談房車的時候,我們在談論什麼? 下篇: 拖掛房車 (雙語/ALSO IN ENGLISH)



(2016年美國各州最受歡迎的車。美國人的對皮卡和越野車的喜愛不容懷疑。 The most popular vehicle in each state, 2016. Americans love pickup trucks and SUVs.)


(只要拖得動… As long asit is within the towing capacity…)




膠囊拖車 Tear Drop Camper

大型旅行拖車 Large Travel Trailer


「風流」拖車 Airstream Trailer


路邊碎成渣的拖車 Trailer failed to survive the ride on the bumpy shoulder


牽引車和第五輪 Tow Vehicle and Fifth Wheel

第五輪內飾 Fifth Wheel Interior



卡車背馱外觀 Truck Camper Exterior

卡車背馱內飾 Truck Camper Interior

卡車背馱布局 Truck Camper Layout



釣魚屋外觀 Fish House exterior

釣魚屋內飾,地面的圓洞是釣魚的孔 Fish House Interior. The round wholes on the floor are fishing wholes



更像拖車的營地房車 ParkModel That Looks More Like a Trailer

更像住宅的營地房車 Park Model That Looks More Like a House



錯過了我的開天闢地知乎首答?請戳:風流成行:在房車內吃飯、睡覺,甚至洗澡,是一種怎麼樣的體驗? 鵝鵝鵝,少俠且慢,走之前記得點贊。

嗯,上面幾句抄襲我自己寫的談房車的時候,我們在談論什麼?上篇:自行房車 (雙語/ALSO IN ENGLISH) 的結語。如果你沒看過,建議去瞧瞧,99%和本篇不一樣。如果寫的不夠好沒收到贊… … 建議過段時間再來看看我其它的文章和回答,或許有提高?文章和回答不定期添加鏈接,下一步準備聊房車選購相關的內容,敬請關注。

轉載、約稿請知乎私信風流成行,或者郵件聯繫 mightyparry@icloud.com。話說拿人家的產品和跳蛋比,Airstream估計就不樂意約我了,蛤?我自己是Airstream的A級自行房車車主,加上這是個有故事的品牌,未來可能會寫一篇。


What are we saying when we talk about RVs? Part 2 Trailers

Instead of a motor home, the best-selling mobile home in the US is a trailer.

Trailers do not have engines and must be pulled by another vehicle in order to go somewhere. It is hard for Chinese to relate, but in America where land is vast, the population is small and fuel is relatively cheap, many families chose pickup trucks, SUVs or MPVs

as a second family vehicle. When labor is so expensive, it makes sense to have a work horse type of vehicle to haul your own junk. As American』s favorite automobile, the Ford F series have tow capacities starting from four thousand kilos, making them perfect for towing many mobile homes. On country roads and in towns, it is not unusual to see a smallish pickup pulling a massive looking load. To me, the sight defies physics and challenges common sense, but Americans do not give it a second look.

(Picture: The most popular vehicle in each state, 2016. Americans love pickup trucks and SUVs.)

There are many types of trailers, the most common of which are travel trailers, fifth wheels, truck campers and toy haulers.

It is worth noting that every aspect about the trailer, especially the weight, must be in according with the capabilities of the tow vehicle. When a trailer is too big or too heavy, the excess strain could damage the tow vehicle. It is also extremely unsafe. This is particularly true when pulling a mobile home.

