
這是我學了一個暑假,9月12號考的分數 之前水平就是剛過大學四級的樣子。我現在不想報班學習 想自學。請問該如何規劃自己的學習呢?平常我的課非常多也很多排練。並且我打算考到7後再準備gmat


  1. 聽力必備語料庫:鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVRA2b1
  2. 807辭彙:鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHMC8V8
  3. 閱讀必備539考點詞鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhWbZoG
  4. 三天搞定所有基本語法(寫作必備):鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hsjHudu
  5. 鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kUNq4cB



現在可以找我私人訂製【精確到聽說讀寫各科題型的】 雅思複習計劃 or 作文批改(我不是留學諮詢哈)了,詳情垂詢請加微信:378323590(備註:為了不浪費大家的寶貴時間,1.加我前請抱有明確目的=想好加我做什麼;2.加我後請不要一直保持沉默。謝謝理解!)


第二次更新:缺少的閱讀部分在這裡給大家補上哦!如果你刷題很多遍or精讀到吐血閱讀分數還是上不去,請戳傳送門~雅思閱讀部分如何提高? - 小聰明伴著小糊塗的回答 - 知乎


  1. 單詞書我推薦《雅思辭彙勝經》(梅晗著)(使用你喜歡的背單詞app一樣可以)
  2. 語法書我推薦《語法新思維》(張滿勝著)







劍橋真題5~10 這是最基本的素材了。基礎非常好的同學或者是英語專業的同學只要用心刷一遍,應該就有 6.5了吧。


  1. 《王陸語料庫》
  2. 《聽見英國》(朗易思聽資源上的)


  1. 《新平型閱讀法》
  2. 《閱讀真經總綱》劉洪波
  3. 劉洪波閱讀真經考點詞(網上可以找到)



  1. 《顧家北手把手教你雅思寫作》
  2. 《慎小嶷十天突破雅思寫作》
  3. simon ebook 地址: ielts-simon.com
  4. dominic ielts網站 地址:Free online IELTS preparation with Dominic Cole -
  5. 自己的上課筆記本和總結本,各種本。。。


口語話題總結本和人人網雅思哥 雅思-公共主頁





期間使用的變速軟體tempo slow



這次口語7分完全沒想到,要知道我第一次只有5.5啊。我個人覺得這次的成績是因為我做到了keep talking。加上我適當的肢體語言表情交流以及考官隨和,不緊張等因素,7分到手了~~~


然後自己反覆翻開,張嘴說!張嘴說!張嘴說!重要的話說三遍。很多同學只是記憶他們準備的口語素材,可是就是不張嘴說,雅思口語考察的是英語交流能力,不能光說「腹語」,這一點希望大家尤其注意。我在練習口語部分主要得益於這個網站在線外教一對一 | 阿卡索外教網,跟著外教考前我把自己最不擅長的話題反覆看了一兩遍,並且找了個學妹陪我練習兩個晚上,第二天雖然沒有碰到原題,但是遷移一下依然應付得來。說到遷移,大家在考試的時候可以注意,你要竭盡所能悄無聲息的牽著考官的鼻子走舉個例子:我考part2的時候topic是program,我就順勢在part3第一個問題說到了advertisement,然後就讓part3在這個簡單又老套的話題里乖乖就範了,廣告類是烤鴨們爛熟於心的話題,簡單又好說。所以自然而然keep talking了。做出屬於你自己的口語素材,不要抄別人的!!

提高英語口語最好還是要置身在那個環境中,真實的對話遠遠比低頭準備效果好,如果有條件的話,最好是跟native speaker多說多練,人都會下意識模仿對方的語音語調。




i. 慎小嶷法:第一次考時我精讀了小姨的十天,作者的語言平實幽默,讀起來很輕鬆,這本書的精華前言部分已經說清楚了,大家按照前言部分的用法讀這本書就OK了。書中提到的你「裸奔法」大家可以試試。我主要記憶了小姨總結的短語,根據自己的情況選擇性記憶。當然,我沒有背完,兩次都沒有背完,但是我背的短語來源很廣泛,包括閱讀和口語中的好短語我都積累了,所以從數量上來說不是很少。小姨主張用平實樸素的語言來寫作,我接受這一點,在寫作中貫徹這一點,後來的作文自己讀起來也覺得淺近俗白。小姨書里的範文大家要好好讀一讀,體會行文思路和論證方法。

ii. Simon法:熟讀電子書里的素材,選擇性記憶。(儘可能選擇自己熟悉的或者認為新穎的,對於擴充素材很好)24類話題內容表較多,但基本話題希望大家一定背誦。

iii. 顧家北法:顧家北很主張語法的重要性,全書都貫徹這一點,大家就應該去蕪存菁,著重體會語法的重要性,積累一些易錯的語法知識。顧家北的語言風格和小姨的不太一樣,大家可以有所側重,我把這本書的語法錯誤練習精讀一般,因為我本身語法錯誤就不是特別多,但是寫的快起來就容易犯一些低級錯誤,看過之後我就有意識的規避這些錯誤了。另外,大家可以關注一下顧家北的微博(顧家北的微博_微博),經常有些素材的練習很好。

iv. 精讀精寫法:我大概讀了20篇範文左右,研究作者用詞,語法,論證方法和觀點四個方面,基本符合雅思寫作的四個維度。範文來自雅思哥範文,Simon網站和雅思哥的公益課等等……隨處可見啊。這是我的精讀是這樣的



vi. 第一遍會出現很多問題,然後把這些問題逐一訂正後再重新寫。寫到7分為止,這樣反覆20篇左右涵蓋所有話題之後,考場上至少有6.5的把握了。注意總結自己的寫作錯誤,反覆訂正是這樣的:

