
Surprisingly, this operation is now almost unanimously perceived as a 「British Victory」. The deserters have somehow reaped all the rewards.


Are French people angry with their minor role in movie Dunkirk?


Yes, but beyond this movie, we are disappointed with what history retained from our role during these critical period. Indeed, as a French general stated before, the 「miracle of Dunkirk」 was not a 「miracle」 but rather the logical consequence of the resilience and the sacrifice of thousands of French soldiers - who have since somehow been erased from our history books.


Indeed, it is well known and documented that the British commanders were reluctant, even afraid to fight to German on the ground (come to think of it, the main strength of the British has always been their Navy). Thus, they rejected many calls from French generals for a last joined counter-attack on the Germans. While the British deserted, the abandoned French army nonetheless insisted on 「fighting until their last man」. This attitude allowed them to halt the British in the northern city of 「Lille」 with a desperate, Spartan style 「last stand」 against the superior Nazi forces. This halt was instrumental in earning the allies enough time to fortify their defenses around the beaches on Dunkerque. It could even be speculated that this battle contributed to Hitler issuing his infamous 「halt」 order to his troops; an order which is still controversially interpreted to this day.

事實上,英國指揮官的躊躇不決是眾所周知的,他們甚至不敢在地面上和德軍打(試想一下,英國的主要力量是海軍)。因此他們拒絕了很多法國將軍的求援,沒有加入最後對德軍的聯合反擊。英國人當了逃兵的同時,那些被拋棄的法國士兵依舊堅持「戰鬥到最後一個人」的原則。這種態度讓法軍將11萬英軍擋在里爾北部修整,絕望地、斯巴達式的對裝備優良的德軍進行背水一戰(詳情參見里爾圍城戰:Siege of Lille (1940))。這同樣也為盟軍在敦刻爾克周圍加強防禦爭取了時間。我們甚至可以相信,是這場戰役讓希特勒對其部隊下達了停止進攻的命令——那個時至今日依舊飽受爭議的命令。

The same attitude of the French army prevailed again during the rescue efforts in Dunkerque when 35,000 frenchmen literally used themselves as human shields in order to allow to safely evacuate.


Now, let』s talk about the evacuation itself. Today, it is largely portrayed as a British combined military and civilian effort. This is also inaccurate. The actual numbers show that the French provided more boats (civilian and military), more war planes, more logistics and more resources overall to the success of Operation Dynamo. I am just replying to your question so I didnt have time to gather my sources, but if you』re interested, I will share with you historical records which kept track in numbers of all the resources involved from each army at that time.


Surprisingly, this operation is now almost unanimously perceived as a 「British Victory」. The deserters have somehow reaped all the rewards. To us, French, it is simply a shocking mockery. For instance, there』s a scene towards the beginning of the movie were pamphlets have been dropped by the German Luftwaffe showing the troops on the ground that they were surrounded in an efforts to discourage them. In the movie, those pamphlets are written in ENGLISH suggesting that the majority of the troops there were British. Now, one can just search the original pamphlets on Google and notice that they were actually written in FRENCH FIRST and then translated to English. This alone show that they were intended for FRENCH TROOPS on the ground which again proves that the majority of the manpower on the ground was…French (see images below).


In conclusion, as French, we are disappointed but not surprised. History is always written by the victor. The British deserted somehow were able to exploit our sacrifice to support their propaganda. Our ultimate mistake in this war was to rely solely on our Maginot Line and think that the Ardennes forest was impenetrable by the Germans. Unlike the British, we didn』t have a body of water to protect us from the panzer attacks. Then, we nevertheless put our last efforts to help them escape back onto their island. When you think of it, all they really did from this point was to PROTECT THEIR ISLAND and they did so for the remainder of the war. They never dared coming back on the continent afterwards until 1944 when the American and Canadian troops came to deliver us all. For this (cowardly) attitude, they reap all the rewards. That』s unfortunate, but that』s how history works: we call it 「La Loi du Plus Fort」 in French…So yes we』re disappointed, but we remember what our elders did. That』s the most important…

總之,我們的法國人的失望並不稀奇。歷史總是由勝利者寫的。英國人的逃跑,反而讓他們能夠利用我們的犧牲支撐他們的宣傳。我們在這場戰爭中最大的錯誤,就是過於依賴馬奇諾防線,並且堅信阿登高地的部隊無法被德軍擊敗。不像英國人,我們沒有海峽保護我們免於坦克洪流。所以我們將最後的希望寄託於,幫助他們撤回本土。當你對他們滿懷期待的時候,他們卻只顧著保護他們自己的本土,直到戰爭結束。他們一直沒敢返回歐洲大陸,直到1944年美國和加拿大的部隊來救我們。憑著這股(懦弱)的態度,他們卻贏得了所有的榮耀。這實在是不幸,但現實就是如此,在法國我們管他叫「La Loi Du Plus Fort(弱肉強食)」……所以,是的,我們非常失望,但我們自己絕不會忘記父輩的功勛。這才是最重要的。


義大利也要有中型坦克——義大利坦克Part II

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