


Recently I have a new idea for my next article, about 「What』s the value of SLP」. Simply reading about the steps to become an SLP is not as convincing as knowing what is the true significance of being an SLP. We serve as a unique role and work better with a team. I believe we all had the moment feeling so proud and even had tears in eyes, such sense of accomplishment can easily come from a sincere compliment from your clients. Now and then I still ask myself the same questions, what』s my position in my patients』 care, what have I done to improve their life, and what makes my job irreplaceable? Sometimes I sort out a satisfying answer and sometimes I don』t. So I』m here asking your opinions: what do you think of an SLP』s core value is and what』s our responsibility to the client/family/society.

The wisdom of the collective is boundless. I』ll be very grateful for any comments you have, with no restrictions on language, length or format. One incisive line would share the same awesomeness as one well-illustrated paragraph.



ASHA: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 美國言語語言與聽力協會

CCC-SLP: Certificate of Clinical Competence for Speech-Language Pathologists 具備臨床資格認證的言語治療師(資格證由美國言語語言與聽力協會頒發)

CCC-A:Certification of Clinical Competence - Audiology 具備臨床資格認證的聽力師(資格證由美國言語語言與聽力協會頒發)






「The joy of being a speech language pathologist (SLP) comes from working with people with all ages from various cultural & linguistic backgrounds and be able use various communication modalities to draw people closer to each other. In addition to providing therapy, an SLP can also be an educator, a counselor, a resource manager, an investigator, an advocator, and a messenger of hope. 」

--Yao, CCC-SLP, M.S., PhD student, California

「Many people probably do not know what a speech language pathologist (SLP) is. We mainly evaluate and treat children and adults with speech, language, cognitive, voice, fluency, and swallowing problems. Our job is help our clients find an effective way to communicate with people through verbal, pictures, augmentative and alternative communication devices. Providing a safe strategy to swallow and getting enough nutrition for clients with swallowing disorders are also under SLP"s scope of practice.

In the US, SLPs could work at schools, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, private clinics, or client"s home. We are not only providing direct services, but also providing parent education. Parents play a key role in the team. We would like to teach parents how to carryover therapy sessions to home and daily life. No matter where SLPs work, we work as a team, including parents, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Psychologists, Teachers, Physicians, and/or other related professionals. It takes more than six years to be a certified SLP, so we have knowledge to evaluate and treat our clients; however, there still many things and factors we do not know. Therefore, we collaborate with other professionals to help our clients have a

functional life. 」

--Ming-Yeh, CCC-SLP, M.S., Washington State

「Speech-language pathology (SLP) is a profession that is charged with the high calling of igniting positive, transformational changes in the lives of clients, family members, and the community.

When I think of a simple way to describe SLP values, I cannot resist borrowing the acronym Bethel Hearing and Speaking Training Center (美國培聲聽力語言中心) uses to describe its company core values -- R.E.A.C.H. Each letter in REACH represents a core value: Respect, Excellence, Awareness, Compassion, and Honesty.

Respect: SLPs inherently view clients and their families as worthy of care and dignity, regardless of current levels of ability or inability. Building from this foundational truth that all human beings are inherently valuable helps us further respect everyone we work with--clients, their families, and other professionals—and helps us to coordinate care and seek input in the process of helping the client achieve a qualitatively better life through expanded

possibilities for communication.

Excellence: Because of the high respect SLPs have for their clients, SLPs strive to adhere to the highest standards of quality by using well researched, evidence-based practices to deliver the best services possible!

Awareness: SLPs increase public awareness of the efficacy and benefits of therapy as clients improve with intervention and as family members become educated, trained, and

equipped to facilitate the development of their loved ones. SLPs also advocate for those with disabilities by campaigning to raise the awareness of speech language disorders and viable treatment options via informational presentations to the public, research publications, and lobbying of government representatives.

Compassion: Truly, the driving force behind speech-language pathology is love and genuine concern for clients and their families. This compassion must involve balancing the support given to clients with the gradual removal of supports and challenging of patients to reach higher levels of independence as they become restored to continue fulfilling their purposes in


Honesty: SLPs are a group of professionals that exhibit integrity. This includes remaining encouraging yet honest about prognosis and likely time frame of skill acquisition so that clients and families have appropriate expectations during their journey. Honesty also means a SLP will maintain accurate documentation and will adhere to proper business practices in coding and billing.

Again, I cannot resist to borrow Bethel Hearing Speaking Training Center』s slogan, 「Bethel is committed to REACH.」 A SLP who is committed to REACH brings transformational change to clients, families, our profession, and the community at large.」

--Lucy, AuD/CCC-A, MS/CCC-SLP, Texas






「作為學校言語治療師,核心的工作是為兒童的溝通交流提供專業的支持:蹲下身子,和孩子的目光平視,鼓勵他/她表達自己的喜怒哀樂,教會他們理解別人的世界,用愛,寬容和知識來呵護幼苗成長的歷程。在現實中,孩子希望得到心愛的玩具,被愛呵護到永遠;父母希望得到社會的積極支持,子女溝通無障礙;老師則希望學生的全面配合,聆聽教誨求 上進。言語治療師就是這些夢想實現的領路人。通過專業的評估與訓練讓孩子們在「有效溝通」的道路上不斷進步。


--Cherry, CCC-SLP, M.S., Florida




邱新惠(Hsinhuei Chiou)教授就職於明尼蘇達州立大學Mankato校區 語言聽力復健系。她開課訓練碩士班學生從事雙語語言評量及治療,她也提供明尼蘇達州語言治療師雙語評量治療的咨詢服務。她同時是美國聽力語言學會認證的語言治療師(CCC-SLP)。

