



Wordplay! Word-Fun!

文字本身就是一種充滿了魅力的東西,任何一門語言都有很值得玩味的地方。在一定程度上,一門語言或一種文字的有意思程度,取決於我們對這門語言這種文字的熟悉程度。中文裡隨處可見押韻和迴文,諧音和雙關等等技巧,英文里也有許多值得玩味的文字遊戲,今天一十來介紹一下Anagram,Palindrome,Pangram,Lipogram,Univocalic, Autogram這六種,前兩種還比較常見,後四種相對冷門一些。但要真學會玩這些文字遊戲,也是一件挺燒腦的事,沒點英文底子真吃不消。不信?那看誰能看到最後再說。?( ? )?


Palindrome |迴文

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? 這個不難,就是指順讀和倒讀都一樣的詞語或句子。A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward. 類似咱們漢語的「你是年少的歡喜」,「上海自來水來自海上」,云云。

? 迴文單詞如:

eye, redivider, noon, civic, radar, level, rotor, kayak, reviver, racecar, redder, madam, refer...

? 迴文的名字如:

Hannah,Ada, Anna, Bob, Elle, Otto, Emme……還有馮紹峰…..我要是騙你我就把名字倒著寫昂!(?_?)

? 迴文句子如:

1. Able was I ere I saw Elba.

看到厄巴島之前,我所向披靡。/ 即落敗孤島孤敗落。

不要污(〃ω〃),上圖的anal指的是anal retentive(肛門型人格)。

2. Doc, Note: I Dissent.

A Fast Never Prevents A Fatness.

I Diet On Cod.


3. Was it a cat I saw?

4. Dammit, I』m Mad.

5. A man, a plan, a canal – Panama!

6. A Santa at Nasa.

7. Never a foot too far, even.

8. No word, no bond, row on.

9. Some men interpret nine memos.

10. Now Eve, we』re here, we』ve won.

11. Solo gigolos.

12. Senile felines.

13. Rise to vote, Sir.

14. Was it a bar or a bat I saw?

15. Did I draw Della too tall, Edward? I did?

16. A dog! A panic in a pagoda!

17. Step on no pets.

18. 「Not New York,」 Roy went on.

19. A slut nixes sex in Tulsa.

20. Poor Dan is in a droop.

21. Flee to me, remote elf.

22. Not so, Boston.

23. Campus motto: 「Bottoms up, Mac!

24. Eros? Sidney, my end is sore.

25. Lisa Bonet ate no basil.

26. Borrow, or rob?

27. Naomi, did I moan?

28. One for all,all for one.

29. Rats live on no evil star.

30. Go hang a salami, I』m a lasagna hog.

31. Taco cat

32. Test tube butt set.

33. Stressed? No tips? Spit on desserts.

34. No, sir, away! A papaya war is on.

35. In word salad, alas, drown I.

36. Swap God for a janitor; rot in a jar of dog paws.

37. Ma is as selfless as I am.

38. Murder for a jar of red rum.

39. Stab nail at ill Italian bats.

40. Fall leaves as soon as leaves fall

41. UFO tofu

42. No x in Nixon. (尼克松頭腦中沒有未知數)

43. Madam, Im Adam.

44. Lewd did I live, and evil I did dwel.(吾生也放蕩,吾死也罪惡)

45. A man, a plan, a canal- Panama!

進階版:A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, heros, rajahs, a coloratura, maps, snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a

tan, a tag, a banana bag again (or a camel), a crepe, pins, Spam, a rut, a

Rolo, cash, a jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal – Panama!

? LOL里的大龍名字的命名Nahsor就是Dota里肉山Roshan反過來的拼寫呀,為了紀念dota呀~∠( ? 」∠)

? 還有一種由此衍生的文字遊戲叫semordnilap。沒錯,就是palindrome倒過來寫,所以semordnilap的玩法就是把詞倒著寫。比如stressed=desserts,repaid=diaper。Live-evil,Na?ve-evian……


Anagram |易位構詞

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? 指打亂一個單詞或短語的字母順序和位置,構成另外一個單詞或短語,原詞的字母一個沒多一個沒少,只是變了順序。An anagram is word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once.

