
不知道什麼時候養成了壞習慣 就是看英語閱讀的時候會把字句都讀出來 不是那種讀出聲 就是默讀但內心感覺是在讀書一樣(好難表述= =)機智的知友們可以意會吧啊?這種習慣導致我感覺看閱讀好慢好慢 像是有閱讀障礙似的 掃讀之類的一掃過去我就感覺在腦子裡沒留下來印象 要怎麼克服這種「讀」英語閱讀的習慣啊?求助


建議: 1. 強行提高閱讀速度。自己先測一下閱讀速度大約每分鐘多少詞 (Word 里一下就數清了),然後掐表強制提高10 - 15%的速度限時看完。

過些日子,再提高10-15%。 一本新書,開始讀的時候就先看看一小時看幾頁,此後每小時強制自己多看 X 頁。

2. 注意不要「倒著讀」:遇到一句話沒看懂,很多人有一個自己很難覺察到的壞習慣,下意識地覺得「就最後這兩個詞沒明白」,於是倒回2個詞去看,還不明白,再多倒回去2個字,這回看句尾 4 個單詞。。。再看看句尾 6 個單詞。。。。。。如此一直倒回到句首!遇到長句子的話,可能近一分鐘都過去了。所以注意提醒自己:一句話沒看懂,立刻找句子開頭,從頭開始重新看。


10/13 補充: 有些朋友的「閱讀速度問題」幾乎是完全針對某一個考試而來的。我個人從不贊成專門為考試而「學」英語,因為那真的不叫學英語,而叫「對付考試」。真正的閱讀速度,是從平時書報、網上閱讀等培養出來的理解能力和閱讀速度,到考試時只要稍加適應一下考試的路子,就基本能發揮出自己的真實水平來。如果你除了試卷、課本、「X寶典」之外幾乎都沒有過真正的閱讀,那就只能「上帝保佑」了,而且你費了九牛二虎之力「學」下來的英文,充其量也就夠考個試,給你一本英語書、一個英語講座,你照樣看不下來、聽不下來。這種英語學了又有多大意思?

Most people know that reading is a good way of improving your vocabulary. But

did you also know that reading can help you with your grammar, your spelling,

and your writing? When we read, we 「acquire」 or pick up a lot of information,

even information that we are not consciously aware of. Doing a lot of reading in

English will also improve your listening comprehension, because you will know

more about the language and be able to recognize more words when you hear


What sort of things should you read? First, you should be sure to read

something that you can mostly understand, a book or article where you

understand 90 to 95% of the words. This is important because you need to be

able to know enough words in the reading to be able to figure out the new words.

If too many of the words are new to you, you won』t be able to guess or figure out

as many of those new words. Second, you should start by reading about

something you already know a lot about or learned a lot about in your native

language. For example, if you』ve read a lot about cars in your native language,

you may want to read some articles about cars in English. You will be more

familiar with the topics (we』d say you』ll have more 「background knowledge」) and

that will make the reading easier to understand.





TAG:考試 | 學習方法 | 學習能力 | 英語六級 | 英語閱讀 |