
在《時裝L』Officiel》雜誌八月刊中,刊登了對Guillaume Rué de Bernadac關於歌劇院里女性時裝禮儀的採訪。以下是雜誌採訪內容,外加未刊登詳情獨家揭秘哦~

In its August edition, lOfficiel published an interview of Guillaume Rué de Bernadac regarding the etiquette for womens fashion at the opera. Find the whole interview here,plus some unreleased!


Parisians are artistic. They are never old in their hearts and their spirits are free, most importantly, Parisians』 enthusiasm towards art is beyond compare. In art exhibitions,they could study a single painting hundreds of times without getting bored. And whenever there is a concert, you could find Parisian ladies walk slowly to their seats with all their elegance. Perhaps it』s just an ordinary night, but the ladies are all well dressed from head to foot, presenting the best of themselves to tell the others that they are in love with all the glories


As a matter of fact, You could recognize Parisians from tourists the moment you step into an opera house or a concert hall. Etiquette in opera nowadays is not as complicated as it was several centuries ago, and Parisian women do not just follow the trends anymore. Nevertheless, the pursuit of elegance has been passed down. Fashion magazines in Paris might not give you any advice on what to wear for an opera show, for there is already an agreement between ladies.In other words, the dressing code for opera follows a set of established requirements which may change with time but never with trends.


The elegant music was known as an indispensable part of French culture, what is the meaning of music for authentic Parisians?

A:從十八世紀以來,歌劇就是巴黎人生活中必不可少的一部分。直到二十世紀,它仍是精英們必不可少的社交活動: 你可以在劇院會見要客;或是擴大社交圈;也可以商談生意;甚至可能遇見你未來的丈夫或者妻子以及他們的父母。至今,如果你是巴黎身份地位頗高的人士,你也應該是歌劇院的常客。

The opera had become an essential part of the French culture ever since the 18th century. Until the mid 20th century, it was an unavoidable form of outing ofthe social life for the elites: where you meet important people, where you go if you want to be seen, where you discuss about business, where you could meet your future husband or wife and their parents. And today, if you are some one important in Paris, you would still regularly go to the opera.

Q: 當人們參加音樂會的時候,是否有一些特殊的禮儀大家需要特別注意的?

Is there any special etiquette that people need to specifically pay attention to when joining a concert?


Yes of course! People attending operas are often very educated and paying particular attention to deliver a proper behaviour in social environment. We should of course avoid to have phone calls, or even to look at our phone (the light of the small screen is too shiny in the darkness of the concert hall).You can bring a small bottle of water in your bag in case you are thirsty, but you definitely have to avoid eating. Once the music starts, we cannot talk to our neighbours; give the impression to get bored or even worse, to fall asleep!Trust me, I regularly see people sleeping, attracting fierce disapproving looks from spectators. And then, when shall you applaud? At the interlude (but not too much), of course at the end of the concert (for a few minutes), and also just after a very famous song. For instance, you would applaud after the 2nd aria sung by the 「Queen of the night」 in Mozart』s opera 「The magic flute」.


What kind of dressing style would you recommend for women when they are preparing to attend a concert?


It clearly depends on where you are sitting. In the stalls, the spot closest to the stage, you would see women wearing glamorous evening dresses and shoes,with jewelleries and sophisticated hairstyle. Some women would dare wearinglarge ball dresses, but a long evening dress (or not shorter than the knees) is very appropriate. If the dress is at the knees, the shoulders must be covered,by an elegant jacket, or a beautiful large scarf for instance. I advise you not to have uncovered shoulders anyway, even with a long evening dress; the opera may be a bit chilly. If you are seated higher in the boxes, these advices are still relevant, you will simply encounter a group of audience wearing more humble clothes, still elegant, like suits, simple black dresses etc... You cannot be casual at an opera in Paris! So, between the glamorous ball dress and the simple elegant suit, just choose the one you are most comfortable with!


Parisians love accessories, how to use those accessories to add some grace for the overall look?

A: 巴黎女人喜歡圍巾,厚或薄,小塊的或大塊的,單色的或有圖案的,優雅得圍在肩膀上或者圍在脖子上。在我看來,這些都讓你變得更加優雅,如果配上一個無帶手提包就更加完美了。如果你恰好有一個難得用到的漂亮胸針,這絕對是佩戴它的最佳時機。不要忘記噴上香水,克里斯汀·迪奧說過「這是你為禮服加上的最後一個細節」。為了更為優雅,我會建議準備一副精緻的手套!絕對使你更為優雅!

Parisian women love scarves, made from thin or thick materials, short or large, plain colour or with patterns, to cover the shoulders or to be elegantly wrapped around the neck. In my opinion it adds an elegant sophistication, and goes well with a clutch bag. If you have a beautiful brooch you rarely use, this is the perfect moment to wear it. Don』t forget a discreet touch of perfume, Christian Dior used to say it』s the last detail to add on a dress. And also, my advice in order to look extremely gracious: elegant and discreet gloves! It gives so much charm to a woman!


How to properly and gracefully compliment a friend about her dressing style?


The simplest is the best, make a short statement on the overall look, like 「My dear friend, you look particularly radiant tonight」. It would embarrass your friend to listen to you exclaiming too much about her style. If you want to direct attention to a particular detail, you can simply mention it with one sentence: 「This is a beautiful scarf you are wearing」. At any case you cant ask where she bought it, or, even worse, how much does it cost.


What are the elements that Parisians will consider when choosing the colour of their clothes for a concert?


First there is this well-known rule: you should not display more than 3 colours on you. You better pick one dominant colour, with one or two supplemental colours that will enhance the dominant one. Regarding this dominant colour, Parisian women have particular tastes for the black –which easily makes you look elegant and slimmer. If you pick another dominant colour, you would need to pay attention: no pink or orange (considered as too childish), no green or light blue (for outdoor), no yellow (too visible) etc… These colours can still be the minor colours. A Parisian woman will consider her skin tone, her hair colour or the colour of her accessories to choose the dominant colour for her outfit:colours like red, purple or white go pretty well with dark-haired women.


What are the kind of essentials that Parisians will carry with them when they are attending a concert?


The lipstick was traditionally the element a Parisian woman needs to have with her. Today,she will also bring sanitizer to purify her hands, plus a hand cream. You would rather have a jacket in case you are seated close to the air-conditioning or a fan and water mist spray if you are too close from the lights of the scene.


People always say "Paris

temperament" or "Paris charm", how do you think these are being reflected on clothing and dressing?


One of the codes of etiquette is also to know when you can break the etiquette, by still remaining polite and proper but showing your character with an unconventional detail. In my understanding, this is the 「Parisian Charm」.For instance, a woman who is known for being always elegant in the past whowould dare to come with long and shining green dress one night. It would be considered bold, and no-one would question her taste. Parisian women love to show how independent they are!


Regarding of the dressing etiquette of attending aconcert in Paris, do you have any more tips to share with our readers?


If you have the chance to attend a concert at the opera Garnier in Paris, the most beautiful one, remember my advice: at the end of the concert, let the crowd leave first,don』t rush. Then, you will have the extraordinary opportunity to go down the amazing stairs in silence, to admire the golden walls, the beautiful master paintings,to breathe this unique ambiance of having a palace for yourself. A magic atmosphere.And thanks to our deportment classes, you would know exactly how to walk like a Queen at this moment!


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Academie de Bernadac



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