歐天吧的狗 @戴克斯特 都跑到知乎上來了,趕緊回你們歐天吧去造作吧,不要在這裡丟人現眼。抓馬queen 狗die吧!接下來我來試圖還原事情真相1.牛本山早準備演小品的,結果主辦方在《友誼天長地久》對嘴完成後,想繼續讓牛本山唱歌,並毫無預料的把音樂放出來了,牛本山表示不接受,果斷丟掉耳返,拒絕演唱,繼續表演小品,並在完成表演後表述「It is what it is」以及「couldnt be better」扭頭就走,並於2017年年初開啟歐美娛樂圈第一撕「Shit happens」,然後祝福全世界人民新年快樂。2.DCP團隊隨後撕牛本山團隊不綵排,不檢查,耍大牌【之後有人民群眾指出牛本山居然綵排了兩輪】
4.DCP在撕逼擔當的公開撕逼中,也公開回應說他們是專業的,不可能專門的撕牛本山。5.牛本山為了明年還能繼續演小品,也公開回應相信DCP是專業的,不過以後不會再相信自己團隊以外的團隊了。意思是小品繼續演,但是以後要我演小品得我來carry全場!綜上:牛本山本來就是演小品的,lipsyn與否,playback與否都無關,牛本山根本不care,「I cant see you,I cant hear you,you dont exist to me」!根本不存在接唱、假唱,也就不存在好看與不好看。 @戴克斯特 可以回歐天吧了。下面轉CNN的描述,可看看美國官媒如何描述的。CNN: 如何避免Mariah Carey出現的狀況 ( 信息來源微信公眾號:iMariahCarey)
How to avoid a Mariah Carey meltdown
(CNN) Every day cyber bullies choose a new victim, and today they selected singer Mariah Carey. While performing live Saturday on ABCs "Dick Clarks New Years Rockin Eve with Ryan Seacrest," she had a public meltdown on stage.
Carey, a five-time Grammy winner and one of the top selling recording artists of all time, was the final act before the ball drop at midnight. Instead of witnessing the pop superstar usher in 2017 on a high note, viewers saw Carey in the middle of a technological breakdown.
Ultimately, after trying to push through several frustrating and awkward songs, she said, "It just doesnt get any better," and stormed off the stage.
And while I dont know what caused the technological issues, I do know that if you are one of the people making fun of Carey today, you likely dont do much public speaking or performing.
I am a public speaker for a living. And I know there is nothing worse than experiencing a technological breakdown in the middle of a live performance. I dont care if you are Mariah Carey or you are just presenting an idea for a new fundraiser to your local school board or church council. When you find yourself standing in front of an audience -- with a broken projector, a crashed computer, a video that wont load or a PowerPoint thats not working -- its a nightmare.
Time suddenly stops. Your heart races. You feel a mixture of vulnerability, frustration and embarrassment all at once. And your thoughts only compound the issue. Your focus immediately goes to whats wrong, and you can no longer remember your carefully rehearsed remarks.
At one point or another, each of us will experience this terrifying sensation. And while it is unavoidable, there are several ways we can reclaim focus and take control of the situation. Carey almost succeeded. She almost made it through, but she just missed the very last (and hardest) step — assuming full control by winging it.
So here are a set of steps to consider when faced with a similar predicament:
1. Take a breath
When Carey realized that the songs were not playing as they should, she paused, breathed and surveyed the extent of the damage.
And you can do that too. Remember, the audience has no idea what is supposed to happen. If you find yourself in the middle of a sales pitch or presenting a project in front of a class and you cant remember a detail, take a breath and remind yourself that only you know what is "supposed" to happen.
If you change mid-stream or if you leave something out, there is a good chance no one will notice. Most problems resolve themselves within a few seconds, so take that deep breath. It will help you stay calm and give the issue a chance to heal.
2. Tell the audience theres a problem
If you find the problem becoming a persistent issue, inform the audience. Notice, thats exactly what Mariah did. She told the audience, "We cant hear," acknowledging a technological issue she, herself, could not resolve. If she had made a joke about the situation, it would have been even better.
Talking about the problem accomplishes three goals. First, it humanizes you and puts the audience on your side because they immediately feel bad that you are dealing with this issue. Second, it calms your mind to talk about it -- rather than simply think about it. Third, if there is an audiovisual team or a larger production team (as was the case with Carey), it alerts them to the issue immediately.
3. Keep going
Next, do your best to just keep going, despite the broken clicker, buffering video or issue with the lights. Carey did that as well. She told the audience, "Well just sing." And even as she missed some of the lyrics and struggled to keep up with the pre-recorded version, she acknowledged the issue and pushed forward saying, "Were missing some of the vocals, but it is what it is." And as ABC started cutting to shots of the crowd, rather than Carey, she suggested fixes. But in the end, ABC couldnt pull it together.
