為什麼上世紀保衛同性戀權益時口號為gay rights,而不是lesbian或homo rights?

如在Milk電影中,口號為"gay rights back"

  美國最早期的同運,在60年代,不論女男同性戀統稱Gay。Gay最早是指快樂的,後來妓女們被稱Gay Woman,在早期性激進派的影響下這個詞陰差陽錯被用來指代同性戀。性激進派有很多現在看起來出格的話語,例如Queer這個詞是怪異的意思,當時人們用來罵同性戀,意思就是「變態」。然後當時的性激進派怎麼做的呢?你罵我是變態?對的,我們就是變態(Queer)。

  所以說,酷兒(Queer)的意思就是變態,酷兒理論(變態理論)發源於此,翻譯成酷兒,後來翻譯成「同志」已經喪失其原有的歷史意義和內涵了。《同志亦凡人(Queer As Folk)》其實更貼切的翻譯是「變態也是人」,所以這個電視劇就在名字上給了美國觀眾巨大的視覺衝擊力,翻譯成酷兒或是同志已經違背了話語建構的歷史意義和能動性了。



  朱莉婭·佩內洛普(Julia Penelope)寫於1974年的文章——《女同性戀分離主義》(Lesbian Separatism)說:「退出男同性戀(Gay)組織是建立女同性戀身分的第一步,同時也是邁向建立女同性戀社群的一步。」〔見:柯采新(Cheshire Calhoun)(張娟芬譯)《女同出走》(女書文化),頁312-313。〕女同性戀全面撤出(男)同性戀運動,建立了自己的獨立身份,綜上所述,女權主義是女同性戀之母。

  由於同運(同性戀運動)中普遍存在的「男同性戀沙文主義」傾向,使得女同性戀者們越來越感到不滿。「比利提斯的女兒」(Daughters of Bilitis,美國早期重要的女同性戀組織)的創始人之戴爾·馬丁(Del Martin),在1970年撰文聲明與同性戀運動分道揚鑣,繼而擁抱與女權主義理論和運動的結盟。

  女同性戀組織領袖馬丁當時撰寫了一篇聲明《別了,我疏遠的兄弟們》(Goodbye, My Alienated Brothers),指責當時的同性戀平權運動由男性及男性的「兄弟情誼」(brotherhood)為主導, 十五年來都在忽視和排斥女性的訴求,而她們在同性戀運動社群中找不到的「接受、平等、愛與友誼」,正可以在女權主義運動中找到。(Martin 1970) 她的聲明代表了一群在同性戀運動中發現自己被忽視和噤聲的失望的女同性戀者,她們在女權主義中找到了同盟,因為女權主義恰恰強調女性在整個社會環境中的被忽視和噤聲的地位;在女權主義陣營里,不同性取向的女性可以共同反對於女性的壓迫,尋求女性的獨立自主與政治聲音。

  在戴爾·馬丁(Del Martin)和菲利斯.萊昂(Phyuis Lyon)的領導下的早期著名女同性戀組織——「比利蒂斯的女兒」(Daughter of Bilitis),名字來源於由古希臘著名女同性戀詩人薩福(古希臘文:Σαπφ?;拉丁化:Sappho,約前630或者612~約前592或者560)一首詩改寫的色情詩。


  用法問題:在同運組織里,一定注意要用LGBT,不然會被認為有同性戀分離主義傾向。在女同性戀組織里,尤其是女同性戀女權組織,注意不要用Gay Woman,會被認為有男同性戀沙文主義傾向。homosexual一詞不常用,因其是從精神病學而來,因此遭到污名化,通常只有在涉及醫學的文章中出現。

當gay說gay rights的時候,他們真的只是在說gay rights。

Gay culture has been the subculture because of the
depression of the mainstream culture. Gays think a person"s sexual orientation
should be respected. No matter what a person"s sexual orientation is, he should
enjoy equal rights in law and value. Homosexuality is a challenge to
traditional moral values. Meanwhile in particular, it has a heavy impact on
today"s family ethics. Homosexuality is a social problem, not a personal
problem. Gay-Rights Movement tries to tell people that homosexuality is only a
kind of human nature, which is not twisted inside, and people should give them
equal rights and enough respect.

In the United
States, followed by a few years after the
end of World War II, there were some gay rights movements. During this time, Alfred
C. Kinsey published Sexual behaviors in
the Human Male,
which is the first book gives a scientific view on the
topic. Through a large number of studies, the author published a startling
assertion: about 10% of the population of is gay. This assertion directly reversed
the popular notion at that time. Before the book published, gay usually did not
become a topic of discussion. But after it published, gay topic began to appear
in some publications, even as Time
Magazine, Life Magazine
, etc.