(Picture: As long as it is within the towing capacity…)

There is a wide variety of trailers, including travel trailers, fifth wheels, truck campers and toy


Travel Trailers

For those who do not want to be bothered, all trailers are travel trailers. However, the term is

usually reserved for the type of RV connected to hitches on tow vehicles. Since Americans do not seem to mind hauling all kinds of monsters down the roads, there is a wide variety of travel trailers with different designs and prices intended for different customers. For example, there are three meters』 long teardrop trailers for campers who despise tents. Capable of containing a mattress and keeping it dry? Mission accomplished. Equipped with air conditioners and cook tops? Fancy! A new tear drop trailer costs a few thousand dollars, which is significantly less than any other RVs but much, much more than a tent. A fully equipped large trailer can be twelve or thirteen meters long. Since there is no pesky size-limiting chassis, trailers can be three meters or taller. Without a cab, large travel trailers usually have a much bigger living space than a motor home of the same length, and are able to accommodate families with three or four children. Parents and children are able to live relatively apart from each other. Children have their own sleeping and storage spaces. Some travel trailers even have a patio, a second bathroom and a second door leading outside. It can feel very much like a conventional home. Unless it is an Airstream, new trailers are relatively inexpensive. Forty to fifty thousand dollars is usually enough to buy a flashy new one. Second-hand trailers are plentiful and cost even less. A few thousands should be enough to get one that may not leak when it』s raining.

(Picture: Tear Drop Camper, Large Trailer and Tow vehicle)

Risking sounding like a commercial while it is not, I would like to introduce Airstream, an iconic US mobile home that is almost a national treasure. The brand name has been translated into 「Fresh Breeze」 likely by their Chinese distributor but I prefer 「Whimsical」. This is a company started in the 1930s with almost a hundred years of history of making mobile homes. For most of its life, Airstream has been obsessed with making just one product: a rounded shiny sausage-shaped aluminum trailer. Its modern/retro appearance was the brainchild of Bawlus, a member of Airstream』s early design team, who was previously an

aircraft designer. While the world has long forgotten what this gentleman』s gliders looked like, Airstream being the only mobile home maker survived the Great Depression and World War Two, his design of vibrator-like trailers has lived and witnessed glam and glory as well as pain and sorrow in North America and Europe for nearly a century. Today almost all trailers by Airstream are considered collectibles. Their trailers are seen as beautifully made, smartly engineered and insanely durable. Beyond their good looks, these aluminum sausages are light, strong and aerodynamic. In case of accidents, Airstream trailer』s metallic casing changes shape thus softens the impact, making it less likely to be knocked over or fall apart: one of the safest trailer there is. It is hardly exaggerating to call Airstream a bright shining star of the adult toy family.

(Picture: Airstream Trailer)

Pulling any trailer makes driving more challenging. Compared to mobile homes, travel trailers are designed with less restrictions and offer more living space. As 「vehicles」 they are not the easiest to maneuver. To win the hearts of people who already own pickup trucks, trailer manufacturers constantly attempt to maximize living space with minimum weight and building costs. Many of the tall and handsome trailers are feather-light despite their sizes. But no matter how perfect the parameters match, pulling one of those, even on a decent road in good weather, would be a test of the performance of the tow vehicle and skills of the driver.

Parking and turning are no jokes. Bumpy roads must be avoided. Gusting side-winds have been known to sweep trailers off roads. If, unfortunately, the trailer slips into a trench, it does not take much to turn them over. Unlike automobiles, trailers are not built with all that much metal. Instead of becoming dented or bent to absorb impacts, trailers usually just break. The smashed and spilled list could include your home, dishes, closet, toilet, self-worth and will to

live. This is why it is against the law, in every state, for humans to ride in a travel trailer when it is being towed. With that said, it is unusual for Americans traveling with families to be into off-road RVing, so for middle-class Americans traveling seasonally, trailers are their favorite. Travel trailers are the best-selling RVs in America.

(Picture: Trailer failed to survive the ride on the bumpy shoulder)

Fifth Wheels

A fifth wheel is designed to be pulled by pickup trucks. Why call it 「fifth」 is mystifying,

since I have not personally seen any RV with just one wheel. The front of a fifth wheel is raised in order to be connected to a hitch mounted onto the truck』s chassis located in the truck bed. Such an arrangement allows some of the trailer weight to be carried directly by the tow vehicle and it creates a more secure connection than a rear hitch. The downside is it takes modification to set up for towing: tow packages and man power put together would cost around 2,000 dollars, hardly chump change. The tow package mounting mechanism is large, leaving little usable space in the truck bed of the pickup. Fifth wheels are rarely less than seven meters. They can be twelve meters or longer and over three meters tall. The combination of a tow vehicle and fifth wheel is usually the largest family vehicle seen on the roads.