張馨方(Shinfan Stephanie Chang)是伊利諾州註冊早期療育語言治療師,為多所學校之華裔學生提供雙語評量及資詢服務。她同時是美國聽力語言學會認證的語言治療師(CCC-SLP)。


在成長學習的過程中, 有些孩子有語言發展遲緩的問題。 語言發展遲緩的孩子, 需要接受語言治療師 (speech-language pathologist) 的評量及治療 (speech therapy)。 這些孩子有的只說一種語言, 有的會說兩種或兩種以上的語言。在美國, 絕大部分的語言治療師只能提供英文的語言治療, 會說雙語的語言治療師並不多見。 這幾年來會說雙語的孩子比率逐年提升。 美國特殊教育法令規定,對母語非英語的孩子來說,語言評量應該以母語來評量。對於語言遲緩的雙語孩子來說,用母語或者雙語來治療, 效果也會比僅用英文來治療還要好。目前研究顯示, 學齡前語言遲緩的孩子, 在家裡若是以英文以外的母語為主(例如, 中文), 語言治療專家強力建議, 這類型孩子的語言治療, 應以母語為主, 英文為輔。 當孩子上學後對英文的接觸加深, 到時語言治療再適當加入更多英文的學習。

平平是一個四歲的孩子。他三歲半的時候, 只會講幾個中文字。 平平的家庭, 與很多移民到美國的家庭一樣, 父母和孩子在家使用中文。平平的父母擔心平平的語言發展遲緩, 因此帶他去學校做語言初級篩檢(Speech and Language Screening) 。不幸的, 學校拒絕替平平做篩檢。學校拒絕的理由是平平和他的父母講中文, 而學校無法測試英文以外的語言。事實上, 根據美國特殊教育法令規定, 這所學校是不能以「無法提供第二外語的評量」為理由拒絕中文的語言評量。幸好平平的父母堅決相信平平需要語言治療。 他們決定用自己的健康保險來支付語言評量和語言治療的費用。 平平的父母還算幸運, 只需要負擔十分之一的治療費用。在美國, 會講中文的語言治療師並不多見。平平父母必須開車三小時讓平平接受張馨方老師的中文治療。 透過中文語言評量的結果,張老師針對平平, 設計一套語言教學計劃。張老師利用視覺及感官提示 (例如手指著嘴唇提示發唇音),幫助平平正確發音。張老師也提供家長幫助平平發音的正確方法。例如,平平使用鏡子看嘴型, 一邊玩遊戲,一邊練習發不同的聲音。 平平接受語言治療一兩個月之後, 中文進步很多, 父母感到很欣慰。

在治療期間, 平平的父母提出對雙語學習的疑慮。 平平好不容易中文有起色, 父母擔心如果讓平平去上學, 學校只用英文, 這樣會不會加重他的語言障礙? 因此張老師與平平的父母解釋雙語學習的正確概念。就像講一種語言的語障孩子, 可能他們的語言能力無法發展到完全正常, 但是他們的語言發展還是可以進步到某種程度。講雙語的語障孩子能夠學習兩種語言, 雖然他們可能不容易發展到像正常的雙語小孩的語言能力, 但是他們還是有發展兩種語言的能力, 兩種語言都可以繼續的進步。由於平平的語言環境有雙語的需求(在家說中文, 在學校說英文), 張老師鼓勵平平的父母讓平平學習中文跟英文。學習兩種語言不會對語障的孩子造成負面的影響。 更重要的是, 有語言障礙的孩子, 因為有學雙語的環境需求, 更需要把兩個語言都學起來。 如果孩子需要用兩種語言溝通, 但是被侷限只學習一種語言, 反而會造成將來更多溝通上的問題。

在美國,任何孩子如果在語言、智能、肢體, 及心理可能有發育遲緩的情況,都有權利接受美國政府提供的專業評量服務。三歲以下的小孩由早期療育部門管理。三歲到二十一歲的小孩由美國公立學校的特殊教育部門提供這方面的服務。語言初級篩檢 (Speech and language


一般來說,兒童的語言發展如發現有遲緩,越早治療,效果越能事半功倍。在伊利諾州和許多美國各州, 三歲以下的小孩擁有權利免費接受早期療育部門提供的語言、智能,肢體發展初級篩檢以及評量的服務。 伊利諾州的早期療育(或簡稱早療)部門機構叫做Child and Family Connections (CFC)。 此機構的服務項目眾多,包括聽力測量、語言治療、職能治療、物理治療,及健康營養方面資訊等等。此早療機構(CFC)在伊州每個地區都有提供服務。 家長可以直接聯絡當地的早療機構。請參考CFC網站提供的資訊(wiu.edu/ProviderConnect)。家長如果覺得自己的孩子可能有語言發展的問題, 請以CFC網站直接向當地的早療機構聯絡。 對於住在伊利諾州芝加哥西郊的居民,張老師願意幫忙聯繫當地CFC機構,也可為孩子提供中文語言評量治療的服務。住在伊利諾州以外的美國各州讀者,如果您的孩子有語言發展遲緩的現象,請和小兒科醫師或者直接跟您居住的學區聯繫。語言發展遲緩的問題如果沒有及時接受治療, 對小朋友長大後的影響是很深遠的。 許多語言發展遲緩的孩子長大後會遭遇到一些問題,包括自信心不足、人際(社會)互動退縮、語文學習困難,情緒障礙等等。筆者多年來遇見不少語言發展遲緩的孩子,錯過了黃金時期才開始接受語言治療。希望藉此文章,給讀者提供語言發展的正確觀念及資訊。








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