法式點心中的大家族——甜酥麵包 Les Viennoiseries


I』m sure you know and like French desserts, I』m also sure you won』t hate French bread, baguette. What about croissant? Did you know it belongs to another family of delicious pastries, called 「viennoiseries」? They are small desserts similar to bread, or from puff pastry, but with added ingredients (particularly eggs, butter, milk, cream and sugar), it gives them a richer, sweeter character, we love to savour. Discover 7 of them with me!

可頌麵包 Le Croissant

可頌麵包是甜酥麵包家族中最著名的成員了,也是典型的法式早餐代表。傳言說,可頌麵包是由路易十六的王后Marie-Antoinette 在她的婚禮上由維也納帶入法國的。在維也納,可頌麵包是用來紀念1683年奧土戰爭的勝利的。可頌麵包可以單獨吃,也搭配黃油和果醬,甚至在茶、巧克力和咖啡里沾著吃。不管怎麼吃都美味哦!

The croissant is the most famous of the viennoiseries, one of the icons of the French breakfast. The legend says its original version would have been brought in France by Marie-Antoinette, at her wedding in 1770, from Vienna where it has been created to remember the victory against the Turkish in 1683. Croissant can be eaten with butter, various jams, plain, or even soaked in tea, chocolate and coffee. Always delicious!

蝴蝶酥 Le Palmier


A palmier (French for "palm tree"), is a pastry in a palm leaf shape or a butterfly shape, sometimes called 「c?ur de France」 (France』s heart). You will sometimes see the version done with cinnamon, or with frozen sugar on it, which became a Shanghai specialty in the 20th century.

巧克力酥 Le Pain au Chocolat


There is a controversy about the name: 「Pain au Chocolat」 in Belgium and the majority of France, 「Chocolatine」 in South-West of France and Quebec. Traditionally it was a piece of baguette bread filled with a bar of chocolate that was given to pupils at school in France, but later bakers made it from puff pastry. I strongly recommend you to try it warm, a few minutes after having been pulled out of the oven!

提子酥 Le pain aux raisins


The 「pain aux raisins」 (raisin bread) is also called 「escargot」 (snails) in some country. It is associated with breakfast, in France you buy some freshly baked in every bakery in the morning. It is typically a variant of the croissant or pain au chocolat, made with a leavened butter pastry with raisins added and shaped in a spiral with a crème patissière filling. I advice you not to add anything when eating it, the 「pain aux raisins」 is already sophisticated enough!

布里歐修 La brioche


The 「brioche」 is a pastry that is similar to a highly enriched bread, and whose high egg and butter content give it a rich and tender crumb, but a dark, golden, and flaky crust. Its origins should be in Normandy, in France, where we can find mention of it already in 1404 in monks』 books. A mis-attributed legend also says that Marie-Antoinette would have advised, with regard to peasants who had no bread, "Quils mangent de la brioche", commonly translated inaccurately as "Let them eat cake (brioche)". With butter, jams, chocolate or nature I』m sure you will enjoy it a lot!

糖塊泡芙 La Chouquette


A Chouquette 「small sprout」 is a small portion of choux pastry sprinkled with pearl sugar and sometimes filled with cream, chocolate, or empty. If empty it becomes then very light to eat, definitely not as heavy as the other viennoiseries. Children love them!

法國蘋果包 Le Chausson aux Pommes


The Chausson aux Pommes 「slipper with apples」 is a half-circle viennoiserie made from puff pastry and filled with baked apples. The legend says that 2/3 of the inhabitants from Saint-Calais in France died from plague in 1580, and that the local chatelaine gave the survivors some apples wrapped in a kind of puff pastry. In my opinion it is quite copious, you』d rather be hungry or take a mini version!

下期預告 Forecast


So, which one would you like to try the most? You can tell me in the comments. Of course, there are much more families of French desserts,such as: cakes! Let』s discover them in a forthcoming article!


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