小作文大家反覆參考劍橋真題後面的範文和慎小嶷的十天足夠了,尤其是小姨,寫的真的很好很平易近人,大家把每個類型仿寫三篇足夠了,我考試的時候時間很緊張,最後寫的小作文,都沒怎麼用漂亮句子,可見小作文難度真的不大,大家可以參考我的另一篇專門寫小作文的經驗貼,超級詳細哦如何能在兩個月的時間裡,實現考研英語寫作水平的質的提高? - 小聰明伴著小糊塗的回答

別忘了,現在可以找我私人訂製精確到聽說讀寫各科題型的雅思複習計劃及作文批改了,詳情垂詢請加微信:378323590 (特此聲明,我不是商業機構,只是一個正在國外讀書的自認為懂點雅思的老烤鴨)

當你滿懷激動的拿到了UCL,KCL, Sydney的 Conditional Offer 的時候,如果再給你一次機會來改變你的最終雅思分數,你有把握嗎? 雅思考試最煩的是,你的確沒有「把握」 來控制你的分數,這種不確定的感覺和你考高考,考四六級和考數學的確定的感覺有著相差萬里的感覺,很有可能,你滿懷欣喜的走出雅思考場,或者經過焦慮的等待10個工作日之後,再那個神秘的周三的午後,你收到了一封「巔峰」你對自身英文水平認知的郵件,不是寫作是5.5分就是口語是5.5分。

那麼問題來了, 如果時光能倒流,回到半年前,一年前,三年前,你當初就準備考雅思的那一刻,你覺得有哪些「不該走」的路以及「不該做的事情」 ,值得跟後來的小朋友們去分享的呢?



雅思的總分6分並不難,甚至總分的6.5分都不難,但是難點在於同一場考試四門同時考過6分,尤其是寫作和口語同時過6分,對於很多同學開說是 Utopia and impossible mission. 面對抽象的提分問題,首先要學會的就是具體化矛盾,然後細化,一一進行突破,便好。

要注意:答主回答的這個問題不是推薦別人的書,上課經驗等等第三方的東西,也不是推薦某某課程,而是最直接的回答題主的問題: 「如何學習雅思」 而進行的真刀真槍的肉搏回答貼。

1, 首先是最難點寫作該如何突破---《從5分到7分》 :


鏈接:雅思寫作五次5.5怎麼破? - 李威廉老師的回答



作為一個理性的雅思考試分析者來看,雅思的總分過6.5分,甚至7分並不難,而難點就在於, 在同一場考試中,四門同時過6分,更不用說同時過7分了。(各位是不是都吃過虧);

那麼如何在同一場考試中,保持穩定的同時的考過四個6分(或者四個7分呢?)seems to be more of a real challenge ! 其中最關鍵的就是寫作和口語同時考過,本回答主要來討論一下寫作的提分問題。

(答主私人微信號:Liweilianlaoshi, 需要轉載請聯繫我稿費事宜,本人長期諮詢留學考試輔導和留學申請指導,長期在知乎解答問題)


一, 6分以內提高到6分:


STEP ONE:語法問題:




1, Talking too much but doing too few gives rise to make others a
terrible impression.

正確形式:Talking too much but doing too few
gives rise to a terrible impression.

錯誤解析:因為give rise to 是介詞短語,後面是不能接動詞的,所以必須要修改為名詞形式,直接去掉make

2, This above phenomenon can be explained by we change our attitudes
towards the lifestyles and by we lose interests on local history of indigenous

正確形式:This above phenomenon can be explained
by changing attitudes towards the lifestyles and by losing interests on local
history of indigenous people.

錯誤解析:因為by 是介詞短語,後面是不能接動詞的,所以必須要修改為名詞形式或者動名詞形式,直接將change
和lose 改為changing 和losing.

3, When it comes to ask the questions about the clear definitions of
education and career success. People always hold divergent viewpoints.

正確形式:When it comes to the clear
definitions of education and career success, people always hold divergent

錯誤解析:因為when it comes to是介詞短語,後面是不能接動詞的,所以必須要修改為名詞形式或者動名詞形式,直接去掉ask
the questions,是多餘的成分。另外when 引導的只是一個從句,後面需要真正的主句進行支撐,所以要把people小寫。

4, I still fail to pass the IELTS despite I have already collected
pencils with 9 kinds of colors.

正確形式:I still fail to pass the IELTS
despite pencils with 9 kinds of colors I have collected together.

have already collected pencils with 9 kinds of colors. 調整為:pencils with 9 kinds of colors I have collected together.

5, Many fans are crazy about love affairs of Hanhan, a well-known Chinese writer, despite
they know that he is a playboy.

正確形式:Many fans are crazy about love
affairs of Hanhan,a well-known Chinese writer, despite that they know that he is
sometimes a playboy.

錯誤解析:因為despite是介詞短語,後面是不能接動詞或者句子的,除了可以將句子修改為名詞形式或者動名詞形式,也可以將despite 修改為:despite that . 另外韓寒並不是總是playboy,所以加上sometimes.

6, Many
students refuse to give up unhealthy lifestyles despite they have understood
the negatives of illhealth effects.

正確形式: Many students refuse to give up unhealthy lifestyles despite the
negatives of illhealth effects.

錯誤解析:介詞不是連詞,一般後面只接名詞或者具備名詞性質的短語或者帶連詞的賓語從句,因此不能加句子。常見錯誤有:」despite,in spite of , during, because of , due to」, 也不能後接動詞。

7, Many poor
citizens always depend on the rich give support.

正確形式: Many poor citizens always depend on supports of the rich.


8, Life
disorder can lead to damage an individual』s health.

Life disorder can lead to health recession of an individual.

錯誤解析:「to」在某些情況下,(如片語「giverise to , contribute to , pay attention to , conform to , lead

9, Nobody
could deny the importance of environment protection , for the simple reason is
that it is of far-reaching significance in the future .

正確形式: Nobody could deny the importance of environment protection, for
its far-reaching significance in the future.

錯誤解析:特殊的介詞,如:」for, since, after, before」在大部分時候都是介詞,不接完整的句子。

10, Individuals
have different attitudes towards for the definition of happiness.