(Pictures: Tow Vehicle and Fifth Wheel; Fifth Wheel Interior)

Cost of a new fifth wheel starts from twenty to thirty thousand. The luxurious ones can cost up to two hundred thousand. There are many second-hand fifth wheels of different styles from different years, some of which can be bought for just a few thousand dollars. For that reason, both fifth wheels and travel trailers are popular with long term residents of RV parks.

Truck Camper

Strictly speaking, truck campers are not trailers but container-like living spaces. Regardless of their size, truck campers are usually equipped with all living facilities including kitchen and bath to accommodate one or two travelers. When loaded with a truck camper the truck is still able to tow. Traveling with canoes or BBQ grills is not a problem. The camper and truck can be separated with some effort. While hardly hassle free, to a lot of our-door fanatics it is

definitely worth the work to be able to hit mountain roads with their pickup trucks. The driving experience varies with and without the camper. With a camper on the back of a pickup, the center of the vehicle is raised significantly and therefore feels 「less grounded」 on the road. A new truck camper rarely cost more than fifty thousand dollars. A second-handed camper can be as reasonable as two to five thousand. Truck campers also cost less to maintain and repair. Single or duo cost contentious travelers who have had a pickup truck love them.

(Picture: Truck Camper Exterior, Truck Camper Interior, Truck Camper Floor Plan)

Toy Hauler

Toy haulers are themselves adult toys, or trailers used to haul adult toys. Americans know how to have fun and are willing to spend money on their hobbies. Their toys include but not

restricted to: sail boats, yachts, private airplanes, giant motorcycles, rafts, canoes, snowmobiles, fishing and gaming gear and of course, RVs. Toy haulers are not necessarily first-class mobile 「homes」 but they are fun. Their intended purposes are so diverse, the ones designed to contain a couple of massive Harley bikes are for beginners. The most popular design for toy hauler is half living facility and half storage space for the toys.

Toy haulers are the most 「American」 of all mobile homes in my opinion. For example, there is a kind of toy hauler called 「fish house」, which is used for fishing on frozen water. Since it is ice fishing, a fish house needs to be kept warm inside, but not too hot to melt the ice underneath. It needs wheels in order to be hauled onto ice, but the wheels must not be touching the ice when parked in position. A fish house is an assembly of problems, and solutions, slightly less comprehensible than Schrodinger』s cat. Knowing a brand-new fish house can cost up to a whopping thirty thousand dollars, in order to understand this product and its target customers I did inquire about types, prices and palatability of freshly caught fish during winters in north America. I was off the point. 「Toys are play things. Play being the key word. Whether the fish is that good or it is cheaper to buy or catch your own? Not related.」 Well, whatever makes them happy, I guess.

(Pictures: Fish House Exterior, Fish House Interior. The holes in the floor are fishing holes)

Park Models

Speaking of trailers, park models are also worth mentioning. Park models are portable houses. They are designed for comfortable living while parked in camp sites for a period of

time. Some park model RVs are essentially the same as 「tiny houses」 which have been on the rise in recent years. Interestingly nowadays residents of park model RVs have expanded beyond retirees and the low-income crowd and now include younger middle class types, reflecting changes in class and values of American society.

(Pictures: Park Model That Looks More Like a Trailer; Park Model That Looks More Like a House)

Roughly that is what we are saying when we talk about RVs. Due to different legal and cultural environments, RVs in China, Europe, Australia and Japan are different from RVs

in America, where mobile homes are widely used for a variety of situations and a diverse group for people including Hollywood superstars and the ones with barely enough money to keep a roof over their heads. Which is a topic for another time.



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