


  1. 網路定義

  • 網路的參數主要有輸入的圖片,全連接層dropOut的keep_prob,因為訓練時需要dropout,而在測試時需要將完整的網路因此不需要dropout。不同的訓練集網路差異在於Fc8層的輸出神經元,因此我們將類別數設置為參數。skip_layer用於模型參數載入時跳過,僅使用默認初始化,這樣我們訓練自己的網路的時候將skip_layer設置為Fc層就可以通過ImageNet預訓練模型初始化網路並僅訓練Fc層啦。權重路徑為默認路徑,即ImageNet預訓練模型。

class AlexNet(object): def __init__(self, input_x, keep_prob, num_classes, skip_layer, weights_path = "Default"): # Initialization the parameters self.input_x = input_x self.keep_prob = keep_prob self.skip_layer = skip_layer if weights_path == "Default" : self.weights_path = "bvlc_alexnet.npy" else: self.weights_path = weights_path self.num_classes = num_classes # Create the AlexNet Network Define self.create()

  • 卷積層定義

由於2012年,GPU性能較弱,因此AlexNet通過兩個GPU協同訓練CNN,在一些層的計算我們需要先將輸入以及卷積核分為兩組,分別計算然後得到的feature map再合併,因此我們設置了groups參數。

note:tensorflow padding的問題,AlexNet除第一層卷積層使用「VALID」的padding方式外,其他卷積層使用「SAME」的padding方式,而兩種方式得到的feature map的尺寸是不一致的。


If padding == "SAME": output_spatial_shape[i] = ceil(input_spatial_shape[i] / strides[i]) If padding == "VALID": output_spatial_shape[i] = ceil((input_spatial_shape[i] - (spatial_filter_shape[i]-1) * dilation_rate[i]) / strides[i]).def conv(self, x, kernel_height, num_kernels, stride, name, padding = "SAME",padding_num = 0,groups = 1): print ("name is {} np.shape(input) {}".format(name, np.shape(x))) input_channels = int(np.shape(x)[-1]) if not padding_num == 0: x = tf.pad(x,[[0,0],[padding_num,padding_num],[padding_num,padding_num],[0,0]]) convolve = lambda i,k:tf.nn.conv2d(i,k, strides = [1, stride, stride ,1], padding = padding) with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: weights = tf.get_variable("weights", shape = [kernel_height, kernel_height, input_channels/groups, num_kernels]) biases = tf.get_variable("biases", shape = [num_kernels]) if groups == 1: conv = convolve(x,weights) else: input_groups = tf.split(axis=3,num_or_size_splits = groups, value = x) weights_groups = tf.split(axis = 3, num_or_size_splits = groups, value = weights) output_groups = [convolve(i,k) for i,k in zip(input_groups,weights_groups)] conv = tf.concat(axis = 3, values = output_groups) # add biases and avtive function withBias = tf.reshape(tf.nn.bias_add(conv,biases),conv.get_shape().as_list()) relu = tf.nn.relu(withBias) return relu

  • MAX pooling、LRN、FC層定義

def maxPooling(self, input,filter_size,stride,name,padding = "SAME"): print ("name is {} np.shape(input) {}".format(name,np.shape(input))) return tf.nn.max_pool(input,ksize=[1,filter_size,filter_size,1],strides = [1,stride,stride,1],padding = padding, name = name) def lrn(self, input,radius,alpha,beta,name,bias = 1.0): print ("name is {} np.shape(input) {}".format(name,np.shape(input))) return tf.nn.local_response_normalization(input,depth_radius=radius, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,bias=bias,name=name) def fc(self, input,num_in,num_out,name,drop_ratio=0,relu = True): print ("name is {} np.shape(input) {}".format(name,np.shape(input))) with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: weights = tf.get_variable("weights",shape = [num_in,num_out],trainable=True) biases = tf.get_variable("biases",[num_out],trainable=True) # Linear act = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(input,weights,biases,name=scope.name) if relu == True: relu = tf.nn.relu(act) if drop_ratio == 0: return relu else: return tf.nn.dropout(relu,1.0-drop_ratio) else: if drop_ratio == 0: return act else: return tf.nn.dropout(act,1.0-drop_ratio)


  • 完整的網路定義,根據卷積層、池化層、LRN層、FC層的參數定義我們的model,其中FC層num_out為我們的類別個數。

def create(self): #layer 1 conv1 = self.conv(self.input_x,11,96,4,name = "conv1", padding = "VALID") pool1 = self.maxPooling(conv1, filter_size = 3, stride = 2, name = "pool1", padding = "VALID") norm1 = self.lrn(pool1,2,2e-05,0.75,name="norm1") #layer 2 conv2 = self.conv(norm1,5,256,1,name = "conv2",padding_num = 0, groups = 2) pool2 = self.maxPooling(conv2, filter_size = 3, stride = 2, name = "pool2", padding = "VALID") norm2 = self.lrn(pool2,2,2e-05,0.75,name="norm2") #layer 3 conv3 = self.conv(norm2, 3, 384, 1, name = "conv3") #layer 4 conv4 = self.conv(conv3, 3, 384, 1, name = "conv4",groups = 2) #layer 5 conv5 = self.conv(conv4, 3, 256, 1, name = "conv5", groups = 2) pool5 = self.maxPooling(conv5, filter_size = 3, stride = 2, name= "pool5", padding = "VALID") #layer 6 flattened = tf.reshape(pool5, [-1,6*6*256]) fc6 = self.fc(input = flattened, num_in = 6*6*256, num_out = 4096, name = "fc6", drop_ratio = 1.0-self.keep_prob, relu = True) #layer 7 fc7 = self.fc(input = fc6, num_in = 4096, num_out = 4096, name = "fc7", drop_ratio = 1.0 - self.keep_prob, relu = True) #layer 8 self.fc8 = self.fc(input = fc7, num_in = 4096, num_out = self.num_classes, name = "fc8", drop_ratio = 0, relu = False)


  • 參數初始化


#load pretrained weights def load_weights(self, session): weights_dict = np.load(self.weights_path, encoding = "bytes").item() for op_name in weights_dict: if op_name not in self.skip_layer: with tf.variable_scope(op_name, reuse = True): for data in weights_dict[op_name]: if len(data.shape) == 1: var = tf.get_variable("biases",trainable=False) session.run(var.assign(data)) else: var = tf.get_variable("weights",trainable=False) session.run(var.assign(data))

  • 輸入圖像處理


def test_image(path_image,num_class,path_classes,weights_path = "Default"): #x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1,227,227,3]) x = cv2.imread(path_image) x = cv2.resize(x,(227,227)) x = x.astype(np.float32) x = np.reshape(x,[1,227,227,3]) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,num_class]) model = AlexNet(x,0.5,1000,skip_layer = "", weights_path = weights_path) score = model.fc8 max = tf.arg_max(score,1) with tf.Session() as sess: sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) model.load_weights(sess) #score = model.fc8 label_id = sess.run(max)[0] with open(path_classes) as f: lines = f.readlines() label = lines[label_id] print("image name is {} class_id is {} class_name is {}".format(path_image,label_id,label)) f.close()






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