正確形式:Individuals have different attitudes towards the definition of happiness.


介詞短語加了句號錯誤表達: With the society develops. people begin to realize the
importance of biological balance.

the development of society, people begin to realize the importance of
biological balance.(介詞短語不是句子,不能加句號)


11,It is advertising makes customers buysomething impulsively.

正確形式:It is advertising that makes
customers buy something impulsively.

錯誤解析:因為 is 和makes 都是動詞,所以該句話有2個動詞,需要去掉一個動詞,本句中可以把makes 前面增加that,這樣後面就是定於從句了。

12,There is a research shows thatmany parents are depend on teachers
give support.

正確形式:There is a research showing that many
parents are depending on teachers who give support.

錯誤解析:本句的錯誤太多,主要是謂語動詞太多,要記住一個主句只能有一個位於動詞,而一個從句也只能有一個謂語動詞。而主句中的is和show就是多一個重複了,而從句中:are ,depend, give都是動詞,而只能有一個動詞。

13,ere was a famous Chinesebook describe a monkey , a pig , a sand monk
and a true monk go to west forpilgrimage.

,確形式:There was a famous Chinese book describing a monkey , a pig , a sand
monk and a true monk go to west for pilgrimage.

錯誤解析:要記住一個主句只能有一個謂語動詞,而一個從句也只能有一個謂語動詞。而主句中的was 和describe就是多一個重複了,需要將describe 修改為:describing 作為後置定語。

14,e number of the populationwas decreased in the 1990 to 1995, the figure
of population was increased inthe years of 1996 and 2000, the data was then
continue increase in the last 5years.

正確形式:The number of the population
decreased in the 1990 to 1995, the figure of population increased in the years
of 1996 and 2000, and the data was then continuously increasing in the last

then continue increase 中的continue改成副詞continuously, decrease 改成was decreasing.

15,I earned the money is the least.

正確形式:I earned the least money.或者my income was the least.

16, was
a wolf come from Nanjing.

正確形式:I was a wolf coming from Nanjing.

17,ow there are always many new things come out every day.

正確形式:Now there are
always many new things coming out every day.


have many people believe that mobile phones are useful.

are many people who believe that mobile phones are useful.

錯誤解析:(不存在There have的形式,而且There be結構後不能再加謂語動詞。)


19,There are plenty ofuniversities in China , most of that are not good

正確形式:There are plenty of universities in
China , most of which are not good enough. There are plenty of universities in
China and most of that are not good enough. / There are plenty of universities
in China; most of that are not good enough. /There are plenty of universities
in China .Most of which are not good enough.

錯誤解析: 逗號不能連接2個完整的句子。所以需要將其中一個句子變成從句,或者使用分號或者句號來代替逗號。

20,cry , you cry.

正確形式:I cry; you cry. / I cry and you cry.
/ I cry. You cry.

21, We all tried our best,however, we lost the game.

正確形式:We all tried our best. However, we
lost the game./ We all tried our best; however, we lost the game.

錯誤解析:即使是however,也不能連接前後都是完整的句子,因為however是副詞,只有and 和but 這2個連接詞才可以連接2個完整的句子。

22 China has achieved great prosperity ,however ,its culture
suffered a lot.

正確形式:China has achieved great prosperity
.However ,its culture suffered a lot./China has achieved great prosperity;
however,its culture suffered a lot.

錯誤解析:注意這點和單獨的however, 將一個句子的主語和謂語動詞隔開的句子有本質的區別。比如:students,
however, always expect their high praise from parents and teachers. 該句中是一個句子,所以可以用however 將主語和謂語分開。

23,They always feel boring about visiting some places where they are no fresh and no extremely attractive
talking points, therefore, local museums and historical sites cannot be drawn
into much discussion as they are without cartoons, movie stars and sports.

正確形式:They always feel boring about
visiting some places where they are no fresh and no extremely attractive
talking points.Therefore, local museums and historical sites cannot be drawn
into much discussion as they are without cartoons, movie stars and sports.

錯誤解析: 注意 therefore, on the other hand, on the contrary 這些類似的片語或者副詞都是副詞成分,並不能連接前後都是完整的句子。所以需要修改為:

24, Student s are always tired of sitting in the classroom
for a whole morning, thus show their resentment
with the current teaching method.

正確形式:Student s are
always tired of sitting in the classroom for a whole morning, and thus show
their resentment with the current teaching method.

錯誤解析:thus 照樣是插入語,是副詞成分,不是連接詞,所以不能連接前後都是完整的句子。





當考官看到類似,萬能開頭:With the development of...的時候,想必一定會皺眉頭。
「也許只有中國人會用吧。那為什麼像類似的開篇:with the development
of society and economy, there are more and more//increasing number of //,
the topic is a hotly-debated one, which arose our passion
towards the…, 然後再寫一波大的背景,然後開始寫作文切入的話題,這種思路嚴重破壞了雅思作文的評分標準(CC) 連貫性的問題。所以作文的開篇就必須要是直接切入話題(通過細化思維的描述,然後表明自己的觀點即可。)


便了我的幸福指數就會提高。」無懈可擊的邏輯,perfect!然而中國人有可能會這樣寫:"Being rich could
boost ones materialistic happiness. Moreover, it



例子一: Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of
advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include
any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

4.5分的思維: Nowdays (竟然有人少寫了個 a) ,with society develops,
advertisements plays a more and more important role in modern society.

5.5分的思維: Nowadays, with the development of society and economy, advertisements
play a more and more important role in modern society. Some people said they
are helpful to give us much information while others do not think so. From my
perspective, I think ….

6.5分的思維: Nowadays, there are lots of advertisements on television or on the
streets. While someone doubt the usefulness and value of advertisements, I
still believe it is a positive trend with overt benefits.

