Blockchain區塊鏈架構設計之六:Fabric 1.0賬本設計(1)
Fabric是一種開源區塊鏈實現,部署環境可以是私有伺服器,也可以直接部署在公有雲上,部署方式可傳統可docker化,共識演算法插件化,支持用Go和JavaScript開發智能合約,尤以企業級的安全機制和CA機製為特色。Fabric之於區塊鏈,很可能正如Hadoop之於大數據。經過在Hyperledger超級賬本將近一年的孵化,社區計劃在3月發布1.0的預覽版本。本文將重點對Fabric 1.0(alpha&beta)的重點架構升級 - 1)賬本 2)資料庫 整體的設計思路進行一些介紹。
總體的思路是1)提升性能 2)提升可拓展性 3)提供更豐富的查詢功能 4)更多模塊的可插拔二、賬本的組成
最後,為了實現Fabric V1.0 的設計目標,依然有大量Todo工作需要廣大技術人士支持,感興趣的可關注如下JIRA未關閉問題,對代碼進行開源貢獻。
Network setup and administration
- FAB-359 Bootstrap a blockchain network with orderers and peers
- FAB-686 Create channels among subset of network peers for private communications and ledgers
- FAB-290 Optionally configure Gossip protocol for high availability of peer node
- FAB-678 Ability to deploy fabric from dockerhub
Fabric CA and Security
- FAB-361 Provide a Fabric certificate authority
- FAB-266 Use transaction certificates with Fabric CA that are anonymous and unlinkable
- FAB-1219 Support access control policies for chaincode (creation, termination, invocation - in terms of chaincode library)
- FAB-1329 Support access control policies for channels (create, read, write)
- FAB-353 Pluggable interface for crypto algorithms to accommodate alternative implementations
- FAB-1321 Pluggable interface for an identity manager to accommodate alternative implementation
- FAB-1978 Multiple roots of trust
- FAB-1986 Ability to use an existing (commercial) CA
Ordering service
- FAB-1971 Serialize concurrent chain code transactions into a block
- FAB-1972 Provide an ordering service that ensures transactions are well formed with correct signatures
SDK - Java, NodeJS
- FAB-51 Common API design for SDKs implemented in all languages
- FAB-1967 Event notifications form peer on transaction commits
- FAB-1968 Ability to deploy, invoke, and query Chaincode on pre-existing channels
- FAB-1973 Ability to write Smart Contracts (Chaincode) in Java
- FAB-1974 Ability to write Smart Contracts (Chaincode) in Go
- FAB-1975 Ability to create endorsement policies for a chaincode during deployment
- FAB-758 Ledger support for endorsement/validation/commit model, including file-based block storage
- FAB-788 Ledger state based on embedded LevelDB (RocksDB replacement)
- FAB-199 Ledger option for external/queryable state database (CouchDB beta)
- FAB-1257 Chaincode APIs for JSON-based data structures (Replace Table-based APIs)
- FAB-196 Ledger APIs to query Blocks/Transactions, including rich query and history of key values
TAG:金融科技 | 区块链Blockchain | 虚拟货币 |