

全球各地的媒體紛紛報導了三位俄羅斯遊客在埃及偷偷登上Great Pyramid of Giza,並且拍攝多張照片

他們分別是 Vitaliy Raskalov、 Vadim Mahorov 、 Marat Dupri 三人

之後前面兩位在成立了一個叫做 on the roof的團隊,直到現在依然很活躍




最近Vadim Mahorov 在臉書上分享了拍攝題圖照片的經歷

I think a great photo should have some story behind it. When I just started out taking photos I was thinking a photo should be all-sufficient and hit the spot with its visual order but over the course of time Ive realized that really good photos have some great stories behind them. These stories are very important in the context of art. Without them no single collector wouldnt purchase my photos, without them I wouldnt gain my wide popularity in privy.

The photo above is quite a story for me which Im going to tell for years and years to come. The trip to Cairo for me was one of the first trips abroad. After familiar Russia and civilized Europe, I got into a real mess and chaos. Those days there was serious social unrest in the country, constant rallies and clashes were taking place on the Tahrir Square but it didnt prevent me from living nearby and visiting this place for my lunch. My hotels concierge was some kind of a hobo who would sleep on the floor right next to my door and every time greet me smiling. Arabs were trying to play fast and loose with me, driving up price, being reluctant to give me my change back, trying to slip over the goods and services I didnt want.

The Great Pyramid of Cheops was the main point of our journey and its secure well enough with riflemen. But that doesnt prevent some dare-devils climbing its top sometimes. There are numerous stories, maps and advices on how to do that on the Internet. Me and some other guys decided to try out using some tricks and putting up some local guides to take us to the pyramid at night. But Arabs by virtue of their nature are craftier and more cunning than us and for the whole night long we were riding horses around sand-drifts. We never got to its territory but were made to pay for horse riding anyway.

Next morning we hid in a tomb near the pyramid and had to sit there up until the nighttime. We were able to watch the light show and hear calls to prayer from thousands of mosques resonating all around the city like some kind of humming. It was creepy but we had to start acting. Having run to the pyramid we began our climbing up. Just like going up the stairs with huge rungs we made it to the top and saw a small platform which had writings in different languages all over the place. Then I clearly experienced a close encounter with history. There was a light breeze, I had a feeling like we were completely alone here for many kilometers around. There was a descend and coming back home in store for us.


我認為一個好的圖片應該有一個故事。當我開始拍攝的時候,我認為照片應該是自足的,應該達到其視覺內容的目標,但最終意識到, 好的照片背後應該有一個故事。這些故事在藝術方面是非常重要的。 沒有他們,沒有人會買我的照片。沒有他們,我不會在這個狹窄的圈子贏得廣泛的宣傳。

上面的照片對我來說是一個牛逼的故事,能讓我吹很多年。到開羅的旅行是我第一次到外國的旅行。 在習慣了俄羅斯和文明歐洲之後,我陷入了混亂。在這些日子裡,埃及發生了嚴重的騷亂, 在解放廣場舉行了不斷的集會和戰鬥,但這並沒有阻止我。我酒店的門房是一個無家可歸的傢伙,睡在地板上,,每次他都對我微笑。阿拉伯人經常試圖欺騙我,價格多收費,不想找零,還跳過一些本該提供的服務和貨物。

金字塔是我們旅行的主要目的,保衛嚴密, 是用帶機關槍的人看守的。但這並不能阻止一些人爬上它的頂部。互聯網有很多的攻略, 路線和提示,如何做到這一點.。我們決定試著去找當地的導遊讓我們晚上把我們帶到金字塔。但是阿拉伯人天性比我們更狡猾,我們整個晚上都在沙灘上騎馬,我們從來沒有摸到金字塔,一直付費騎馬。(註解:我懷疑是不是俄羅斯人不太懂駱駝)

第二天晚上, 我們躲在金字塔附近的墳墓里, 直到夜幕降臨。從我們的藏身之處,我們看了燈光秀,聽到整個城市數以千計的清真寺的祈禱聲。 這是非常令人毛骨悚然的,,但我們不得不採取行動。 跑向金字塔並開始攀爬。就像爬大台階的樓梯, 我們到頂的時候看到一個小平台,表面寫滿了各種語言。然後我跟歷史進行了親密接觸。上面有一點微風,我感覺這周圍幾公里只有我們幾個。







這個18歲的德國慕尼黑小伙兒名叫安德烈?西謝爾斯基(Andrej Ciesielski),他鋌而走險花了8分鐘徒手登上了高達146米的吉薩金字塔。




andrej ciesielski攀爬視頻






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