7.5分的思維: Nowadays, there are lots of advertisements on television or on the
billboards. Some people think that the advertising boosts the sales of goods
and it encourages people to buy things unnecessarily. These arguments may be
true. In my country, many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous
and popular actors or singers. People, especially youngsters, buy goods that
their favorite singer advertise, although they do not really need the products.

8.5分的思維: Nowadays, no matter where you get around in a city or even in the
countryside, it is pretty easy for you to find one or two billboards
introducing products in the streets. Some people think that advertising boosts
the sales of goods and encourages people to buy things they do not necessarily
need. This argument contains some truth. In my country, advertising companies
often produce advertisements featuring popular actors or singers to induce
people, especially youngsters, to acquire goods which their favorite actor or
singer seems to endorse, whether they need the products or not..

細化訓練(例子二) In
some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between
finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

4.5---5 分的思維

It is a
well-acknowledged that studying is not easy. Along with many benefits also
comes negative aspects. We should look
at both side before reaching a conclusion about wether working a year bring
more benefits or more problems.


the ways to educate the youth become increasingly significant in such a
competitive society. The opinion that teenagers could have a year free from
school for traveling and work arouse a heated debate. Although there are both
pros and cons for the question, ,my view is that teenagers who are 10 something
to 20 something could have their own choice to decide where to learn and how to


It is hard for young
people to make the decision on whether they should work or travel before
starting university studies. Some consider it is an excellent chance for them
to practice themselves while others believe that it will produce adverse
effects on their life.


to the gap year, nowadays high school graduates can be highly praised by their
strong abilities. While many young people are in favor of the attempt, older
generation tends to hold conservative attitudes. Personally, I believe
different types of media have their respective merits.

It is
quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from
studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted to rich
students who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer
students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of



第一篇: 抽象類話題分析:

most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job
satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing. What factors
contribute to job satisfaction?How
realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

題干分析:本題是相對抽象的社會生活類話題,對於中學生以及沒有上過班的大學生同學們有一定話題上的陌生感。但是即使是上班的「同志們」就一定覺得題目容易展開嗎?是的,中國人的答案在面對這個題目的時候是驚人的相似,可以預見,大家的答案往往是:money, power, promotion。這些對於工作滿意度的factors的回答本身是沒有問題的,但是難點在於不要忽視了去解釋和補充我們「為什麼把這些元素」看的比較重的原因。回答的內容本身並不重要,但重要的是如何解釋清楚。

Nowadays many adults (直接用adults 是細化思維的體現,不要只是寫people, 使句子更貼話題) have full-time jobs
and the proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high. (首句不要寫太長的背景,要從第一句話就開始描述這個話題,而不是「with the development of society and economy ,
there is a hotly-debated topic about whether or not …
這樣的套話,是註定讓你丟分的,接下來將變成一個考官驗證5分或者5.5分的過程。那為什麼不能寫模板呢?這樣的句子本身的質量不是很好?威廉老師告訴你,是因為背景寫的太大,緊接著就跳入非常具體的話題,這樣嚴重破壞了作文的CC(連貫性)這一評分標準)。 So feelings about
one』s job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life as a whole, and
because of this, job
satisfaction is indeed very important for the wellbeing of that person. (順接的很自然)高手應該做到讓段落的內容的話題的範文不要太寬,要盡量剋制寫很多內容的衝動。你有沒有發現,當你從第一句就開始寫這個話題,從寫成年人的工作對於成年人很重要的前提下,自然就過渡到了「工作滿意度「的話題,因為話題窄,所以很容易構成有邏輯)。

Employees get job
satisfaction in a number of ways.(羅列式中心句,就表明接下來會有幾個具體的方面需要具體展開)
Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are
doing valued and valuable work, so
positive feedback from superiors is very important in this respect. A sense of
fulfillment is also(also 體現遞進,內在的邏輯)
encouraged if a worker feels the job is worth doing because it contributes to the
society or the economy as a whole. (先接結果後寫原因是高分作文特徵之一,這樣能有效避免觀點跳躍)Secondly, when
someone feels they are improving or developing their skills through training
opportunities,(很細節,並且符合邏輯的觀點,也許沒有工作經驗的同學不能夠想到) for
example, then there is a sense of progression
and purpose that rewards a worker. The sense of belonging to a team or a
working community also(遞進詞,體現內在的邏輯) contributes to job satisfaction
because colleagues help each other to enjoy their working lives.(先寫結果,後寫原因是高分作文的特徵之一)Satisfaction is also increased by a
sense of responsibility for and loyalty to a team.

and valuable work,positive
feedback from superiors,A
sense of fulfillment,contributes
to the society or the economy,improving
or developing their skills,training
sense of progression and purpose,sense
of belonging to a team or a working community,colleagues
help each other,a
sense of responsibility for and loyalty to a team 這樣的10個對於factors 的具體回答,並且能夠有效的能將這些細節名詞進行有邏輯的串聯的確是高分的作文的體現)所以觀點本身並不是最關鍵的因素,比如中國人通常所認為的A reasonable income is quite
an important contributing factor because some basic survival necessities are
highly prices such as housing, cars and dressings and the social welfare system
is not fully accomplished
. 只要解釋充分,話題的答案本身就不是最重要的了。)

Of course not everyone enjoys
their work. (直接式的中心句,直接對於第二個問題給予回答) Hard
economic realities mean that many people have little choice in the kind of job
they can get. (進一步解釋)In some cases an employee is working in
a job that suits neither their skills nor their personality. (分類解釋)Some jobs are repetitive and boring,and
labor relations may be poor and lead to resentment and insecurity rather than
to job satisfaction. (進一步的細化思維)

which will contribute to
上升主題,最終達到聯繫到了「推動經濟發展,維護社會和諧」的最終主題( drive the economic
development and maintain social harmony

However, even
though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work, I
think it is not unrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job. (典型的批判性思維的讓步句型,有承上啟下的作用。是8分作文最重要的特徵之一,從而使句子銜接變得特別到位) If
the factors identified above are implemented, then
any job can be improved and more workers can feel greater degrees of job
satisfaction. (批判性思維)。

