大家好,我是TEDxYouth@BRS的策展人(知乎賬號Daniel Xiang),同時也是就讀於北京王府學校(BRS)的一名高中生。
本著傳播優秀思想的精神,TEDx是由本地人士自發組織的,旨在為本地的創見者帶來TED一般體驗的活動。在每一個TEDx活動現場,都會有來自TED官方的演講視頻以及本地的演講者,他們一起為觀眾帶來思考,在觀眾中間創造聯繫。這樣的立足本地、自發組織的活動叫 TEDx 活動,這裡的 x 的意思是"本地獨立舉辦的TED風格活動"。TED官方對這些活動提供指引,但所有的TEDx活動都是自發組織的*。(*受到相關條例的約束)In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a programme of local, self-organised event that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organised events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organised TED event(subjected to certain rules and regulations).
David Campbell
《From shy to gadfly: Molesting Text in the Language Classroom》
Molesting Text in the Language Classroom: David Campbell @ TEDxYouth@BRS
在過去的28年里,David曾經在世界上9個國家的不同學府中生活及教書。在旅行的同時,他也獲得了很多獨特的經驗。現在他主要的教授內容是學術英語和藝術歷史。David has been very fortunate to have been able to travel and live abroad for the past twenty eight years by way of teaching English. He has lived in 9 different countries and taught in an interesting variety of academic institutions. Aside from his experiences in the classroom he』s learned at least as much from the challenges of living and travelling abroad. At present he enjoys the good fortune of teaching courses in Academic English and Art History.
從零到英雄: 殷建松@TEDxYouth@BRS
作為一個創業人,殷建松曾擔任過微軟中國市場產品經理,並出版了《創業的樂趣》《從零到英雄》兩本暢銷書。同時作為校園VC的創始人,他應邀每周在清華大學輔導大學生進行創業實踐。As an experienced entrepreneur, Jason has served as the product manager of Microsoft(China), and has published 2 best-sellers: The Joy Of Business Startups, and From Zero To Hero. Also as the founder of Campus VC, he was invited as a counsellor for students at Tsinghua University who wish to start their own business.
只有心明才會眼亮: 劉穎@TEDxYouth@BRS
劉穎是一個從來不屈服於命運安排的盲人。他是中國第一位拍攝記錄片的盲人攝影師。作為一名教師,一名原創音樂人,和一名醫生的他最大的願望就是通過他的治療,給更多的患有青少年假性近視的小朋友們傳遞光明。Ying is the very first visually challenged photographer in China to film documentaries. He is also a teacher, a musician, and a visual healthcare practitioner. Devoted to his work on teenage pseudomyopia, he wishes that less teenagers will suffer from the visual disease.
《Respect Gender Identities & Challenge Expectations》
Respect Gender Identities and Challenge Expectations 李碩 @TEDxYouth@BRS
李碩在聯合國婦女署從事著性別平等,消除性別暴力,社交媒體和同伴教育的相關工作。他經常在社交平台上和青少年交流和推廣性別平等。李碩本科畢業於北卡羅來納大學的政治學專業,但是同時他也是一個音樂人和一個自由記者。Shuo works at the intersection of gender equality, elimination of gender-based violence, social media and peer education. He enjoys working with teenagers advocating for gender equality on social media platforms. Shuo holds a bachelor degree in political science from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, but he fancies himself as a musician and freelance journalist.
克服心理問題, 你就是下一個心理學家: 王安敏@TEDxYouth@BRS
王安敏作為國家二級心理諮詢師和專業的學生心理輔導師,幫助了許多同學解決了自身困惑,同時她還致力於通過演講的方式普及心理學知識,希望幫助更多的人避免心理問題的產生。Holding a secondary qualification of psychotherapy and serving as a professional student counsellor, Anmin has devoted herself to the mental healthcare of high school students. She has lectured in a variety of topics on psychology particularly to teenagers, which she hope would help them with their psychological well-being.
在線學習帶動教育平等化: 張宇鋒@TEDxYouth@BRS
張宇鋒是在北京王府學校就讀的高二學生,同時他也是公益機構http://learningchina.org的創始人。為了幫助北京偏遠地區的貧困學子,他帶領一個團隊建立了learningchina,一個MOOC(大型在線學習)平台。Yufeng, a high school junior at Beijing Royal School, is the founder of learningchina.org, a nonprofit MOOC(massive open online course) site oriented towards students with financial difficulties in suburb Beijing. With the hope of helping his peers, he assembled a startup team and together they run learningchina.org.
抑鬱中的你我: 馬睿豪@TEDxYouth@BRS
馬睿豪是北京高中生社團聯盟的主席,同時他也是一個嚴重的抑鬱症患者。在他的TEDx演講中,他分享了自己和抑鬱症鬥爭的過程。Ruihao is the head of the Beijing High School Club Alliances. As a person who suffers from severe depression, he would like to share his experience on his struggle with depression.
TEDxYouth@BRS 官方網站:TEDxYouth@BRS | TED.com
※TED:如何成功?請多睡一會 第079篇