Nut graph 在中文語境下是什麼意思?
維基上的解釋是「In journalism, a nut graph is a paragraph, particularly in a feature story, that explains the news value of the story」。初看,感覺跟導語的定義差不多,不知道中文語境下,Nut graph指的是什麼意思?如果有類似的報道案例煩請舉例說明下。
The 「nut graph」 is a sentence or paragraph that states the focus—the main point—
of the story. It should tell in a nutshell what the story is about and why it is news-
摘自Garole Rich《writing and reporting news —— A Coaching Method》
按照本人的理解,nut graph在中文語境下是核心段落,揭示報道價值和主旨的部分。它可以是一句話,也可以是一個段落。與我們所知道的導語有重合的地方,但不完全等同。
導語一般稱為lead /intro.在消息的寫作中,我們所說的導語是擺在文首、開頭的,這一點無論在任何形式的新聞寫作中都是一樣的,但是nut graph往往不是,甚至在一些頗具懸疑性的報道中,nut graph是放在文末處的。
上述教材還寫道,Nut Graph Also called the 「focus graph,」 the nut graph is a paragraph that
explains the point of the story—what the story is about. A summary lead often tells
that information and takes the place of a nut graph. 這裡的「 summary lead」就等於硬式導語。就是在這類消息中,核心段落就是導語,nut graph被lead 代替。這時候就不需要單獨再寫一段nut graph了。
軟式導語則有不一樣的情況,由於這類導語常常標新立異,採用類似反問、隱喻、抒情等手法,所以在文首處,讀者不容易看出報道的主要目的和內容,這時候就需要Nut Graphs出場了。
「Although soft leads are also called 「delayed leads,」 the lead is still first. Only the
nut graph is delayed. Remember that all leads, especially soft leads, must be backed
up in the story and must lead to a nut graph. It is preferable to place the nut graph
high in the story, by the third to fifth paragraph. 」根據上述美國教材的解釋,無論軟式導語有多軟,都是要為故事服務的,並且必須引出一個核心段落,也就是說,很軟的導語過後,新聞不能像詩歌那樣一直軟綿綿,杠杠的nut graphs是必須有的,而且最好出現在整個報道的靠前部分。(注意,不是第一段)
細細想來,nut graphs的內容和導語的內容又不能簡單對等,因為它最經常出現在的文體應該是通訊和深度報道中,這些以描寫、引用等為開場的報道,經常將新聞信息分得較散,nut graphs能比較直接地說明報道的側重點和角度。讀者在閱讀時,既希望被有趣新奇的開頭吸引有繼續往下讀的動力,又需要儘早知道記者報道的目的是什麼。這大概就是nut graphs的重要性。
When freshmen begin college, they
often feel like the world is their oyster.
Unfortunately, many 18- and 19-year-
olds are swallowing that big oyster in
one gulp—and bellying up for seconds.&<以上為lead&>
&<接下來這段是傳說中的nut graph&>
There』s a name for this behavior—it』s
called the 「freshman 15,」 and it has been
a part of college life for about as long as young people have been heading off in
pursuit of higher education. That term
is used to describe the typical weight
gain many freshmen experience their
first year away from home.
—Jim Baker, Lawrence (Kan.) Journal-World
In journalism, a nut graph is a paragraph, particularly in a feature story, that explains the news value of the story
對於journalism,寫一篇新聞所用到的格式與普通文章不一樣,以the feature format大概分為:
Lead, Nutgraph, Content and EndLead分為很多種類,詳情請看Journalism Education: How To Write Good Story Leads但是其中有一種叫做Summary Lead就是包括了 What, When, Who, How, Why and Where. 這種lead其實有時就可以當做一個nutgraph。Nutgraph is the core in a nut shell...也就是說它是一個整體裡面最核心的東西,需要包括一個事件的最基本信息。feature format就是倒三角格式,就是以從 最重要 到 最不重要 來排序。當寫一篇正常的新聞的時候,格式是- Creative lead (就是那個鏈接里除summary lead以外其他的lead,例如環境,故事,或列表)
- Nutgraph (basic and the most important information)
- Content (more information of the event)
- End (通常以引用別人的話作為結尾,這句話在推動故事的同時加強開頭的lead)
但是在寫一篇短文的時候,就可以直接用summary lead加上nutgraph,只給最基本的信息。