Shot On OnePlus 2016 最佳攝影師

2016 年,Shot on OnePlus(原一日一圖)共收到全球超過110 個國家 6703 名用戶投遞的 14134 張照片。

這些數據的背後,是 110 個不同的城市、光影及異域風情;是 6703 人對攝影的喜愛、堅持與不懈付出;是 14134 個被記錄的美好、新奇和不可思議。

經過一個多月的準備,在今天,我們也有幸評選出 Shot on OnePlus 2016 年四個季度的最佳攝影師,他們分別是,來自美國的 Derek Socrates Finch,丹麥的 Simon Kullenberg,中國杭州的周燚,中國北京的修賢超,恭喜他們成為 OnePlus 2016 的官方簽約攝影師。

2017 年,Shot on OnePlus 將以全新的面貌展示在世人面前。

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# Shot on OnePlus 2016 第一季度最佳攝影師—— Derek Socrates Finch

▲ Derek Socrates Finch

Derek Socrates Finch 自述

My name is Derek Socrates Finch, I am a software developer and a photographer. I was born in Athens, Greece and I spent most of childhood living by the sea. As a teenager I lived for several years in Northern California amongst the giant redwood trees. I believe my early exposure to these beautiful scenes has given me an eye for landscape photography, although I also enjoy photographing architecture, aircraft and astrophotography. Over time I have come to understand that each of these photographic pursuits requires a different approach and mind-set to get right. For example due to clockwork nature of the night skies and the little available light, astrophotography is very reliant on the precision of timing and exposure settings. However, in contrast, I believe landscape photography is much more about capturing the mood and essence of a place than it is about controlling the mechanics of the exposure. A tip I often give others is to place the main subject of a photograph off-centre in the frame. This is known as the "rule of thirds", and can dramatically increase the interest of a photograph.

我的名字是 Derek Socrates Finch。我是一名軟體開發師和攝影師。我在希臘雅典出生,童年是在那片美麗的海域度過的。我的青少年時期是在加州北部度過的,那裡有大片大片的紅杉樹。回過頭來,正是這些與大自然的接觸讓我對自然景觀拍攝有了獨特的感覺和視角,我也同樣喜歡建築、航空和星空攝影。我漸漸意識到,不同類型的拍攝需要你在不同的視角和心態去觀察事物。比如,夜空拍攝常常遇上不穩定的天氣以及亮度問題,因此星空拍攝對計時和曝光設置的要求很高。然而景觀拍攝卻是截然相反,最重要的是要捕捉當下的情緒和氛圍,因此控制曝光是最重要的。另外一個很有用的建議就是在於要把重點物體放在中心邊緣,也是人們常說的三分法,這可以明顯提升照片的趣味性。

Derek Socrates Finch 作品欣賞

▲ Shot on OnePlus 3T

▲ Shot on OnePlus 3

▲ Shot on OnePlus 3T

Derek 還拍攝了 OnePlus 3T 部分官方攝影樣張作品,謝謝 Derek 在 2016 年為我們奉獻如此多精彩的作品。> 查看更多該攝影師的信息和作品

# Shot on OnePlus 2016 第二季度最佳攝影師—— Simon Kullenberg

▲ Simon Kullenberg

Simon Kullenberg 自述

My name is Simon Kullenberg, i am 31years of age, born and raised in Denmark and currently resides in Brazil for ashorter period of time with my girlfriend.

My interest inphotography began during my late teen years while traveling around the world asa professional gamer. I was fascinated by light in different environments andat the same time had the opportunity to explore many places which naturallysparked a huge interest in taking pictures. Over the years I have beenthrough countless of camera setups, starting with a small pocket camera andslowly upgrading to better systems until i reached a point where I had so muchequipment that the enjoyment of taking pictures went away. Soon after Irealized how good smartphone cameras had become and i was back to the pocketsize system where it all began and with the same love and passion I began with.I then decided to start an Instagram account to share my work with others andalso to show people that its not necessary to have expensive equipment in orderto produce great results. Through my work on Instagram I was fortunate enoughto get contacted by OnePlus to produce a few sample photos to their websitewhich i happily agreed to. I have since then taken pictures around S?o Paulo,Rio De Janeiro and many other places in Brazil. A country with a lot of lightand color - all elements i enjoy focusing on in my pictures.

我叫 Simon Kullenberg,我31歲,在丹麥出生和長大,目前和我的女朋友在巴西短暫旅行。

十幾歲的時候我對攝影開始感興趣,並作為一個職業玩家在世界各地旅行。我被不同的光影、風土人情迷住了,同時不斷探索許多地方,這引起了我巨大的拍照興趣。這麼多年來,我換過無數的相機,從一個口袋相機,慢慢升級到更好的設備,直到有一刻我意識到一個點:我有這麼多的設備,享受拍照的時刻卻消失了。不久後,我覺得好的智能手機攝像頭已經成為我隨時隨地的攝影利器,它讓我找到了剛開始的熱愛和激情。然後,我決定開始建立一個 Instagram 帳戶,與其他人分享我的作品,並向人們展示,沒有必要用昂貴的設備,來產生什麼偉大的結果。通過我在 Instagram 上的工作,我很幸運能夠與 OnePlus 聯繫,以生成一些示例照片到他們的網站( Shot on OnePlus ),我很高興同意。我從那以後在巴西的聖保羅,里約熱內盧和許多其他地方拍照。

Simon Kullenberg 攝影作品欣賞

▲ Shot on OnePlus 3

▲ Shot on OnePlus 3

▲ Shot on OnePlus 2

Simon 也為我們拍攝了 OnePlus 3 的部分官方攝影樣張,感謝 Simon 的作品。

> 查看更多該攝影師的信息和作品

# Shot on OnePlus 2016 第三季度最佳攝影師 —— 周燚





美國著名女攝影師 Annie Leibovitz 曾說過 「最好的相機,就是能時時刻刻都裝在身上的那一台」。所以,我非常感謝 OnePlus,真正讓我熱愛上攝影的就是從 OnePlus 2 開始的,相機的配置在 2015 年來說,算的上是主流。手機強大的攝影功能讓我不管去哪裡,都帶在身邊,記錄下有趣的,平凡的,憂傷的……各種各樣的畫面。OnePlus 一日一圖徵集了許多優秀的作品。我在版塊上線開始就加入了進去,上傳了一些自己比較喜歡的照片,而我非常有幸成為 OnePlus 的簽約攝影師!

是 OnePlus ,帶領我走進攝影的世界,在未來的時間裡,且行且珍惜;不管自己以後從事什麼工作,都不會放棄對攝影的熱愛!



▲ Shot on OnePlus 2

▲ Shot on OnePlus 2

▲ Shot on OnePlus 2

感謝周燚使用 OnePlus 手機為我們帶來如此精彩的攝影作品。

> 查看更多該攝影師的信息和作品

# Shot on OnePlus 2016 第四季度最佳攝影師 —— 修賢超





▲ Shot on OnePlus 3

▲ Shot on OnePlus 3

▲ Shot on OnePlus 3

感謝修賢超使用 OnePlus 手機為我們帶來如此精彩的攝影作品。

> 查看更多該攝影師的信息和作品

Shot on OnePlus 不會拒絕任何一張好照片。你也可以,欣賞並參與戳鏈接 Shot on OnePlus ,我們在找你。

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