乾貨 | 「多」有多少種表達?(下)

我們的上一期「多」的n種表達看過癮了嗎?(鏈接:乾貨 | 「多」有多少種表達?(上))今天再來給大家看一些brainstorm的詞!

Part 3 很多

【multiple, considerable, substantial, multitude, myriad, prolific, manifold, profuse】

詞頻比較:(Source: Google)


在Google歷史書籍統計中,multiple使用量最多,其次是considerablesubstantial,其他辭彙使用量都較少。接下來,看看Financial Times上的詞頻比較:

substantial最多,multipleconsiderable為第二梯隊,myriad, prolific, multitude隨後,其他兩詞出現最少。



?He died of multiple injuries.

?multiple operating systems 多個作業系統

?To manage multiple projects simultaneously


adj. 相當的,可觀的

I wonder, too, why some economists think that it"s efficient for households to spend the considerable amount of time investing in the medical knowledge that would be required to make educated treatment decisions.

——The Economist

注釋:considerable除了跟amount of 搭配,還可以直接加名詞,比如considerable revenue/sum 可觀的收入。


【正式】adj. 大量的

?substantial amount

?substantial changes

?substantial difference

?substantial evidence

?substantial improvement

?substantial support


【30】a multitude of


Taikang Life is owned by a multitude of domestic investment groups, while the Government of Singapore Investment Corp, the sovereign wealth fund, has an 8 per cent stake.

泰康人壽的股東中包括眾多中國國內投資集團,主權財富基金新加坡政府投資公司(Government of Singapore Investment Corp)也擁有8%的股份。

——Financial Times


adj. 眾多

Tencent"s myriad apps and services offer a way to work, play and pay.


——Financial Times


adj. 各種各樣的

?manifold ways

?The layers of middle-men between a consumer of healthcare and a provider are manifold.




a prolific writer 多產的作家



?profuse bleeding

?profuse sweating

Part 4 關於of的搭配

【 a wide range of, dozens of, a host of, a mass of, a wealth of, a spate of, heaps of, a galaxy of, an avalanche of, a swarm of, a herd of 】

在Google書籍統計中,a wide range of 使用量最高,dozens of,a host of,a mass of,a wealth of排在其後,其他辭彙使用量最小。

在Financial Times的詞頻中,dozens of和a wide range of最高,a host of, a spate of和a wealth of排在其後,其他辭彙出現頻率較少。

【35】a wide range of


China would do well to allow a wide range of participants, including top-notch foreign institutional investors, investment banks and brokers, to compete on equal footing.


——Financial Times

【36】dozens of


China is the world"s top exporting nation, and the main trading partner with dozens ofcountries.


——Financial Times

【37】a host of


A single Trust may involve a host of other corporate and government entities, either guaranteeing the loan or providing collateral.


——Financial Times

【38】a mass of


?a mass of anonymous individuals 眾多無名小輩

?Sir Richard Branson is a mass of contradictions. A man who often appears shy, yet has built a brand around his charisma.

——Financial Times

【39】a wealth of


?Export drive can lead to a wealth of opportunities.

——Financial Times

?A wealth of inequalities bodes ill.

——Financial Times

【40】a spate of


?Retail mutual fund providers have responded with a spate of alternative strategies.

——Financial Times

?Google has been on the receiving end of a spate of court orders to unlock smartphones for the FBI and other US law enforcement agencies.

——Financial Times

【41】heaps of


?If the government uses it to restrict foreign students, it can save time by burning big heaps of money instead.

——Financial Times

?They have received heaps of attention in the press.

——Financial Times

【42】a galaxy of


?a galaxy of film stars

?a galaxy of geniuses

?Citigroup"s board included the chief executives of a galaxy of famous US companies who between them had hardly any banking experience.

——Financial Times

【43】an avalanche of


?an avalanche of letters 雪片般飛來的信件

?an avalanche of blows 連珠炮似的打擊

?The dispute is one of a growing number of such legal spats as the meltdown in the value of such securities is triggering an avalanche of litigation between parties in the $63,000 billion gross market for credit default swaps.


——Financial Times

【44】a swarm of/a herd of


?a swarm of savages 一群野蠻人

?a swarm of ants/bees/locusts 一大群螞蟻/蜜蜂/蝗蟲

?a herd of elephants/deer 一群象/鹿

?Silicon Valley is now home to a herd of so-called "unicorns"...

——Financial Times

注釋: swarm指蜜蜂、昆蟲等的「群」;herd通常指大動物的「群」,特指家畜的「群。

Part 5 跟「錢」相關的辭彙

generous, lavish, hefty sum of, vast sums of, handsome, heavy

詞頻比較:(Source: Google)

heavy 因為其他意思,所以出現頻率遠高於別的辭彙。其中,generoushandsome相對使用較多(也可能是因為別的意思被使用),其他幾個詞語,使用量差別不太大。

Financial Times中的比較:


在FT詞頻比較圖中可見,generous, handsome, lavish使用頻率較高。



Counties will be encouraged, withgenerous ten-to-one matching funds, to start express bus services.

——The Economist

【46】hefty sum of


The paper tracks a series of large transactions that aggregated the hefty sum of 613,326 Bitcoins (roughly $74m at current exchanges rates) into a single address that is widely believed to belong to Silk Road, representing about 5% of existing Bitcoins at that time.

——The Economist

注釋:這個片語也可以與錢無關,比如a hefty sum of customer complaints

【47】 vast sums of (money)


It would mean that structural separation would occupy Ofcom for years and surely cost the taxpayer and the industry a vast sum of money.

——The Economist



The rich world"s farmers are still reaping handsome subsidies.

——The Economist

注釋:handsome除了常用的「帥」的意思外,還可以表示數目可觀的,「considerable, ample, or liberal inamount」,比如handsome ransom,指相當大的一筆贖金。



The fiscal surpluses in oil-producing countries have been eroded after years of lavish public spending.——Financial Times



Oil groups caught price fixing will face the "full force of the law" and "heavy fines".

——Financial Times



乾貨 | 「多」有多少種表達?(上)

經濟學人 | AlphaGo的公司究竟在做什麼?

雙語 | 習大大2017新年賀詞:不忘初心,繼續前進

小詞 | 「It"s a people business."

小詞 | 「Right time, right place, right people.」


呵呵 英文怎麼翻譯才能有那種感覺?

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