






Forget Cheat Day and Get Lucky –Conrad』s Amazing Loser Journey 沒有放縱日,才會有幸運日,Conrad的牛逼減肥之旅

· Name: Conrad Tayeri

· Height: 6』0″ (182cm)

· Job: Real Estate Financial 地產公司財務

· Age: 24歲

· Location: Portland, Oregon, USA 美國俄勒岡波特蘭(開拓者隊LOL)

· Highest weight: 380lbs (172kg)最高值

· Lowest weight: 216lbs (97kg)最低值

We must thank Conrad for his patience, as MAN v FAT hasbeen sitting on his story for so long now that some of the above information isalmost certainly out of date. For example, when last we spoke, he informed usof his intention to keep cutting his weight, with a target of 200lbs in mind.Hopefully, Conrad will be on hand to give us an update of his current weight on Talk,along with a possible confirmation that he is now aged 34 and living on MoonBase 5. That』s not on the moon, it』s just the name of a new housing developmentin Portland.


Conrad, Portlandis known as the capital of hipster culture; did you employ a suitably new age approach to your weight loss?波特蘭是一個hipster文化盛行的城市,你減肥成功是否用了什麼新的方法?

For the first year I did keto. My trainer and friend Kenny Nguyen wrote me abreakdown of what I needed to eat calorie, protein, and fat wise. Iwent to the gym every single day. I weighed every meal, counted every calorie.If I wasn』t 1,000% sure what was in the food, I didn』t eat it. I trackedeverything, I didn』t have any cheat days; as my trainer always said: 「Thefirst 23 years was your cheat day.」 I was strict and never cheated, becauseI knew that would make me weaker.

第一年,我嘗試生酮食療法(Ketogenic food therapy),我訓練師們告訴我應該聰明的進食卡路里,蛋白質,脂肪,我每天都去健身房,計算卡路里,從不吃不明食物,從來沒有任何放縱日,我的訓練師說過,過去的三十年都是你的放縱日,我非常清楚放縱日只會消弱我鬥志。

Did you get any of the side effects that are supposed to go along with keto, such as 「metal breath」? Keto有沒有什麼副作用,比如說,丙酮味口臭?

I did get metal breath slightly, but I always carried around sugar-free mints ormouth wash to cover it up. I was also tired a lot, especially near the end. I』mnot sure if that was the calorie-cutting or the lack of carbs though.


Could you give us a typical example of whatyou ate over the course of an average day?簡單介紹每天都吃點啥吧?

Iliterally ate the same things every day, basically, for a year. I』m serious. Iate eggs, salads, chicken, and bacon every day. It made things simple to keeptrack of and easy to make. I needed to teach my body that food was a tool andnot a treat.


We really admire your approach with the food – how didyou deal with the boredom of eating the same things over and over? Do you thinkthat this would be sustainable long-term or would you add different things backin? Was there anything you missed?你太牛掰了,你怎麼做到每天能吃一樣的食物,你覺得你長期可以做到嗎?還是過段時間你就會吃點其他的?你會饞其他的食物嗎?

Iwould treat myself with Buffalo Wild Wings, or a salad from Chipotle every oncein a while but besides that I just dealt with the boredom of eating the samething. And in my mind it wasn』t a 「long term」 thing, it was doing and eatingwhatever I need to achieve my goal – if it took five years then I would haveeaten the same thing for five years. The only time I added things back in waswhen I started to bulk and I was eating carbs again. And I only started to misscarbs when I knew I was close to my goal, besides that I just missed not beingtired.


Why did you get to the position where you needed to losethat weight? 是什麼激勵你想要減肥這麼多?

WhenI was a kid my father owned a deli and I ate whatever and whenever I wanted.When I entered foster care at age 12 I lost a lot of weight, because the fosterparents I had watched my diet and made me go outside. I always was an athletickid, even when I was fat, but I just ate so bad. I left foster care at age 13and moved back in with my dad, then I just gained crazy weight again. Afterhigh school I worked for Pizza Hut and that』s when I hit my biggest number,380lbs. It was a fat man』s dream, free pizza 24/7.


What made you decide to change? 是什麼讓你決定改變?

Twothings made me want to change. First was when I attended a pearl jam concert atage 22 or 23 and I couldn』t fit into the chair at the stadium. It was one ofthe most embarrassing moments of my life. Second, I wanted to start gettinglaid, and hot chicks don』t like fat guys. It』s hard to hear but I realized itand wanted to change that. I was getting denied by women at every turn,and as much as we want to think it, personality doesn』t go all the way. LOOKSDO MATTER. I was looked at for being so big, I hated standing near childrenbecause I feared they were going to call me fat because as we know, kids haveno filter.


