost Indian approach to this: I think philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom, and that includes spiritual wisdom. So this means asking questions about the nature of the human self and the nature of reality, and how this will affect your life in practice. And in that sense, although I have experienced Oxford philosophy at its most intense, I』m definitely not an ordinary language philosopher.

Jonathan Wolff:

Well, I can tell you how philosophical problems arise in my view, which is where two common-sense notions push in different directions, and then philosophy gets started. And I suppose I also think that anything that claims to be philosophy which can』t be related back to a problem that arises in that way probably is empty.


























簡言之就是一點——我自知我無知(I konw I know nothing)。此命題亦是哲學的根本源頭所在。










思考 獨立思考 理性思考 跨越理性自己本身的障礙思考













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