
本文譯自美國兒科醫生髮放的表格:How to feed your baby step by step (表格原始鏈接)。裡面列舉了對應年齡寶寶吃食物的種類,餵養頻率,進食量以及注意事項。是一個參考性的表格,尤其對於剛剛接觸輔食的媽媽很有幫助。歡迎轉發到朋友圈哦~

表格將寶寶的輔食劃分為4個階段: 4-6個月,6-8個月,8-12個月,12個月以後,分別對應寶寶的咀嚼能力,抓握能力和食物種類的豐富程度。12個月以後的寶寶吃飯問題,請看這篇文章:看美國爸媽如何對付挑食不吃飯的小鬼。


下面是表格掃描件的縮略圖,在文章最後有我自製中英對照縮略圖。歡迎有需要清晰版本的粑粑麻麻私信我,關注公眾號 「爸道啊」(papasknowledge),回復:「餵養指南」,同樣有高清圖片下載。

This is a general guide for feeding your baby.Don』t worry if your baby eats a little more or less than this guide suggests.


Breast Milk 母乳餵養

  • Nurse On demand, 5 to 10 minutes Per breast.
  • 按需餵養,每側乳房哺乳5-10分鐘。

Formula 嬰兒配方奶粉

  • Never prop a bottle. Always hold baby and the bottle to feed.

  • 不要擁東西支撐奶瓶,不要讓寶寶躺著喝奶。抱著寶寶,拿穩奶瓶餵奶。
  • Don』t microwave bottles.
  • 不要用微波爐加熱奶瓶(微波加熱不均勻,過熱的牛奶會燙傷寶寶)
  • Don』t force a large feeding amount. 6 wet diapers a day is a good sign your baby is getting enough.
  • 不要強迫孩子喝奶。如果寶寶每天需要更換6次潮濕的尿布(尿布鼓起,一半指示線都變色),就說明他吃飽了.
  • Do not feed honey to a child until 1 year of age.
  • 寶寶一歲之前不要給他喂蜂蜜。

Breast milk or Formula 母乳餵養或嬰兒配方奶粉

4 to 6 times per day, 6 to 8 oz. at each feeding. 每天4-6次,每次180-240ml。母乳按需餵養。

  • Don』t prop the bottle.
  • 不要拿東西支撐著奶瓶,不要讓寶寶躺著喝奶。
  • Use a pacifier if baby wants to suck.
  • 如果寶寶想吮吸,請使用安撫奶嘴

Grains 穀物

Rice cereal 1 to 2 times per day, 1 to 2 tbsp. servings。嬰兒大米米糊,每天1-2次,每次 15-30ml. 先從大米米糊開始。(纖維較細,容易消化,注意觀察過敏反應)

  • Start cereal if babyis taking over 32 oz. per day.

  • 如果寶寶喝奶總量超過 960ml,就可以開始喂米糊了。

  • Don』t put cereal in a bottle.

  • 不要用奶瓶喂米糊

Breast milk or Formula 母乳餵養或嬰兒配方奶粉

1 to 5 times per day, 6 to 8 oz. servings. 每天3-5次,每次180-240ml 。

  • Give breast milk or formula before giving solid.
  • 吃輔食(米糊和果泥)之前先餵奶。

Grains 穀物

Rice cereal 1 to 2 times per day, 2 to 4 tbsp. servings。嬰兒大米米糊,每天1-2次,每次30-60ml.

  • Don』t heat in microwave.

  • 不要用微波爐加熱米糊。

Fruit & Veggies 水果和蔬菜(泥)

Strained Fruit and vegetables, 2 to 4 times per day, 2–3 tbsp. servings。水果和蔬菜(泥),每天 2-4次,每次30-45ml

  • Keep solid refrigerated.
  • 沒食用完的罐裝果泥或使用冷凍格保存的自製果泥需要冷藏起來。

  • Start one fruit and vegetable at a time.

  • 每次嘗試一種新的水果或者蔬菜(注意觀察過敏反應)。

  • Do not give food in chunks.