Carey was alone, in the dark and disconnected from the show. Thats ABCs fault, not hers, and she deserved credit for daring to keep going.
4. Abandon Plan A and assume control by winging it
This is the one thing Carey failed to do. After several failed attempts, she walked off stage. But she could have reclaimed control. She could have stepped to the center of the stage and simply winged it. Carey could have pulled out her earpiece, told ABC to cut the technology and clear the stage, and sang the last song a cappella style.
Of course, this wouldnt have been easy to do. It requires a level of self-monitoring and control that is particularly difficult to summon in a moment of intense stress. But it is possible.
And while the performance may not have been perfect, it would have demonstrated grit, commitment and control — characteristics that would have endeared Carey to her audience, more so than any song she could sing.
So when all else fails, embrace Plan B and improvise.
Mel Robbins is a CNN commentator, legal analyst, best-selling author and keynote speaker. She also is a contributing editor for Success magazine. In 2014, she was named outstanding news talk-radio host by the Gracie Awards. The opinions expressed in this commentary are hers.
超級碗——珍妮 事業正當紅,沒出現什麼低谷或者什麼,都是很平穩的過渡,粉絲基礎應該來說還是沒有完全打穩。所以這事件給她造成的打擊絕對是堪比911那時給牛姐的打擊的。也就是牆倒眾人推。
瀏覽過歐天吧,真不知道存在的意義是什麼,估計也就是一群初中生秀智商的在嘩眾取寵吧(逃她倒嗓,戀情變故,事業Flop,但是有些人就是值得尊敬。因為很多的歌手靠浮誇華麗的編曲和為求搏出位的歌詞來吸引受眾的時候,MC只靠一把嗓子就能出一張五星專輯。希望MC能在2017soon出一張專輯,也希望Sweet sweet fantasy能來華開演唱會,我一定會去的。小鮮肉小花們如流水,但是唱片工業的巨星卻是真真鐵打的。還有像什麼MC、惠特尼、MJ、麥當娜、布蘭妮這樣的唱片時代的巨星,就不要質疑人家的地位來秀自己智商了,和他們能常青樹一樣不衰的現在的所謂鮮肉小花可真沒有。關於牛姐假唱的各種新聞一直有,牛姐年紀大加上年輕時高負荷的唱高難度的歌曲,嗓音大不如前,狀態非常不穩定,現場也經常降調接唱,但是完全假唱的歌曲少之又少。稍微本質點的牛糞都能在現場里區分真唱接唱的片段,因為牛姐假唱的演技實在是太差了!但是關於跨年事故,官方有解釋,而且現場視頻也有證據,當然不能說完全可信,但是歐美天后loser就不要出來亂咬人了。第一首歌首先難度不是特別大,即使現在的牛姐也能hold住,但是後面的拖長音,作為牛糞,覺得還是有可能接唱了的。第二首之前耳返就出了問題,伴舞用大羽毛扇子遮住MC的時候一直在搞牛姐的耳返,視頻里都有,沒有耳返牛姐就開啟了喜劇模式,開始跟大家互動,視頻中有內容,都是一些關於現場出問題了之類的內容跟觀眾解釋。
但是有些黑子說的放錯音樂假唱失敗真的是為了黑而黑,emotions難度之高大家都知道,牛姐嗓子大不如前大家也都知道,近幾年的emotiins牛姐都是降調,躲高音加上各種即興,看過牛姐這幾年現場都知道,可以說是非常車禍了,大家也都接受了這個設定。。。。這時候如果牛姐假唱這首歌,不知道是觀眾傻還是牛姐傻。第三首we belong together 牛姐在現場視頻里已經說是cd版本了,讓大家一起唱了,此時牛姐的臉色已經非常難看了,內心估計也十分崩潰,可是還是要保持微笑:),跟著走過場對口型加上幾個安排好的喜感舞蹈動作。最後乾脆不對口型了,一甩麥克風,視頻中也能明顯看出來不耐煩翻白眼深呼吸這種動作。第三首假唱失敗更是無中生有,牛姐又不是智障,從曾經的接唱現場來說,牛姐不絕對不會用cd版本接唱。。。故意不看現場視頻或者看不懂自己主觀臆測的,只能說要不就是智障要不就是聽不懂裡面的英語。。。其實這種事故出現的頻率也不小。她自己把責任推到主辦方,我覺得勉強吧。但是就算是Janet jackson把責任推到超級碗,美國人也不會原諒她。畢竟,大場合,該做好準備的還是要做好準備是吧。這個耳返有問題,難道mariah大姐之前都不綵排不sound check嗎?當然就更不用說後面wbt的假唱了。。。
TAG:音樂 | 唱歌 | 車禍 | 瑪麗亞·凱莉MariahCarey |