? 一個巧妙的anagram,重組出的新詞/句要有趣味,且跟原詞/句有一定的聯繫,通常前後有點諷刺意味。比如:

* listen = silent

* dormitory = dirty room

* funeral = real fun

* admirer = married

* a gentleman = elegant man

* desperation = a rope ends it

* roast beef = eat for BSE(瘋牛病)

* prostitute - tourist pet

* mother-in-law = woman Hitler

* rail safety = fairy tales

* conversation = voices rant on

* eleven plus two = twelve plus one

* millionaire = limo(豪車), airline

* Male chauvinism (男性沙文主義)= Im such a vile man

* slot machines(老虎機)= cash lost in 『em (『代表省略)

* The country side = No City Dust Here

* Tom Marvolo Riddle = I am Lord Voldemort(伏地魔的梗)

* a telephone girl = repeating "hello"

* Sexual Reassignment Surgery(變性手術)= Man returns as sexy girl

* New York Times=Monkeys write

* public relations(公關)= Crap built on lies

* Federal Bureau of Investigation(聯邦調查局)= If found alive, abuse, interrogate!

* election results = lies - let』s recount


* Weapons of mass destruction = US team swoops. Finds no trace.


* Have a nice day! = Have a cyanide! (服毒自殺)

* The Titanic Disaster =Death, it starts in ice

? 當美國的州名詞被anagram後......

? 很多人名也值得玩味,《神秘博士》的衍生劇《火炬木》為啥要叫火炬木?因為Doctor Who = Torchwood .

* William Shakespeare = I am a weakish speller

* Madam Curie=Radium came

* President Clinton of the USA = to copulate(交媾), he finds interns(? ???ω??? ?)

* George Bush = He bugs Gore

* Osama Bin Laden = an Islam bad one

* Sherlock Holmes = He』ll mesh crooks(將惡人繩之以法)

* Gregory House (豪斯醫生)= Huge ego, sorry

* Tom Cruise湯姆克魯斯= So I』m cuter

? 還有《達芬奇密碼》,作為符號學專家,湯姆漢克斯擁有超強的anagram解析能力。

"O, Draconian Devil" ="Leonardo da Vinci"

"Oh, Lame Saint」="The Mona Lisa"

? 來個長一點的:

To be or not to be: that is the question, whethertis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.= In one of the Bards best-thought-of tragedies, our insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on

two fronts about how life turns rotten.

更厲害的來了,美國開國大佬華盛頓有幅橫渡特拉華河的經典畫像,一個名叫David Shulman的人為此事寫了首十四行詩《華盛頓橫渡特拉華河》,這十四行詩句全都是標題Washington Crossing the Delaware的anagram,每!一!句!都!是!

Washington Crossing The Delaware

- by David Shulman

A hard, howling, tossing water scene.

Strong tide was washing hero clean.

"How cold!"

Weather stings as in anger.

O Silent night shows war ace danger!

The cold waters swashing on in rage.

Redcoats warn slow his hint engage.

When star generals action wishd "Go!"

He saw his ragged continentals row.

Ah, he stands – sailor crew went going.

And so this general watches rowing.

He hastens – winter again grows cold.

A wet crew gain Hessian stronghold.

George cant lose war withs hands in;

Hes astern – so go alight, crew, and win!

? 有興趣的話,可以在Google里輸入anagram試試,你會看到"nag a ram?"。


Pangram |全字母文

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? 英語pangram或holoalphabetic sentence,希臘語pangramma(意為「每一個字母」),指包括英文全部26個字母的句子。A pangram or holoalphabetic sentence is a sentence using every letter of a given alphabet at least once.

? 有一句pangram被廣泛應用於測試電腦系統顯示字體和測試打字機中,因為可以顯示所有英文字母:The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

? 越短的全字母句相對越巧妙,每一個字母都只出現一次的全字母句叫做perfect pangram,但其實26個字母都用到且不重複用到的句子很少,要麼會用到縮寫的(acronyms, initials),要麼會用到晦澀的專有名詞,還會有一些奇怪的停頓。比如:

*Mr Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx.

"Glum Schwartzkopf vexd by NJ IQ.

*Frowzy things plumb vex』d Jack Q.

*Jocks find quartz glyph, vex BMW.

