

奧巴馬已經正式簽署了PMIAA法案(項目群管理 問責和促進法案) 。

President Barack Obama Signs the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act

拭目以待 ,項目管理職業開闢新的職業路線。


Right now, I found there is a critical headline in PMI home page.

剛才吃飯的時候, 我在PMI主頁看到了頭條消息。

The U.S. Senate has unanimously re-approved S.1550,the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act of 2015 (PMIAA), which will enhance accountability and best practices in project and program management throughout the federal government. The legislation, strongly endorsed by the Project Management Institute (PMI), has now cleared both chambers of Congress with bi-partisan support and will go to President Barack Obama for his signature. Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act

美國參議院已一致重新核准 《項目群管理改進和責任法案 》 (PMIAA)。這將強化問責制和整個聯邦政府的項目和項目群管理的最佳做法。該方案,由項目管理協會 (PMI) 中有力支持,現在已明確獲得參眾兩院兩黨的支持。接下來將提交總統奧巴馬簽字批准。

The PMIAA reforms federal program management policy in four important ways:

PMIAA 聯邦項目群管理政策改革體現在四個重要方面︰

Creating a formal job series and career path for program managers in the federal government. 在聯邦政府,創建項目群管理正式工作序列和職業生涯路徑。

Developing a standards-based program management policy across the federal government. 整個聯邦政府制訂一項基於標準的項目群管理政策。

Recognizing the essential role of executive sponsorship and engagement by designating a senior executive in federal agencies to be responsible for program management policy and strategy.認同行政支持和參與的重要作用, 在聯邦機構指定一位高管負責項目群管理政策和戰略。

Sharing knowledge of successful approaches to program management through an interagency council on program management 通過項目群管理機構間理事會,分享項目群管理成功的實踐知識

Personally, I feel if the act will signed in Obama Age and strengthened Thump Time, following trends may be happen gradually.


Advantage: (對項目管理從業者,尤其是美國的)

The PMI has and will continue to the top leader position of Project management industry in the US even worldwide. PMI將繼續成為項目管理業界領導和標杆。無論是在美國還是在中國,或其他國家。

The recognition rate to Project management industry & Project management professional should be risen. 政府和企業對項目管理專業,與項目管理專業人員的認可度應該上升。

There will be more buy-in to certificates of PMI issued, such as PMP, PGMP,PBA and etc. Especially in federal government. 政府和企業將對PMI的相關專業認證更加認可,例如PMP, PGMP,PBA等

A new career chance opened in the federal government, more job opportunities.在美國聯邦政府,將較多項目管理相關的職位以及升職機會。

In case of the storage of professional resource in short term to meet the act requirement in federal government, the professional project consultant firm will be arise. 短期內,政府和企業將無法滿足該法案的需求,專業項目集管理顧問公司會興起。


Without proper study & preparing, the companies has to face challenges in getting federal government related orders or cooperation.


The new PMIAA act has to show the value to the federal government. Othewise, it might be a paper act only.新的 PMIAA 法案如果不能自我證明對美國聯邦政府的貢獻和價值,很可能只限於紙上公文。

個人淺顯認識, 拋磚引玉。 三人行必有我師,請不吝賜教


(PMP, PBA(eligible), MBA)

2016 Dec 09

原文首發linkedin:How you feel the legislation news about PMIAA(參眾兩院一致通過項目群管理改進和責任法案,你怎麼看?)



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