總體點評:這是篇題目本身非常抽象的題目,經過作者的細化思維的一步步展開,讓我們對於「工作滿意度」這一抽象問題有的較為具體的認識,但更重要的是作者將每一個要展開的分論點都進一步的解釋和分析是得到高分最重要的原因。另外最後一段(even though, it is not

(答主私人微信號:Liweilianlaoshi, 需要轉載請聯繫我稿費事宜,本人長期諮詢留學考試輔導和留學申請指導,長期在知乎解答問題)



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鏈接:雅思閱讀部分如何提高? - 李威廉老師的回答




鏈接:怎樣快速做雅思閱讀? - 李威廉老師的回答



快速閱讀的訣竅是:強迫自己接受一個觀點:「做雅思閱讀題就是一個不斷尋找BUT 的過程」;


過訓練批判性思維從而實現快速閱讀雅思文章,以及準確做出題目是非常有效的方法。因為批判性思維(Critical Thinking)
思閱讀中的難題,對於CT 的訓練是遠比那些華而不實的技巧和沒有任何實際意思的閱讀預測要務實而高效的多。

詳細個性化諮詢微信: (答主私人微信號:Liweilianlaoshi, 需要轉載請聯繫我稿費事宜,本人長期諮詢留學考試輔導和留學申請指導,長期在知乎解答問題)

子1:比如Playing is a serious business. Children engrossed in a make-believe
world, fox cubs play-fighting or kittens teaming a ball of string
aren』t just having fun. Play may look like a carefree and exuberant way
to pass the time before the hard work of adulthood comes along, but
there』s much more to it than that. 每當你讀到 are not just having fun ....,
seems to ....應該很自然的想到後面的but , 並且與前面構成明顯的對比。

例子二: 接下來帶領大家一起來通過訓練CT 來快速進行閱讀理解:

The Truth about the Environment (Cam 5)

For many environmentalists, the world seems to be (出現seems to //looks like// maybe 都是為了後面的indeed//but //however 的轉折來鋪墊的) getting worse. (總分結構的寫法,作者會延續這個中心句的思路一直寫下去,來證明中心句;當然如果有轉折的話,就需要把重點放到BUT 後面來進行。
They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the
population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are
becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planets air and water are
becoming ever more polluted.( 後面的細節的細節的例子都是用來證明前面的內容的,所以只要不出現BUT的強轉折,就需要在心裏面有期待:anticipation, 就是後面的句子細節都是延續的,這樣就會讀的快起來!!)

But a quick look at
the facts shows a different picture. (出現了第一個轉折,是和第一段中的seems to be 這樣的轉折的前奏的鋪墊) First, energy and other natural resources
have become more abundant, not less so,(一個小的CT 來驗證觀點) since the book The Limits to
Growth was published in 1972 by a group of scientists. Second, more food is now produced per head of
the worlds population than at any time in history. Fewer people are
starving. Third, although species are indeed becoming extinct, (Although也是CT的具體體現,又是一個批判性思維的句子)only about 0.7%
of them are expected to disappear in the next 50 years, not 25-50%,(小的CT) as has so
often been predicted. And finally, most
forms of environmental pollution either appear to have been exggerated, or are
transient - associated with the early phases of industrialisation and
therefore best cured not by restricting economic growth,(又是一個CT,需要了解BUT後面的重點) but by accelerating it.
One form of pollution - the release of greenhouse gases that causes global
warming - does appear to be a phenomenon that is going to extend well into our
future, (批判性思維的句型CT) but its total impact is unlikely to pose a devastating problem. A bigger
problem may well turn out to be an inappropriate response to it.

總之這一段就是一個大的批判性思維的中心句,然後再結合三個小的CT 而快速構成的閱讀段落。

Yet (輕微轉折,小的CT) opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that
environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this
disjunction between perception and reality.

(中心句直接潑出來中心句,給出是四個方面導致現實和理解的不同,接下來就是要展開四個factors 的s 的)

One is the lopsidedness built into scientific
research. Scientific funcing goes mainly to areas with many problems.
That may be wise policy,( 前面是maybe ,後面是轉折,又是輕微的CT) but it will also create an impression that many more
potential problems exist than is the case.

Secondly, environmental groups need to be noticed by the mass
media. They also need to keep the money rolling in. Understandably,
perhaps, they sometimes overstate their arguments. In 1997, for example, the
World Wide Fund for Nature issued a press release entitled: Two thirds of the
worlds forests lost forever. (前後對比的CT) The truth turns out to be nearer 20%.

Though these groups are run overwhelmingly by selfless folk,
they nevertheless share many of the characteristics of other lobby groups.(這句中心句是比較難的,但是也確實是重要的CT句型,翻譯是:儘管這些小組是以無私的名義來進行運作的,但是他們同樣還是具有其他遊說小組的特徵,這句話你看懂了嗎?) That
would matter less if people applied the same degree of scepticism to
environmental lobbying as they do to lobby groups in other fields. (本句是虛擬語氣,意思是: 如果我們對於這些所謂環保組織施加相同程度的懷疑,那麼問題就不會這麼嚴重。「 A trade
organisation arguing for, say, weaker pollution controls is instantly seen as
self-interested. (這個地方又是明顯的CT, 前面是instantly seen 是批判性思維的前奏,後面的YET 是轉折的後半部分,是重點) yet a green organisation opposing such a weakening is seen as
altruistic, even if an impartial view of the controls in question might suggest
they are doing more harm than good. ( 前後採用批判性思維寫的句子,翻譯為: 然而這些綠色環保組織仍然被認為是利他的和無私的,即使有部分的觀點建議說這會產生更多的危害( 但是我們堅信是好的,因為是環保組織)

A third source of confusion is the attitude of the media.
People are clearly more cuirous about bad news than good. Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the
public wants. (小的批判性思維的表現) That, however, can lead to significant distortions of perception.
An example was Americas encounter El Nino in 1997 and 1998. This climatic
phenomenon was accused of wrecking tourism, causing allergies, melting the
ski-slopes and causing 22 deaths. (CT, 後面是重點)However, according to an artical in the
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, the damage it did was estimated
at US$4 billing but the benefits amounted to some US$19 billion. These came
fromhigher winter temperatures (which saved an estimated 850 lives, reduced
heating costs and diminished spring floods caused by meltwaters).

