題主的問題可能是由於聲源離測試材料太近或者麥克風離聲源太近造成的。麥克風需要多選幾個位置, ISO 140里有推薦一些聲源和麥克風的設置,我複製粘貼幾段:
- Place the loudspeaker enclosure so as to give a sound field as diffuse as possible and at such a distance from the separating element and the flanking elements influencing the sound transmission that the direct radiation upon them is not dominant.
- Microphone positions:The following are minimum separating distances:
- 0,7 m between microphone positions;
- 0,5 m between any microphone position and room boundaries or diffusers;
- 1,0 m between any microphone position and the sound source.
- NOTE Greater separating distances should be used wherever possible.
- Ensure that the microphone positions are outside the direct sound field of the source. Each fixed microphone position shall lie outside the region in which levels decrease significantly with distance from the source.
- Guidance on the selection of optimum source positions
- The suitability of source positions also depends on the radiation characteristic of the loudspeaker as well as on the microphone positions (or the microphone path in the case of a moving microphone).
- The distance between different loudspeaker positions shall be not less than 0,7 m.
- At least two positions shall be not less than 1,4 m apart.
- The distance between the room boundaries and the source center shall be not less than 0,5 m.
- Different loudspeaker positions shall not be located within the same planes parallel to the room boundaries.
- Deviating from the above-mentioned requirements concerning the distance between the room boundaries and the source, especially in small rooms it is often of advantage for the practical execution of the measurements to use loudspeaker positions in the corners of the source room. Take special care with regard to possible influence on the flanking transmission and with regard to unwanted increase of level fluctuations in the source room.
兩個混響室測隔聲基於 ISO 140 - Part 3: Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of
building elements. 我們需要測量的是傳入receiving room的聲功率,如果receiving room是假設擴散場的混響室,我們可以測量平均聲壓和吸聲面積,通過入射和吸收的聲能量平衡來計算入射功率。我想receiving room用消聲室也可以。但需要聲強計在包圍隔聲材料的表面做積分,比較麻煩不如用混響室。不知你們是不是這樣測的?我覺得只用一個mic不能測量聲功率,除非是點聲源,但隔聲材料肯定不是點聲源。手頭只有ISO 140 part 4,沒有part 3,不知裡面有沒有消聲室的內容,歡迎交流!雙混響室測隔聲是大部分建築隔聲材料測量採用的方法。是建立在兩個房間都滿足擴散聲場的前提下分別測量聲壓級表徵聲功率,由於實際與理想的差距,復現性差一點。
回到題主問題:你說的其實可能是可以接受,建議認真看看gbt 19889.1和19889.3兩部分標準,再重新做一下實驗。
兩個混響室測隔聲?你們用的哪個標準?我們從來都是聲源混響 Mic放消聲室啊