川普周末名言:「假如當時總統不是林肯,而是Andrew Jackson,南北戰爭不會發生,安德魯對南北戰爭非常氣憤。」 但南北戰爭發生時,Jackson已經去世十多年了。
就如一個保守派時評家說的,川普是 ignorant of what he is ignorant of. (對他一無所知的事一無所知)http://t.cn/RXs3b0w
雖然civil war在美國泛指南北戰爭,但在南北戰爭之前,傑克遜總統時期美國的社會對立和內戰"civil war"就已經存在了,傑克遜總統的名言就有"我們的聯邦必須保持 our federal union must be preserved",當時南卡企圖分裂,傑克遜總統通過軍事動員法並發表反分裂宣言,大幅削弱州權
「我視…單一州份僭取撤廢合眾國法規之權,為現行之聯邦政府所不許,明顯違背美國憲法,逾越憲法精神,不見容為制憲原則,實摧殘制憲之偉大目標。""the power to annul a law of the United States, assumed by one State, incompatible with the existence of the Union, contradicted expressly by the letter of the Constitution, unauthorized by its spirit, inconsistent with every principle on which it was founded, and destructive of the great object for which it was formed".
所以川普說"如果傑克遜猶在,不使內戰至此"沒什麼問題,他說傑克遜看到內戰非常生氣也不奇怪,傑克遜卸任後看到輝格黨奪權也是說"The democracy of the United States has been shamefully beaten",川普說的civil war並不具體指代那場南北戰爭,而傑克遜卸任後美國也的確發生了一系列with regard to the civil war的事件,直到南北戰爭公開的分裂了
下面是川普的原話"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later you wouldn"t have had the civil war....he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the civil war, he said "There"s no reason for this.""別洗了,Trump的歷史不知道是從哪裡學的。除非能找到Andrew Jackson評論什麼with regard to the Civil War的事件時說過什麼類似「There"s no reason for this.」, 那我覺得Trump又在自己不熟悉的領域胡說八道了。畢竟Trump還覺得Frederick Douglass活在當下呢。
就算Trump的意思真的像某答案說的那樣,那這個言論也是及其欠考慮的。一個南方奴隸主Jeffersonian政客能阻止南北戰爭?還不如直接說Republican的Northern Aggression導致了美國內戰呢。
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