Did you take inspiration from anyone in particular?你從某個特別的人那裡得到過激勵嗎?

Oneof my friends got into lifting and got went from 5』3″, 90lbs of skin and boneto 134lbs of pure muscle, no joke. And I was 『mirin』 hard. After a few years ofsee him change and basically look like a different person I got inspired, Iwanted to make the same change. And with his help, and the help of my trainerKenny Nguyen, I did.


Everytime someone compliments me on working out or losing weight I bring Kenny up. Ifor sure couldn』t have done any of this without him pushing me. If he wasn』there to help me, I』d probably be 400+lbs by now. Many people try to give meadvice or suggestions, but if Kenny doesn』t give the approval then I don』t doit. I try to tell him every so often how much he』s helped me but it』s difficultbecause we』re guys and have known each other for so long.


I have to give thanks to my older brother Andrew for making me dinners andweighing food for me when I didn』t have time or energy, and thanks to my friendMarc, who came out as a homosexual around the time when I started lifting. Hiscourage really helped me believe I could be a better person.


How was the journey? Straight-forward or were there a few plateaus along the way? 整個減肥歷程中有沒有停滯期?

I was losing weight at a solid rate throughout my diet. During keto it was from2-5lbs a week. After I hit 217lbs the first time, I did a slow bulk of about2lbs a week. Once I hit 240ish I decided to cut again and now I』m losing about2lbs a week on a strict Marco and calorie counting diet.


What surprised you about losing weight?減肥給你帶來什麼驚喜?

Howmuch life changes. And for me it took under two years to change my life180 degrees. Sometimes it』ll take longer, or shorter for some people but nomatter what I suggest everyone does it. 生活變化大,對我來說,兩年之後,我的生活完全改變了,有的人花時間長,有的人短,但是不管怎樣?我覺得人人都要嘗試下,簡直美呆了。(現在的他是這樣子的,渾身肌肉,能看出腹部皮膚比較鬆弛,但是沒有想像的那麼恐怖)

How has life changed now you』ve lost the weight?減肥後生活最大的變化是什麼?

Ihave a ton more confidence compared to before. I』m eager to do more, gooutside, play sports, talk to people. I feel more relaxed around woman and Ialso can walk up stairs without feeling like death is on my back.


You』re mayor of Portlandfor the day, what one law do you bring in to help others who are obese? 如果你是波特蘭的市長,你會給胖紙帶來什麼樣的新法律嗎?

Thisis going to sound harsh, but anyone over a certain body fat percentage isrequired to go the the gym and eat right.


What three things do other fat men need to know aboutlosing weight? 有關減肥,胖紙應該知道的三件事?

1. Having cheat meals ordays are never worth it. You feel like crap after. 放縱日和放縱餐太不划算了,吃完之後你會感覺屎透了。

2. Buy a food scale. You』realways eating more than you think.買個稱吧,你總是比你想像的吃得多

3. Just get it done, thesooner you start, the sooner you』ll become the person you want to be.不要猶豫,現在就開始吧,越快越早成為你想要的那個人。


Cheat day,放縱日,減肥者每隔一段時間讓自己放縱一次,隨便吃,隨便睡。

Hipster 通常指獨立音樂和獨立電影的消費者。他們其中許多人比較休閑的工作在城市的文化娛樂工業邊緣。該詞有時也帶有諷刺的含義,指時尚人士抄襲了多種後朋克和嬉皮文化的穿著裝備和飾物,卻拒絕或否認那些文化所代表的社會/政治主張。

Ketogenicfood therapy,生酮食療法,是一種利用高脂、低糖食物治療神經系統疾病的方法。它會「誘使」人的身體處於一種飢餓狀態,促使人體通過燃燒脂肪來產生能量,而不是燃燒碳水化合物。在這樣的代謝過程中,丙酮類物質會大量產生,「安撫」諸如癲癇類的神經系統疾病。

Metal breath,Acetone Breath, When you are in ketosis. This can result from diabetes. OR if youare on a high protein diet, like the Atkins diet. It is a sign you are burningyour fat. However, the Atkins diet has been shown to be inadvisable and doesnot even really induce ketosis. In fact, any weight loss is more-so the simplefact that protein is more filling than carbs, sugars, and fats. Not healthyeither.


Getting laid,與某某上床,發生關係






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