


Some people think that the amount of noise people make has to be controlled strictly, but others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



1. 人們有時候通過製造噪音來慶祝一些活動,比如搞定了一個大任務之後就開趴體啊,這樣的活動是人們表達喜悅和釋放壓力的好方法,雖然確實產生了噪音,但要是被嚴格限制住的話,人生會少了很多樂趣啊~~


1. 噪音會影響人們的生活,特別是晚上還有噪音的話,很多人連覺都沒法睡,身體感覺被掏空似的~


1. 政府可以設定一些規章制度,比如在白天就可以隨意製造噪音,畢竟很多工業生產也會製造噪音,不能連工業都停了吧= =但是到了晚上,就得給大家一個安靜的環境,甭管是蹦迪開趴還是工地作業,都不能進行。


1. produce/create/make/emit noise

2. restrict, reduce, control, manage, ban, prohibit

3. noise from construction activities/leisure activities/parties/domestic premises

When it comes to the issue about whether making noise should be restricted, some people argue that they have freedom to produce noise, but others believe that governments need to reduce noise emission.

On one hand, noise should be limited since it will impose a negative effect to individuals』 lives. It is acknowledged that noise may distract people from their work or lives. Hearing noise, people either want to find the source of noise or feel annoyed to be interrupted, which will lower their efficiency. Also, at night, some people cannot sleep well if there exists some noise from construction activities and their health may be influenced as a result. Therefore, to limit noise is to guarantee the life quality of citizens.

On the other hand, producing noise allows people to express their emotions to some degree. When a task is finished, many people may choose to hold a party to release their pressure and relax themselves. Inevitably, noise will be emitted during such a party because participants may laugh loudly. Providing that activities that create noise are all prohibited, noise will be less, but citizens may lose many recreational choices when they intend to alleviate pressure.

From my own perspective, it may be unreasonable for individuals to create noise as much as possible, but totally eliminating noise may also deprive citizens of much entertainment. An optimal choice is that governments could enforce some relevant policies to regulate behavior that produce noise. For example, noise from construction activities and domestic premises may not be limited in daytime. However, at night, especially after 7pm, making noise should be illegitimate and individuals should even be penalized for producing noise. In a word, citizens do have the right to produce some noise, but the right to maintain a quiet living environment should also be protected.




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