The fourth factor is poor individual perception. People worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff
everyone throws away will cause the world to run out of places to dispose of
waste.(注意這句話是典型的批判性思維的句型) Yet, even if Americas trash output continues to rise as it has done in
the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the rubbish
America produces through the entire 21st centurey will still take up only on
12,000th of the area of the entire United States. 請重視這句話的思維翻譯是:即使美國的垃圾的增加速度是持續高的,即使美國的垃圾到了2100 年會翻倍,那麼全美國所產生的全部垃圾,也只佔到總的21世紀的垃圾的1/12000, 言下之意就是:這樣的問題並不嚴重,這個是不是一個典型的和常識相違背的思路和句型。

So what of global warming? As we know, carbon dioxide emissions
are causing the planet to warm. The best estimates are that the temperatures
will rise by 2-3°C in this century, causing considerable problems, at a total
cost of US$5,000 billion.

(本段開篇的句子,再次說明是CT的批判性思維的句型)Despite the intuition that something drastic needs to be done
about such a costly problem,economic analyses clearly show it will be far more
expensive to cut carbon dioxide emissions radically than to pay the costs of
adaptation ot the increased temperatures. (本句話的意思著實和我們的常識是完全不一致的,是完全違背常識的,翻譯過來是:儘管我們知道要為此而付出的昂貴代價的學費的問題是急需關注的,但是經濟分析人士認為大量減少二氧化碳的排放,而比為了適應增加的溫度所需要支付的費用要高很多) A model by one of the main authors of
the United Nations Climate Change Panel shows how an expected temperature
increase of 2.1 degrees in 2100 would only be diminished to an increase of 1.9
degrees. Or to put it another way, the temperature increase that the planet
would have experienced in 2094 would be postponed to 2100. (後面的例子就是順接前面的觀點而進行展開的具體例子)

So this does not prevent global warming, but merely buys the
world six years.(小的轉折後面有來一個小的轉折) Yet(然而的表達又是轉折) the cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, for the
United States alone, will be higher than the cost of solving the wolrds single,
most pressing health problem: providing universal access to clean drinking water
and sanitation. Such measures would avoid 2 million deaths every year, and
prevent half a billion people from becoming seriously ill.

It is crucial that we look at the facts if we want to make the
best possible decisions for the future. It may be costly to be overly optimistic
- but more costly still to be too pessimistic.(最後一句話的寫作質量是很高的,翻譯是:

Questions 27-32

Do the following statements agree
with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no
information on this

Environmentalists take a pessimistic view of the world for a number of

是對的。因為有展開即可證明是 對的

Data on the Earths natural resources has only been collected since


The number of starving people in the world has increased in recent


Extinct species are being replaced by new species


31 Some pollution problems
have been correctly linked to industrialisation


32 It would be best to
attempt to slow down economic growth

是相反的,因為是批判性句型的一半: therefore best cured not by restricting economic growth;


Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

What aspect of scientific research does the writer express concern about in
paragraph 4?

the need to produce results

the lack of financial support

the selection of areas to research

the desire to solve every research problem

research 本題選C , 的確是和 選擇的領域有關;

34 The
writer quotes from the Worldwide Fund for Nature to illustrate

The writer quotes from the Worldwide Fund for Nature to illustrate how

influential the mass media can be

effective environmental groups can be

the mass media can help groups raise funds

environmental groups can exaggerate their claims


35 What is
the writers main point about lobby groups in paragraph 6?

What is the writers main point about lobby groups in paragraph 6?

some are more active than others

some are better organised than

some receive more criticism than others

some support more important issues than others

本題難度很大,充分理解批判性思維的意思之後,可以證明是選項C ,具體解析見文章中的分析;

The writer suggests that newspapers print items that are intended to

educate readers

meet their readers expectations

encourage feedback from readers

mislead readers

本題較為簡單,是選項B ,迎合觀眾的需求。

What does the writer say about Americas waste problem?

it will increase in line with population growth

it is not as important as we have been led to believe

it has been reduced through public awareness of the issues

it is only significant in certain areas of the country

waste problem

通過批判性思維的理解,本題選 B, 具體的分析見文章解析。

Questions 38-40

Complete the
summary with the list of words A-I below.

Write the correct letter A-I in
boxes 38-40.


The writer admits that global warming is a 38 challenge, (典型的批判性思維的句子)but says that it
will not have a catastrophic impact on our future, if we deal with it in the
39 way. If we try to
reduce the levels of greenhouse gases, he believes that it would only have a
minimal impact on rising temperatures. He feels if would be better to spend
money on the more 40
health problem of providing the worlds population with clean drinking

A unrealistic

B agreed

C expensive

D right

E long-term

F usual

G surprising

H personal

I: urgent

38: 選 E

39: 選D;

40, 選 I , 表示緊急的。


3,The investigators findings were striking.(這是由形容詞形式的中心句,作為讀者要明白該段落接下來所有的意思都是圍繞著「為什麼是令人吃驚的結果「,在英文閱讀中有三個詞表示結果,分別是:result , outcome findings
In the late 1970s,the infant mortality rate for the children of
illiterate mothers was around 100deaths per thousand live births.(這是文盲媽媽組)
At this point in their lives, thosemothers who later went on to learn
to read had assimilated level of childmortality (105/1000).(這是後來學習閱讀的媽媽組) For women educated in primary school,however, the infant mortality rate was significantly lower, at 80 per thousand (這是本來媽媽就讀過小學的組)


In 1985, after the National LiteracyCrusade had ended,the infant mortality figures for those who remained illiterate(仍然是文盲的媽媽組) and for thoseeducated in primary school (本身就讀過小學的媽媽組) remained more or less unchanged. For those women wholearnt to read through the campaign, (然而後來通過訓練而讀書的媽媽組) the infant mortality rate was 84 perthousand, an impressive21 points lower than for those women who were still illiterate. (這個地方就是非常明顯的下降,所以構成「令人吃驚的」結果。)The children of the newly-literate motherswere also 這個also是更進一步的表明,這個項目的另外一個優點) better nourished thanthose of women who could not read.



4 Before
theNational Literacy Crusade, illiterate women had approximately the
same levelsof infant mortality as those who had learnt to read in
primary school.
在具體這個項目之前,一個是100/1000,一個是105/1000, 所以該題是錯誤的。

Before and after the National Literacy Crusade the child mortalityrate
for the illiterate women stayed at about 110 deaths for each thousand

22 Thewomen who had learnt to read through the National Literacy Crusade showed thegreatest change in infant mortality levels. 這是這個段落最想表達的重點,也是impressive 這個詞的同義轉換, 21%就是這個意思。)

23 The women who had learnt to read through theNational Literacy Crusade had the lowest rates of child mortality. 雖然通過項目掃盲的媽媽組取得了最大的變化,仍然是84/1000 ,但是並不是最少的,因為最少的是80/1000

After the National Literacy Crusade the childrenof the women who
remained illiterate were found to be severely malnourished. (

? 1.First it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open theplastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed.

?   結構:全句有3個謂語動詞:will pass,will tear和is。其中主句的是will pass。句子主幹是it will passthrough sharp metal bars。第一個which引導的定語從句修飾的是sharp metal bars。第二個which引導的定語從句修飾的是the plastic bags。這是大定語從句裡面還有一個小定語從句。句子可以拆分為:

? 1. First it will pass through sharp metal bars.

? 2. The metal bars will tear open the plastic bags.

? 3. Rubbish is usually packed in the bags.

?   翻譯:首先,垃圾要通過尖的金屬棒,金屬棒會把裝垃圾的塑料袋弄破。

? 2.When
we talk about someone』s personality,we mean the ways in which he or she
acts, speaks, thinks and feels that makethat individual different from

?   結構:全句有4組謂語動詞:talk,mean,acts/speaks/thinks/feels和make。其中主句的是:mean。句首是When引導的時間狀語從句。之後which引導的定語從句和that引導的定語從句都是修飾the ways的。句子可以拆分為:

? 1. We talk about someone』s personality.

? 2. We mean the ways.

? 3. He or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels in these ways.

? 4. These make that individual different from others.

?   翻譯:當我們談到某個人的個性時,我們指的是他/她在行為,言談和思考以及感覺等方面的方式。這些方式使這個人區別於他人。

? 3.Competition
is not only good in itself, itis the means by which other basic
American values such as individual freedom,equality of opportunity and
hard work are protected.

?   結構:全句有3個謂語動詞:is, is和are protected。其中主句的是:is, is。全句由兩個有遞進關係的單句構成。其中,which引導的是定語從句,修飾the means。句子可被拆分為:

? 1. Competition is not only good in itself.

? 2. It is the means.

? 3. Other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality ofopportunity and hard work are protected by these means.

?   翻譯:競爭不但本身就是好事,還是其他基本的美國價值觀如個人自由,機會平等和勤奮工作等得到保護的手段。

? 4.
The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life
equalshappiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real

?   結構:全句有3個謂語動詞:hold,equals和reduce。其中主句的是reduces。句子主幹為:The way actuallyreduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness。The way 後面是省略了which/that的定語從句。在這個定語從句中,還有一個that引導的同位語從句,修飾the belief。句子可以拆分為:

? 1. This way actually reduces their chances of ever attaining realhappiness.

? 2. A fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness.

? 3. People hold to this belief.

?   翻譯:人們信奉的充實又無憂無慮的生活就等於幸福的信念實際上降低了他們獲得真正的幸福的可能性。

? 5.
Those who oppose the building of flats base their case primarily on
theassumption that everyone prefers an individual home and garden and on
the highcost per unit of accommodation.

?   結構:全句有3個謂語動詞:oppose,base和prefers。其中主句的是:base。句子主幹為:Those base their case primarily on theassumption and on the high cost。其中who引導的是定語從句,修飾those。that引導的同位語從句修飾the assumption。

?   翻譯:那些反對建設公寓的人的理由主要是基於大家都喜歡單獨的住宅和花園的假設以及每個居住單位的高成本。

視頻解析地址:@李威廉老師 批判式突破閱讀高分(第一講)

TOP 10 最難的10篇文章是: 劍橋4的P42 和P50 , 劍橋5 的P20 和P71,劍橋6中的:P22 和P89 ,劍橋7 的P 26 和P96 , 劍橋8中的:P22 和P45

本人將會持續更新用批判性思維的本質思維方法,結合你有限的辭彙量,來快速理解英文閱讀,從而解決留學考試(IELTS, TOEFL,SAT,GMAT) 的閱讀高分問題。

詳細個性化諮詢微信: (答主私人微信號:Liweilianlaoshi, 需要轉載請聯繫我稿費事宜,本人長期諮詢留學考試輔導和留學申請指導,長期在知乎解答問題)




劍橋4 同義詞整理:http://www.54os.com/index.php?a=showscatid=31id=2137

劍橋5 同義詞整理:






劍橋8 同義詞整理:


劍橋9 同義詞整理:



基礎長難句—複合句理解 100句;(建議學習周期2周)

下載地址: http://www.54os.com/index.php?a=showscatid=31id=2145

【雅思閱讀7分神器,基礎100句 長難句詳細分析(下)】

強化長難句—複合句理解 100句;(建議學習周期2周)

