
撰文:鄒世輝 所屬專欄:研之成理寫作實驗室



1. SCI論文中怎樣描述XRD結果? Part 1. XRD譜圖作為定性分析手段

2. SCI論文中怎樣描述SEM結果? Part 1. 詳細描述樣品有著怎樣的形貌

3. SCI論文中怎樣描述TEM結果? Part 1. 詳細描述樣品有著怎樣的形貌,由哪些微觀結構組成。

4. 寫作從點滴開始——SCI論文中如何描述物理吸脫附實驗結果?

5. SCI論文中如何描述XPS實驗結果?

6. SCI論文中如何描述FT-IR實驗結果?

1. 如何非常詳細地描述SAXS的實驗結果?


The SAXS pattern of the solvent-extracted PMO-SBA-16 shows three well-resolved peaks at very small scattering angles, with interplanar d spacings of 12.8, 9.03, and 7.38 nm. These three peaks can be indexable as (110), (200), and (211) reflections of the body-centered 3D cubic space group (Im3m), similar to that reported for the silica-based mesoporous counterpart SBA-16. The unit cell parameter of the cubic lattice is as large as 18.1 nm. This is the first large-pore PMO material that exhibits such a highly ordered 3D mesostructure. By contrast, the SAXS pattern of the solvent-extracted control sample F127 blank prepared in the absence of K2SO4 reveals the formation of amorphous gel.

參考文獻 :Chem. Commun., 2003, 2692-2693



觀察到的結果:The SAXS pattern of the 樣品名稱 shows three well-resolved peaks at very small scattering angles, with interplanar d spacings of 面間距 nm.

對結果進行分析:These three peaks can be indexable as 晶面指數 reflections of the 晶體結構類型, similar to that reported for the 已報道的結果.


晶胞參數:The unit cell parameter of the cubic lattice is as large as __.


By contrast, the SAXS pattern of the 對比樣品 prepared 製備條件 reveals the formation of amorphous gel.


2. 不同文章中描寫XPS結果可能詳略不一,下面總結一些比較常見的寫法供大家參考。

A. LP-FDU-12 materials synthesized at low temperatures were first examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and further confirmed by the small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method.The XRD pattern of S-17-100 shows six well-resolved diffraction peaks (SI). A typical SAXS pattern of sample S-17-100 (Figure 1a) also exhibits six peaks, which can be exactly indexed to the 111, 220,311, 331, 333, and 442 reflections of a fcc structure (Fm3m). The cell parameter is calculated to be 34.6 nm (33.0 nm from XRD).

Ref.: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127 (31),pp 10794–10795

B. The small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) patterns of as-made FDU-16 clearly show three well-resolved diffraction peaks with q values of 0.47, 0.64, and 0.80 nm-1(Figure 1a). Four additional diffraction peaks at q values of 0.88, 1.04, 1.12, and 1.22 nm-1 can also be detected. The q-value ratios of these peaks are exactly1:√2:√3:√4:√5:√6:√7 and canbe indexed as 110, 200,211, 220, 310, 222, and 321 Bragg reflections, respectively, associated with the body-centered cubic Im3?m symmetry.

Ref.: Chem. Mater., 2006, 18 (18),pp 4447–4464

C. The bulk structure of the mesoporous silica prepared with 1 as template via the nanocasting technique was characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). SAXS has turned out to be a powerful technique with which to investigate the structure of two-phase systems, (i.e.,nanostructure materials that can be supposed to be composed of two domains ofconstant electron density). The SAXS diffractogram of the present sample is shown in Figure 2. It exhibits a significantly main peak at s ≈ 0.20 nm,-1 which corresponds to the packing of the wormlike pores into a certain distorted 3D alignment. The position of th epeak is related to a length scale of approximately 5 nm, the averaged pore-to-pore distance, in good agreement with the TEM observation.

Ref.: Nano Letters, 2004, 4 (3), pp 477–481


D. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS; see the Supporting Information) reveals four well-resolved reflections, further confirming a highly ordered hexagonal mesostructure.

E. Small-angle X-ray scattering experiments confirmed the presence of two kinds of cubic structures (CD and CP).

Ref.: Langmuir, 2001, 17, 3917–3922

撰文:鄒世輝 所屬專欄:研之成理寫作實驗室



Deep Matrix Factorization Models for Recommender Systems, IJCAI 2017

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