? 以下是都用到26個字母,但有重複用到同個字母的句子,卻多了份趣味和意義。

*Jived fox nymph grabs quick waltz. (28 letters)

*Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf. (28 letters)

*Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. (28 letters)

*Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. (29 letters)

*Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim. (29 letters)

*How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!(30 letters)

*The five boxing wizards jump quickly.(31 letters)

*Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. (31 letters,被WindowsXP用於在察看某些字體時的範例文稿)

*Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. (32 letters,被BeagleBros用於字體範例)

*Big Fuji waves pitch enzymed kex liquor. (33 letters)

*The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. (35 letters,被Windows用作範例文稿)

*Heavy boxes perform quick waltzes and jigs. (36 letters)

*Jinxed wizards pluck ivy from the big quilt. (36 letters)

*Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes. (40 letters,被Macintosh用於字體範例)

*Cozy lummox gives smart squid who asks for job pen. (41 letters)

*Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag. (48 letters)

*How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts! (49 letters,被MacintoshSystem7用於字體範例)

*We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize. (50 letters)

*A quart jar of oil mixed with zinc oxide makes a very bright paint. (53 letters)

*Whenever the black fox jumped the squirrel gazed suspiciously. (53 letters)

*A mad boxer shot a quick, gloved jab to the jaw of his dizzy opponent. (54 letters)

*The job requires extra pluck and zeal from every young wage earner. (54 letters)

*Jaded zombies acted quaintly but kept driving their oxen forward. (55 letters)

*Six big juicy steaks sizzled in a pan as five workmen left the quarry. (56 letters)

*While making deep excavations we found some quaint bronze jewelry. (56 letters)

*We quickly seized the black axle and just saved it from going past him. (57 letters)

*The public was amazed to view the quickness and dexterity of the juggler. (60 letters)

*The July sun caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt. (61 letters)

*Six javelins thrown by the quick savages whizzed forty paces beyond the mark. (64 letters)

*The explorer was frozen in his big kayak just after making queer discoveries. (64 letters)



Lipogram |漏字文

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This is an unusual paragraph. Im curious how quickly you can find out what is

so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with

it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and

think about it, but you still may not find any thing odd. But if you work at it

a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching!

發現了嗎?這段話里就沒有一個字母e…〣( oΔo )〣

? 這個詞是希臘詞源,希臘語lipagrammatos,lipo- (lacking) + gram (something

written),意為「失蹤的字母」,指在句子中刻意避開某個字母,為的是在束縛中進行語言創作。A lipogram is a text that uses every letter of the alphabet except one. 特點是會讓文章讀起來不自然,但基本語法還是要保證的,寫得好的漏字文數量很少,有些甚至使用同音字母來代替那些不能使用的字母(如用ph代替f,用g代替c),難免會顯得生硬。 ? 例句:I am going to show you how to do this right now. 這個句子就避開了字母「e」。 ? 再如:The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. 把上面pangram的例句里的jumps改成jumped,巧妙地避開了s。像這種用了除一個字母外含有其他所有字母的漏字文叫做pangrammatic lipogram。

? 在所有的Lipogram中,寫出一篇不含字母z、j、x的漏字文很容易,寫一篇沒有字母e的英文文章是最難的,因為字母e出現的頻率在英文中是最高的。一個19世紀的匿名詩《Fate of


Bold Nassan quits his caravan,

A hazy mountain grot to scan;

Climbs jaggy rocks to find his way,

Doth tax his sight, but far doth stray.

Not work of man, nor sport of child

Finds Nassan on this mazy wild;

Lax grow his joints, limbs toil in vain—

Poor wight! why didst thou quit that plain?

Vainly for succour Nassan calls;

Know, Zillah, that thy Nassan falls;

But prowling wolf and fox may joy

To quarry on thy Arab boy.

? 這還不算什麼,你們造嗎?1939年美國作家Ernest Vincent Wright 所寫的小說Gadsby,全書共5萬字,通篇沒有一個「e」出現!!!什麼過去式-ed,代詞me,還有無處不在的定冠詞the等等都沒用到!(?言?╬)

? 法語中也有這種wordplay。法國作家Geogres Perec有本偵探小說叫La Disparition(字面意思是the disappearance),主要講一個消失怪圈的故事。

