




做電子樂的話(不知道你想做什麼風格),個人建議DAW最好用Ableton Live 配合著官方硬體使用,算是個EDM編曲神器

當然FL Studio的話也可以做的,畢竟有個步進音序器,鼓組比較直觀,對新手蠻友好的。


要直觀的了解一首電子樂的架構的話可以去打開FL Studio 歷代都有自帶的演示工程 Demo song -&>Legacy裡頭有首deadmau5 - Thats Not True (dream electro mix).flp




飛向長坑壠-蛋卷, 飛向長坑壠MP3下載,歌詞下載

製作流程,我自己的話,大概就是先定下BPM和這首曲的調式,DRUMS → 調音色→ BASS → PAD →Synth Lead之類的 → FX → INTRO、OUTRO → 效果器 → 混縮 → 母帶




1. Coming up with a melody

2. Playing with the chords, and trying to add stuffs to fill it up

3. Doing the arrangement for the whole song, like intro, breakdown, build up, drop, outro...

4. Carefully going through details, making the song more interesting. Fix small problems.

(Export into separately wav files from soundtracks of mixr for further mixing, I personally suggest doing so, I dont know how, but it indeed makes a difference)

5. Doing channel mixing. Adding EQ, Reverb, Delay, Stereo Enhancer, Exciter/Compressor, Sidechain to make sure that your elements sound right in space and powerful enough. And most importantly , make sure that channels dont fight with each other so that they will sound pretty clean when they all play together.

6. Then it comes to mastering. Before mastering, your track should already sound pretty good and leave enough space for mastering. Mastering isnt magic tricks, it wont help if your track sounds awful itself. iZotope Ozone 7 is one of my most used plugins. We do EQ to make the whole track sound more balanced. We do Maximizer to make our song more loud. And also we use Imager to get a wider sound field.

具體先做什麼也和個人喜好有關,比如Avicii就喜歡先在Keyboard上實驗旋律,然後鍵鼠輸入FL(LOL),配上和弦,然後做整曲的Arrangement,然後細節去mix。而Nicky Romero喜歡Start with the drumloops 先做一個nice kick把鼓loop做好 然後再work on旋律。並且一般專業製作人會有與其合作的混音師母帶師,分軌好後交給他們進行後續處理直到publish

而作為廣大Bedroom Producer, 大多只能自己完成全流程,質量參差不齊。祝大家早日脫離Bedroom Producer的行列。


音樂人是不是要改觀對fl studio的刻板印象?

TAG:電子音樂 | FLStudio |