大師Rick Bean的皮雕馬鞍




一般騎乘大都使用綜合鞍,這種馬鞍可做多種用途,既可以做初級障礙練習,也可以訓練盛裝舞步。馬鞍有大小不同的型號,從14英寸一直到19英寸,騎手必須根據自己的體形和體重以及馬匹情況來選擇尺寸, 根據所要進行的運動來選擇合適的馬鞍類型。



當然不是所有的牛仔都有一大堆刀花在自己的馬鞍上,所以多數牛仔的裝具還是只雕不鑲。今天我們介紹的大師就是雕刻美鞍界的頂級大師,Rick Bean。

瑞克 比恩(Rick Bean),美國人,出生於1961年,從小就很喜歡畫畫,他的鄰居彭妮家族就是開了一家馬鞍店,瑞克比恩每天放學都去那裡學習製作馬鞍的基本技術。

瑞克在15歲時,完成第一具馬鞍,兩年後(1978年)創立了以自己命名的品牌 R.C. Bean


R.C. Bean Saddlery的總部在美國的愛達荷州,服務於信仰騎士精神的騎手,從馬鐙,馬刺到由瑞克親手製作的騎士毯子和定製馬鞍,這些藝術品能真正滿足一個騎士的需要。

Colorful carved and colored figures dominate the saddle bags by Rick Bean. The art work is titled "Tom and Casey" (on near or left side) and "Casey and Tom" on the right.

The leather-carved scene "Casey and Tom" is featured on the right side of the saddle bag.

This saddle is a tribute to ladies who enjoy riding Western. Built on a 3B Visalia tree with in-skirt rigging, a 15 inch seat

This detail photo shows the horses on the cantle with flowers sporting rose gold centers fabricated by David Alderson.





Rick Bean had a lady rider in mind when he conceived The Pegasus, a themed saddle featuring figures of the legendary winged horse.

Rick C. Bean 2010 ~ TCAA -The Pegasus, a themed saddle featuring leather carved and elephant ivory figures of the winged horse. Scott Hardy hand-engraved sterling silver trim

The Pegasus is built on a 15 inch Visalia-style tree with a modified dally horn. Carved figures of Pegasus appear on the fenders, saddlebags

Rick Bean saddle-SR

Rick Bean saddle

Christened the Outlaw Saddle by Rick Bean because of the dark color and the bad guys on the cantle back

Decorative swivel knife cuts across the saddle"s black cantle roll frame a scene of escaping desperados sculpted by Bean from one piece of thick sterling silver.

Wide, leather-covered bentwood stirrups provide a canvas to display two bronc riding figures complemented by full floral stamping all brought together with an antique finish. Sale price: $2,900

Rick Bean refers to this theme saddle as the Ponderosa after the pine tree. Woven among the branches, pine needles and pine cones are 40 wildlife figures, including 13 different species of animals and birds.

Dominated by regal fighting elk on the back of the cantle, the naturalistic and slightly raised inhabitants of the pine forest were worked into the leather stamping design. The curving branches of the tree substitute for the vining of traditional floral saddles.

Bucking rolls, tied just back from the fork of a saddle, are found in 2 traditional styles, the Oregon and the Nevada. Both variations remain popular among buckaroos in the Northwest and Great Basin regions. Bean ornamented these Nevada-style bucking rolls with floral stamping and sterling silver conchas by David Alderson. Sale price: $775.


「 真實的贗品 」—?—?虛構文體的未來證明。

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