  • 只喂泥狀食物,不要給塊狀食物(易導致孩子窒息)。

Breast milkor Formula 母乳餵養或嬰兒配方奶粉

3 to 4 times per day, 6 to 8 oz. servings. 每天3-4次,每次180-240ml 。

  • Baby can hold a bottle but don』t give a bottle in bed.
  • 這時寶寶可以自己拿穩杯子,但不要躺在床上喝奶。

  • Try using a cup.
  • 嘗試使用鴨嘴杯/學飲杯/吸管杯餵奶。不要使用有吸管的奶瓶。使用杯子的目的就是要替代奶嘴。

Grains 穀物

Baby cereal, crackers, bread or dry cereal,1 to 2 times per day, 2-4 tbsp. servings

嬰兒米糊,咸餅乾,麵包, 即食谷脆片/球, 每天1-2次,每次 30-60ml(1-2塊)

  • Start soft finger food.
  • 開始嘗試柔軟的手指食物,泡芙條、軟餅乾。(鍛煉寶寶手指細微動作,方便寶寶抓取)
  • Be patient.
  • 耐心。

  • Feed your baby in a high chair.
  • 在兒童餐椅上吃飯。(養成良好習慣)

  • Feed only foods that will dissolve in mouth.
  • 只能喂在嘴裡就溶化的食物,不能喂需要經過咀嚼才可以吞咽的食物。(寶寶臼齒還沒有長出,無法進行咀嚼)

Fruit & Veggies

Strained or meshed fruit or vegetables, 3 to 4 times per day, 3–4 tbsp. servings

水果和蔬菜(泥),每天 3-4次,每次45-60ml

Fruit Juice(Not Orange)

1 time per day, 4 oz. in cup

果汁(除橙汁外),每天1次 ,每次120ml裝到學飲杯/鴨嘴杯/習慣杯裡面(如果已經學會用普通杯子喝水更好)

  • Juice does not replace milk.
  • 果汁不能替代牛奶。(蛋白質和鈣)
  • Give juice in cup.
  • 只能用杯子喝果汁,不要用奶瓶。


strained Chicken, Beef, or dried beans, 1 to 2 times per day, 3 to 4 tbsp. servings


  • No hotdogs or pieces of meat that need chewing.
  • 不能吃熱狗和肉片之類需要咀嚼的肉食(寶寶沒有臼齒)

  • You may give whole milk instead of formula. Your child may also have citrus juice, honey, and whole eggs after 1 year of age. Never give honey to babies. Honey may cause serious disease called botulism in children less than 1 year old.
  • 寶寶可以從嬰兒配方奶粉過渡到喝正常的牛奶。1歲以後還可以喝桔子橙子汁,蜂蜜,整個雞蛋。

  • Continue to have meals in high chair or at the table.

  • 繼續在兒童餐椅或者餐桌上吃飯。(保持良好習慣)

  • DO NOT allow your child to walk around and eat small amounts of food frequently (grazing)

  • 不要讓孩子邊走邊吃(放羊,很形象哈哈)

  • Do not add peanuts, treenuts or shellfish to your child』s diet until 2 or 3 years age.

  • 2到3歲前不要給孩子吃任何堅果類的食物。(堅硬的塊狀,即使被咬碎成小塊還是容易嗆到或者導致窒息)

  • Give your child snacks at the table. Snacks are important for your child』s increasing energy needs.

  • 在餐桌上吃零食。零食是寶寶發育的重要能量來源。

Other Dairy Foods 其他奶製品食物

  • Yogurt, 1/4 to 1/2 cup servings.
  • 酸奶 (同樣適合乳糖不耐受寶寶),每次62.5-125ml
  • Offer cottage cheese,1 to 2 tbsp. servings.
  • 乾酪(不適合乳糖不耐受寶寶)15-30ml(1-2塊)

參考資料:How to feed your baby step by step -- Pediatric Advisor 2012.2 Index by RelayHealth






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