

如何提高雅思寫作成績? - 季元的回答



Some people think that in the modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other, while others say that individuals are becoming more independent of each other. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


一方面,人們越來越獨立,我想的解釋是現代社會更鼓勵人們表達自己的觀點,特別是我們老說creativity and innovation,就是在希望大家不要墨守成規,有自己獨立的觀點和想法,也就是我們常說的critical thinking。

另一方面,人們越來越依賴,就可以通過勞動力分工這麼個現象去說明,division of labour,微觀上說,在公司里每個人都有自己特定的任務,宏觀上說,全球化下的各國也都有自己的分工,所以這個依賴也確實是能夠體現出來。

關鍵啊,就在於最後一段折中怎麼辦~我寫的是人們又獨立又依賴,通過的是「自己住」這麼個現象去寫的。因為網路和第三產業的發達,人們可以就算宅在家裡也能過得很舒服(就是日文中的otaku這個宅哈哈),但宅在家裡就真的意味著跟社會隔離了么?怎麼可能~你讓一個宅男一周不出門沒事,你讓他一天不看朋友圈試試看?受不了的~所以這個現象其實就是大家表面上確實是過著獨立的生活,但其實還是被互相的羈絆著(很中二的說法= =)~~~

When it comes to the issue about how independent people are in the contemporary society, some people may argue that people begin to live on their own instead of relying on others, but others believe that individuals are still related to each other tightly.

On one hand, individuals are encouraged to express their ideas and feelings currently, which contributes to their independence to some degree. It is acknowledged that creativity is focused on in modern society and it actually means that one needs to challenge the authority with new ideas. Through such a process, people actually could establish confidence gradually, and critical thinking has become a necessity for the public, allowing the public to be more independent.

On the other hand, division of labour strengthens the relationship among people. It is common that, in current enterprises, employees do have their specific tasks and they need to cooperate with each other. Also, on the global scale, countries are related to each other due to globalization. The direct consequence is that employees cannot accomplish a task independently without peers』 assistance; similarly, a country may not develop its economy if it is isolated from other countries.

From my own perspective, these two phenomena do not necessarily contradict each other, and they could be observed simultaneously. Taking living individually as an example, people could live a comfortable life even if they are separate from society. For instance, one could order food, domestic service and other service through the Internet, and then they do not need to rely on their relatives any more. However, living alone does not mean that one is totally detached from society. It may not challenging for some introverted people, like Otaku in Japanese, to stay at home for even a month without going out, but it may be difficult for them to have no access to social websites for a single day. The popularity of social platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, actually enables users to communicate with each other online, which actually reflects that people may live an independent life on the surface, but their social ties are maintained and even stronger.




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