Perec是一群稱作Oulipo的法國作家中的一員,這群作家在他們的作品中常常會採用多種帶有約束性的寫法。小說里的人物Anton Voyl的人生比較悲慘,其父母在二戰中雙亡,戰後由叔叔阿姨撫養長大,Anton行為古怪,睡眠失常,有一天他突然就銷聲匿跡了。他的朋友在他巴黎的住處翻了個底朝天都沒找到他,卻只發現了一本稀奇古怪的日記,裡面儘是些文字遊戲。然後他的朋友們就開始解謎,當他們解出謎底時,也同樣詭異地消失了.....其中就有lipogram這個字謎遊戲。

作者刻意避免了字母e。在法文里,字母e也是很常見的,比如père (父親), mère (母親),人稱代詞je(我),陽性定冠詞le, 連詞et等,不用字母e就意味著必須略去或替換很多常用單詞,而這種貫穿日記的用詞不自然,字母的消失和主人公的消失交相輝映,恰好也體現了小說的玩味之處,襯託了主題,妙不可言。這部小說還有英語,西班牙語,俄語等多個譯本,這些譯本基本都遵循了原文的文字特色,都刻意規避了一個字母,比如Gilbert Adair的英文譯本叫A Void,全文沒有「e」,西班牙語譯本里沒有「a」,和俄語譯本里沒有「o」。不知道你們發現沒有,"La Disparition" 和 "A Void" 都只有 A, I和 O這三個母音呢。(:3っ)?


Univocalic |單音文

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? 所有母音字母a/e/i/o/u里只使用了一個母音字母寫成的漏字文稱單音文,或叫做「同音文」,即每個音節的母音均相同。A univocalic is a type of lipogrammatic constrained writing that uses only a single vowel, "A", "E", "I", "O", or "U", and no others.

? 典型的比如:

* Cool schoolboys do not do sports on top of London shopfronts.

* No cool monsoons blow soft on Oxford dons, Orthodox, jog-trot, book-worm


? 流傳最廣的單音文詩是C.C. Bombaugh於1890年寫的, 母音字母里只用了O,Bombaugh有一句名言對Univocalic 大加稱讚:「gleanings from the Harvest-Fields of Literature(在文學的豐收土地上拾得落穗)」。

? 再舉一個例子,在Christian B?k寫的《Eunoia》的每一章中,都只用了一個母音字母,如第四章中一個典型的句子是:「Profs

from Oxford show frosh who do post-doc show to gloss works of Wordsworth.」

? 而在中文中, Univocalic就是指只用同一個注音符號寫成的文章,整個文章中的漢字只用同一個音,四聲不限,標點不限,大多是文言。最有名的應該是著名語言學家趙元任寫的《施氏嗜獅史》了吧:













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?Autogram又叫做Self-enumerating Sentence/Self-documenting Sentence,是指一句話的內容描述的正是這句話本身。An autogram is a sentence that describes

itself in the sense of providing an inventory of its own characters. 比如:

*This sentence contains five words.

*This sentence contains thirty-six letters.

*There are fourteen vowels in this sentence.

*This autogram contains five as, one b, two cs, two ds, thirty-one es, five fs, five gs, eight hs, twelve is, one j, one k, two ls, two ms, eighteen ns, sixteen os, one

p, one q, six rs, twenty-seven ss, twenty-one ts, three us, seven vs, eight ws, three xs, four ys, and one z.

? 1982年,Scientific American月刊上就曾刊登出一個出自Lee Sallows的 Autogram傑作:

Only the fool would take trouble to verify that his sentence was composed of ten as, three bs, four cs, four ds, forty-six es, sixteen fs, four gs, thirteen hs, fifteen is, two ks, nine ls, four ms, twenty-five ns, twenty-four os, five ps,

sixteen rs, forty-one ss, thirty-seven ts, ten us, eight vs, eight ws,

four xs, eleven ys, twenty-seven commas, twenty-three apostrophes, seven

hyphens and, last but not least, a single !

? 1984年更是刊登出了一個更巧妙的autogramic pangram(a

self-enumerating sentence in which every letter of the alphabet occurs at least


This pangram contains four as, one b, two cs, one d, thirty es, six fs, five gs, seven hs, eleven is, one j, one k, two ls, two ms, eighteen ns, fifteen os, two ps, one q, five rs, twenty-seven ss, eighteen ts, two us, seven vs, eight ws, two xs, three ys,

& one z.




















no(not)和nothing 連用到底是肯定還是否定?
以英語為母語的人(native speaker)是怎麼面對長難句的?他們也會做長難句分析嗎?

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