2017 奧斯卡「禮品包」清單預覽
無論最後是否抱走「小金人」,奧斯卡禮品包都能讓「每個人成為大贏家」。過去16 年來,所有獲得最佳提名的演員與導演都能收到由 Distinctive Assets 特別提供的非官方大禮包,其奢華程度可說是直逼鋪張浪費,以致於奧斯卡曾以侵犯商標為由將這家洛杉磯娛樂營銷公司告上法庭,並怒斥其敗壞典禮名譽。去年大禮包超過 $23 萬美元的總價創下了歷史最高紀錄,而包括性玩具、豐胸禮券以及 $275 美元廁紙在內的清單卻讓人咋舌。或許是經歷過去年官司的「教訓」,相比之下今年奧斯卡禮品包 $10 萬美元左右的總價大幅度縮水,但內容卻依舊豐富,除了去年就引起爭議可用於吸大麻的 Haze Dual V3 霧化器外,還有北加州和夏威夷的奢華住宿體驗、切開後不會變黃的 Opal 蘋果、Happiest T-Shirt、Jules K 手袋以及 Casper 枕頭等。完整清單可在以下查看:
1. Oomi Smart Home ($599 USD)
2. HazeDual V3 Vaporizer ($250 USD)3.Luminosity Skin Serum from Healing Saint ($193 USD)4. AYear』s Worth of Car Rentals From Silvercar ($20,000 USD)5.Naturally non-browning and non-GMO Project verified Opal Apples ($75 USD)
6. Aluxury 6-day Hawaiian vacation at Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu ($4,000 USD)7.Personal training sessions with celebrity trainer Alexis Seletzky ($900 USD)8.BANGARANG Positive Cube: A Wooden Box Filled With Cards With Positive Quotesand Actions ($40 USD)9.Belldini women』s apparel (over $300 USD)10. Casper advanceddual-layer pillows ($75 USD)11.ChapStick Total Hydration Moisture + Tint ($5 USD)12.Chocolatines』 Drunken Fig Cake Bites ($35 USD)13.Chubby Chipmunk Hand-Dipped Chocolates ($45 USD)14.Crayola My Way customized box of crayons ($13 USD)15.Curlee Girlee empowering children』s book ($11 USD)
16. DandiPatch underarm sweat patches ($21 USD)17. Elvielimited edition pelvic floor exercise tracker (and app) ($199 USD)18. HappiestTee luxury t-shirts ($89-$118 USD)19.Hydroxycut Platinum Weightloss Pills ($30 USD)20. JulesK unique luxury handbags ($370-$395 USD)21.Lifetime supply of Lizora Pu-erh Tea Nourishing skincare ($31,200 USD)22.Personal in-house sommelier services from The Loving Somm (unlisted value)23.Medice Foot Care Kits ($25 USD)24. MOUSfitness bottle ($28 USD)25.MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Crunch Bars ($30 USD)
26.Namira MonacoPole Star Constellation Pendant & Brooch Fine Jewelry27.Freshly harvested pecans from the National Pecan Shellers Association ($15 USD)28. A10-year supply of Oxygenetix Breathable Foundation and Moisturizer (unlistedvalue)29. Parkand Buzz baguette stud earrings ($35 USD)30. ReianWilliams Fine Art (unlisted value)31. Rest-RiteSleep Positioner ($17 USD)32. RougeMaple pure organic maple syrup package ($280 USD)33.Slimware portion-control plates ($30 USD)34.SweetCheeks cellulite massage mats ($99 USD)35. WatchYa』 Mouth party game ($20 USD)
36. WooshBeauty innovative makeup application gift sets ($119 USD)37.YOGAJEWELZ OM Diamond Bracelets ($595)38.Golden Door Spa Retreat ($8,850 USD)39. GrandHotel Excelsior Vittoria in Sorrento ($5,000 USD)40. GrandHotel Tremezzo on LakeComo ($5,000 USD)41. Afully-private 3-day mansion stay at the Lost Coast Ranch in Northern California ($40,000 USD)42.Personalized Hands-Only CPR Training and a CPR Anytime Kit from the AmericanHeart Association ($40 USD)推薦閱讀: