Kindle 用戶的賬號被封,所有已購圖書被刪除,這種情況一般是因為什麼原因,有人遇到過類似情況嗎?
相關事件:Outlawed by Amazon DRM:
kindle美國市場里的大部分書應該都是只有美國版權,因為版權原因不能向美國以外的人士出售。所以如果你的amazon帳戶設置不是美國,那麼就應當去對應的market裡面去買書,如果你設置的地區沒有相對應的market,那麼就要去international market買書,否則就是違反amazon的規定。amazon可不想吃版權官司,所以它會檢測購書者購書時的ip地址是否與amazon帳戶的地區設置一致,發現不一致就會由客服發電郵與你進行確認。相關事件里那位恐怕就是帳戶地區設置為uk,結果非要去us market買書還不理客服的確認郵件導致被封號。
Hello,&> I see that you attempted to purchase "The Life of Abraham Lincoln (Kindle&> Edition) " while in a different country than the United States listed on
&> your Amazon account. Certain Kindle titles are not available everywhere.&> We are reaching out to you to ensure the best possible service for your&> account.&>&> If you have moved to a different country, you can easily update your
&> country for your Amazon account at>&> If this is not the case, and you would like to share information that you&> live in the United States, we can be reached by fax at 001-206-266-1838&> from outside the US, or 206-266-1838 from within the US. Helpful
&> information includes:&> – Passport&> – Military ID&> – Permanent Resident Card
&> – Driver』s License&> – Other state photo identity card&>&> We want to assure you that we handle this information in a secure manner:&> these are dedicated fax lines, staffed in an area with limited employee&> access. The fax is never printed, just converted to an electronic image&> that is used to check the country, then the image is deleted.我回復了客服的郵件承認自己居住在中國,然後去改了帳戶設置。amazon的帳戶就恢復了正常。帳戶地區設置為中國以後只能去international market買書,選擇很少。不過非得去us market買書也很簡單,掛個us代理再買就沒有問題。推薦閱讀:
※Kindle Oasis 深度使用感受
※【第十一期】不吹不黑,Kindle Paperwhite 2使用體驗
TAG:亞馬遜Amazoncom | Kindle | 數字版權管理DRM |