Although gay topic came into a mainstream magazine"s
discussion, until the 1960』s, the consciousness of social or legal of gay has changed
after the "sexual revolution" in the 1960s. This is a period of many
social fields have marvelous changes, including sex. From 1950』s to 1960』s,
along with the development of the gay community, the popularity of gay bars,
and gay identity beginning to deepens, gays started to be discontent with being
seen as social "homeless" and be tired of the "offenders"
status. Before the late 1960』s, however, they were still only a few social

The stonewall riots of 1969 is considered to be the beginning
of the modern gay movement. There was a movement which started by a large-scale
organized gays asking for legal status, the social identity and equality. After
that, more and more movements are marching on.

Today, people in the United States set up public welfare
institutions. The institutions assured them far from harm and discrimination. They
have described the voice as the essence of human rights. One of the most
influential gay Rights groups in the United States is called the "Human
Rights Campaign". Other Gay rights groups including " National Gay
and Lesbian Task force,NGLTF " "Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays,PFLAG" and "Gay
and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD".

In terms of culture, a similar change is undergoing. There
are more positive and realistic gay characters on TV and movies. Such as movie
"Brokeback Mountain"
which is an American romantic drama released to the public on December 9, 2005
in the United States.
It is an adaptation of Anne patriot"s short story. The director comes from China named Li
An. Hollywood movie star Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger, Michelle Williams and
Anne Hathaway acted the leading role. The film tells the story happed in Wyoming from 1963 to
1981, and depicts the complex love and sex relationship between two men. The
film won the Golden Lion at the Venice
film festival, and eight nominations in the 78th annual Academy Awards, including
the best director, best adapted screenplay and best soundtrack three awards.
The film formed a worldwide cultural phenomenon, and had broad influence on the
academic, fashion and country music, even other areas of the different culture.
The film has caused big discussion on same-sex love in the society. Another
example is Angels in America,
which is the best and the most bizarre gay TV mini series released by HBO. It is
a big gay anthem collected many European and American film stars. This series
were invested in a total of $60 million. The series were 6 hours long and were divided
into six independent chapters, which mean a real big on U.S. television
history. In the 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards ,the series were awarded five awards,
including best heavyweight TV film awards. In the same year in the Amy TV award
in the United States,
the series won 11 awards at a stroke, which became the biggest winner. This
series were adapted from the stage. The content is quite complex, involving
politics, pop culture, homosexuality, AIDS, religion, the American dream, and
many other elements. The original script had a subtitle "A Gay Fantasia on
National Themes ". HBO removed the subtitle in the adaptation. In addition,
the original author Kush is a gay himself. He
is a radical, who announced marriage with his gay lover as early as 2003.This
act revealed his contempt and ridicule to the constitution of the United States
and conservative religious and political snobbish people. The story of the play
began in 1986 in New York.
At this time, the cold war was not over. The new U.S. President Ronald Reagan who
presented the conservative political power put an end to the Roosevelt"s
"New Deal" policy. In the society, the first of the AIDS pandemic
panic began to flood in the gay circle. The play was concentrated to gay this
central issue, and launched a depiction of American society panorama at that
time: gay and straight, Republicans and Democrats, Jews and Mormons, politicians
and lawyers, husband and wife, white and black... The United States was
stirred into the vortex under the wheel of time, and things have gone too far
too big, not only in the world, also in the heaven, even the Angels descent to
dig up...