下載地址:【雅思閱讀8分必備 強化長難句分析(上)】

【雅思閱讀8分必備 強化長難句分析(下)】



第四步:雅思閱讀點對點核心做題技巧以及出題思路(建議學習周期1.5周)(填空題,T/F/NG, summary)


第五步:雅思閱讀點對面題型核心做題技巧以及出題思路(建議學習周期3周)(list of headings, contains, matching, classification,multiple-choice)

下載地址: 【點對面的題目的答題技巧( list of headings, contains, matching , multiple-choice, 帶選項的summary) 】

第六步:全真題強化模擬訓練(建議學習周期1周)通過劍橋雅思10 的四套真題,詳細講解滿分9分老師的做題思路,速度控制,以及答題習慣,思

下載地址:【第六步:精選劍橋,8,9,10 中的4套題進行限時模擬測試。訓練速度】


第三部分: 口語

我們整理了一份 雅思口語2016年6月到8月的口語新題的題目集錦以及參考範文的集錦;

雅思Part2和相關Part3問題匯總#沒有思路的大家可以提問? 1,穿著時髦的人,2費盡心思的禮物,3有償工作,4當地好的改變;5讓你笑的小孩:6放鬆場所,7成功的小公司:8擅長外語的人:8有教育意義的電視節目:9,早起的經歷和朋友有分歧,10,童年室內遊戲,11,想買的電器,12,有教育意義的旅途,13,飯店,14,想深入學習的東西; ,15,家庭照片,16,看書寫字的地方,17,你所享受的年齡段,18,意外相逢,19公園;20外地旅遊景點,21,特殊的旅行建議,22,多彩的地方,23刺激運動;24大廚;25希望重溫的旅行,25玩具,26以後想買的東西:27名人,28兒歌29有領導能力的朋友:30歷史建築;31特別的建築:32對討厭的人友善過去討厭現在喜歡的學科; 33,想重溫的電影,34兒時的幸福家事,35想合作的家人,35想買的車;36好消息,37近水之地,38驚喜,39課題作業,40樂於助人迷路:41網上學習;42網站:43未完成的夙願,44隱瞞真相;

需要轉載請聯繫我稿費事宜,本人長期諮詢留學考試輔導(IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, ACT,GMAT) 和留學申請指導( 美加英澳港和留學文書撰寫),長期在知乎解答問題








成績單為證 閱讀和聽力是9分 自認還是可以就這兩方面分享一些經驗的


拋磚引玉 如有疏漏敬請斧正 歡迎私信交流探討

1. 單詞是最重要的 先把常見單詞背熟,因為在閱讀/聽力里單詞認識的不多的話是根本沒法讀懂句意的,遑論做題。這裡的背熟應當是不假思索地直接理解這個單詞,無需通過中文轉譯,而不是「隱約地知道這是什麼意思」。背單詞也不一定需要單詞書,多看英語讀物積累單詞是更加紮實的方法,以附有多重釋義的單詞書為補充,只不過這個方法可能見效比較慢。

2. 閱讀中的快速定位 我刷題時候的做法是先通讀一遍閱讀,然後到題目找出各題的關鍵詞回原題定位,定位正確以後細讀定位部分回去判斷題目中的答案,所以一定要讀懂句意才能做出準確判斷。我考試的時候最後空的時間太多了,回過頭把每篇文章仔細讀一遍檢查,然後發了十來分鐘的呆……很不能理解為什麼新東方的閱讀老師也會覺得時間緊……

3. 拒絕精聽(個人意見 僅供參考) 基本上每個與英語聽力有關的答案下都有「精聽」,各種托福雅思老師也不停強調「精聽」(例如本題中的 @白玉 老師),個人認為這個方法耗時不說還效果極差。我的聽力老師叫我做的精聽我做完一篇就覺得太操蛋不做了,她還說我精聽不做考試肯定考不好,我就索性開始在她課上玩掃雷……最後成績打臉。雅思聽力以及日常生活中的聽力場景,基本上都不是以把說的話寫下來為目的的,那麼這麼做有什麼意義呢?理解句意只需要抓住關鍵詞即可。

4. 多聽 多聽一些符合現在水平的內容(聽得懂大部分而不是全部)的材料,等到這些材料都聽的懂了就重新選另一批材料。可選材料包括NCE/BBC Learning English/VOA/CNN/各類英美影視作品/Coursera/edX等等。

5. 先考GMAT 被GMAT虐完就可以輕輕鬆鬆搞定雅思閱讀和寫作了,至少不會差到哪裡去。考完GMAT辭彙量上升了折騰起聽力也輕鬆一些。


最後,出國留學語言是基礎。就算雅思閱讀9分碰到課上的海量閱讀作業照樣跪,聽力9分碰到口音獨特的教授也照樣跪,畢竟這種東西和native speaker沒法比。如果連語言考試都搞不定的話需要考慮一下留學的可行性了。

另外我很不解 題主為什麼既要雅思又要GMAT?

我大一新生,今年1.9一戰7分。小分為8 8 6.5 6






大作文:首先要分清他考的是report還是argument,作文每一段要寫什麼,寫一個簡單的提綱。這一工作最多五分鐘。還有我認為作文最重要的是idea,要能延伸話題,critical thinking很重要,還有對比等等。

一句話 提綱是骨架,話題是靈魂。



就是練 而且要計時練 一開始一篇一篇做,每篇計時17分鐘,之後就是三篇一起做,50分鐘。我覺得考試的時候閱讀是最緊張的,不光心理上緊張,更指時間上。最後一道題9個配對,我幾乎是在最後兩分鐘做完的。當時感覺頭都懵了,只是在機械地看文章找關鍵詞。考完非常擔心,而且感覺閱讀跪了,求6。但是分下來卻是出人意料的8,我覺得這不是幸運,而是我練習總結的成果。閱讀主要靠方法,他題型是固定的幾種,自己總結出對策。還有一定要先看題畫關鍵詞!







附上我考試回憶 大家參考一下哈








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