


Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to protect wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



1. 認為人類本身還有很多問題啊,溫飽啊,戰爭啊,疾病啊,有的是沒解決的問題。


1. 一旦動物滅絕了,這個趨勢可逆轉不了,所以再怎麼投入資源都是應該的

2. 一個物種滅絕還會導致另一個物種的變化,最後可能導致地球都變化(像是蝴蝶效應~),所以就算是為了保護人類自己,也是必須保護動物,所以再多的投入都是值得的



When it comes to the issue about the significance of protecting wildlife, some people argue that human beings have allocated too many resources to wild animals, but I approve of the idea that it may never be exaggerated to focus on protecting wildlife.

Admittedly, human beings have no fewer problems than animals do. Even in the current era, many people in impoverished areas still suffer diseases and wars and their security cannot be guaranteed either. If governments could transfer their attention from animals to their citizens, more or less, some civilians could live a better life. Nevertheless, the fact that human beings need assistance is not assuming that animals could be neglected.

To begin with, many animals are in danger of extinction. Due to deforestation and pollution caused by human behavior, some species of animals have already lost their habitats and may be extinct in the future. What is worse, once animals no longer exist, it is impossible for human beings to maintain those species any more. Thus, in order to avoid such an irreversible tendency, animals deserve attention and budgets from mankind.

In addition, human beings need to protect animals for a healthy ecosystem. It is acknowledged that all kinds of animals play their different roles in the biological chain. If a kind of animals disappeared, the quantity of its natural enemies would correspondingly rise while the number of predators to it would dramatically drop, which might destroy the ecological balance and influence other species on the earth including human beings. Thus, in order to keep the balance of nature, human beings need to spend a lot of resources on animals.

In sum, considering that many species may be extinct and ecosystem will also suffer, it may be incorrect to claim that human beings focus too much on animals and waste money on them currently.






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