Gay novel is one of the important literary styles of
pop culture. Gay novels on current network classification is divided into eight
categories such as gay novels, middle-aged gay novels, old gay novels, flaming
gay novels, military police gay novels, campus gay novels, LES novels, bisexual
novels, etc.. This type of popular literature has become an inevitable
phenomenon. 「Nie Zi " is the
only novel written by Bai Xianyong who is Taiwan contemporary Chinese
literary writer. The novel uses the first person narration, and focuses on the
joy and sorrow of a gay community in Taipei.
The protagonists in the book are gay teenagers, who are exquisite. Bai Xianyong
describes their experience abandoned by society and family, suffering tortuous
journey and unknown life. The novel conveys conflicts between two generations
due to same-sex desire, and looks forward to understanding and communication of
high social acceptance. As Bai Xianyong(2003) puts it: "For me, the
writing of literature is the reflection of human nature and human feelings.
Homosexuality is human feelings, which is a part of human nature. If we ignore
this part, the human nature is not complete. Gay transcends race, class,
culture, and times. It is always a minority part, but it does exist. Due to be
a few of people"s feelings, the distortion of them is contrary to human nature,
which is not literature. Literary depicts the human nature. Human nature has a
bright side of a good, and also has a dark, terrible side. No matter which side,
literature should give full attention to. "As a gay writer, Bai Xianyong
is familiar with the emotional characteristics of the world of gay .He is also
the most experienced and naturally has a say. His different orientation deviating
from most people makes the works of Bai Xianyong"s gay novels full of different
colors and profound emotional experience. In Chinese literature " Nie Zi "is also the first text of
gay and lesbian writing, which makes its status and significance is important.
Although "Nie Zi" is not
the first article writing gay characters in the novel in Taiwan literature,
it is the first long novel on the subject of gay life. Its skill is excellent, and
emotion is sincere. Finally it has drawn great attention of the literary arena.
The novel reveals the origin of human pain, and shows a gay culture rising from
long ago which continues today. Television series 「Nie Zi " broadcast in 2003, which adapted from the original
novel of the same name according to the writer Bai Xianyong. The show won the
2004 Golden Bell TV drama series award, series actress award, series audio
award, lighting award, director award, art director award. Its soundtrack
"Fan Zongpei and Nie Zi" won the 15th golden melody award works of
popular music class "award for best play pop music album".

More and more celebrities dare to admit that he or she
is gay or lesbian. They begin to take an active part in the gay movement .A-mei
Chang, a pop singer, is the ambassador of
gay pride parade in Taipei, and also the ambassador of the eighth
rainbow; Her song named rainbow is the theme song of the 10th Taipei gay pride
. He Yunshi is also a singer of Hong Kong star,
who took part in "comrade is dare" parade. Accompanied by the record
company and the 4000 marchers, parents, friends, at the top of the stage she
cried, "I am a gay". He Yunshi became the first singer admitted her
different sex orientation in Hong Kong.

More and more gays use parades or other activities to
strive for their rights, to make sure their voice can be heard. According to Taiwan media reported, Taiwan"s gay pride parade 2015 was held in Taipei on 31, March. They
hoped the presidential elections next year would legalize same-sex marriage. The
parade did not set age limits and invited everyone to think about how to break
gender boundaries. According to organizers, the event attracted nearly 80000
people from around the world, and nearly 2000 people from mainland China. The
first parade held in 2003 and continued until now. Les cup lesbian movement is
the gay games also took place in Taiwan, which started by lala
information push studio, and later sponsored by Lescircle. And then the game is
organized by different communities to undertake each year. It can be held in
summer and in winter. From 1996 to 2007, activities held 11 times. Activities were
mainly through the network application, and held in the private places .But the
fifth summer cup and second in Taipei
jointly to the expansion of the festival for the rainbow games.

As the gay rights movement moving on, their voice can
be heard through a lot of approaches. People now have more tolerance and
respect to gay. Let us look at a few examples: The United Nations postal
administration issued the stamp of color series and advocated protect lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender rights. This is part of the "freedom and
equality" campaign. 「We need to change attitudes to one of acceptance,」
said Stephen Cutts(2016), who is the UN assistant secretary general. Another
example came after the Irish referendum that the first gay couple married. Also,
The US Supreme Court has admitted that same-sex marriage is a legal right
across the United States.
In China, In January 2016, due
to apply for marriage was blocked by the ministry of civil affairs; gays Mr.
Sun from Beijing
appealed the ministry of civil affairs. This is the first case in China related
to gay marriage rights. People"s court accepted the lawsuit. The case itself
has public meaning and typicality, "whether win or not, the case should be
in history」 the plaintiff Shi Fulong(2016) said. These examples above
illustrate the international and domestic attitude to gay rights has progressed.

In China,
the famous sociologist Li Yinhe, who is the Chinese contemporary writer Wang
Xiaobo"s wife strives for gay rights. Li Yinhe always focus on homosexuality
and homosexual groups.Her research content covers sociology, law, medicine and
other fields these years. She has put forward two sessions of same-sex marriage
legislative proposals to The People』s Congress. She did a study to check
people』s attitude toward homosexuality. The study found that the Chinese public
acceptance of gays is quite high. The reason may be that there is no universal
religion, which is the main reason for the western gay discrimination. Western
public opinion is more polarized, accepted completely or rejected completely.
In the contrary, the Chinese public attitude obeys the doctrine of the mean. At
the same time, in our country city life, gay and lesbian visibility is quite
low. Although there are quite a number of people think gay is wrong, they will
also have friends who don"t agree with his sexual http://orientation.In addition, the
proportion of this attitude is much more than 39% of Hong
Kong. There are half of the surveyed against gays being as
teachers, which reflecting the severity of homophobia and discrimination
against gay .But on the equal employment opportunity, gay rights have the
support of 91% of the people, only a few were against it. On the issue of gay
equality, the right of equal employment is a social concept of the human
advanced civilization. Meanwhile, although most people approve of gay film and
television works, in the opinion of gay marriage legislation of China, people』s
attitude is more conservative. Less than thirty percent of people approve of gay
marriage, seventy percent of people are against of it. Li Yinhe also points out
that the factors that affect the public attitude toward homosexuality. The high
age, professional status, unmarried, high income, high education degree , the
urban residents, higher family status
show higher tolerance of gay rights and respect together; On the contrary, the
low age, occupational status, married, the low degree of education, the rural
residents, low family status show intolerant attitude towards homosexuality and
discrimination attitude towards homosexuality. Li Yinhe(2014) said: 「I admit to
be a heterosexual here, but I am just stating a fact. I do not feel so normal
than gay or morally superior to them. Because, in my opinion, homosexuals and
heterosexuals are the same normal, and also are completely equal in personality.」
At the same time, Li Yinhe pointed that in the spread of HIV, the gay
population takes a very important part. Some foreign gay only have gay sex, and
they do not have heterosexual sex. In our country, due to different cultural
tradition and social ideas, gays and lesbians also have their own family. They
often have both same-sex relationships and heterosexual relationships. This
situation brings very great difficulty to HIV/AIDS prevention and control in
our country. Rectal mucous membrane organization is very easy to damage, which
is why gay sex infection risk bigger than the opposite sex.

Homosexuality as a minority group has experienced many
protests until now. In an era of diversity, in addition to gay, there are a lot
of other minority groups, the progress of our society might reflect on the
tolerance of various minority groups, prejudice to reduce the majority group of
violence. Today we are living in an era of much more fortunate, when we begin
to learn to tolerate all kinds of anomalies. Gay as a kind of subculture has
its unique characteristics different from mainstream culture and has a unique
code of conduct, which worth further research.


[1] Alfred C. Kinsey, 1948, Sexual
behaviors in the Human Male
W.B. Saunders Co. Ltd.,

[2] Beilharz, P. Hogan, T, Social
Self, 2002, Global Culture: an
Introduction to Sociological Ideas
: Oxford
University Press, New York

[3] Cass, V. C. 1984, Homosexual Identity Formation: Testing a Theoretical Model. The
Journal of Sex Research.

[4] Dyer,
R. 1993, The Matter of images: essays on
, Routledge.London.

[5] Gudykunst,
William B. 2007, Cross-cultural and
intercultural communication
:Shanghai foreign
language education press, Shanghai.

[6] Peterson,
VS.and Runyan, A.S, 1993, Global Gender
, Westvew Press.

[7] Richard
Troiden, 1988 Gay and Lesbian Identity: A
Sociology Analysis,
General Hall,
New York.

[8] Song
Hwee Lim,Celluloid Comrades2006,Representations
of Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas
, University of Hawaii
Press, Honolulu.

[9] Li Yinhe. 1998, Gay and Lesbian Subculture: Today"s China publishing house

[10] Li Yinhe, 2006, Li Yinhe Said Sex: Heilongjiang:
Northern Literature and Art Publishing House.

[11] Maria
Pramaggiore, 1997, Fishing for Girls:
Romancing Lesbians in New Queer Cinema
. College Literature, West Chester

[12] Peng Wei, 2006, Domestic Media Reported Gay Status Quo Analysis: Journal of Youth

[13] Susan
Sontag, 1982,"Notes on " Camp""
in Against Interpretation and Other Essays
, Octagon Books,New York:

[14] Tyson,
Lois, 1999, Critical Theory Today: A
User-Friendly Guide,
Garland Publishing, Inc.

[15] Zheng Yiyong, 2006, Sentimental Journey - the Development of
the Western Gay Movie
: Outside World Film.



相比之下Lesbian太複雜,而且gay好像是泛指同性戀而les是專指女同性戀(這裡保留一下,gay woman/gay man之類的我不確定是不是近年來才有的用法),而Homo嘴沒張開,發音不夠「強力」……




而且無論是單獨拉出來用還是放在一句話之後附加上,比如За родину/За победу之後接個Ура,比如天鬧黑卡之後接個板載,都有著強烈的激勵效果。

甚至對於一般人來說念起來比較拗口的「Allah Akbar」在實際使用時也有簡化成「Allah」直接用的。

再用這個原則套一下三個片語,也就是gay right最順嘴最好喊最大力……



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