1. 劍9T2的大作文,p54,範文是學生寫的一邊倒,8分,雖然虛高,但是有很多借鑒意義。
After-school clubs are no longer than popular and students mostly go home and sit in front of the TV, browse internet or play video games.
那麼,這一句話,雖然沒有出現for example, such as, including, like這樣的詞,可是我們知道這其實是屬於舉例的,或者可以叫做描述具體的生活情境。
2. 劍7T2的大作文,頁碼同樣是p54,學生範文,拿到7.5分,結構一塌糊塗,但是水平要比上面那個8分強太多
在中間位置(段落數是個吐槽點哈哈),有這麼一句話:A person killing in self-defense cannot be compared to a serial killer, moving from one victim to the next.
這一句話也沒有for example, such as那樣的標誌性短語,但它算不算例子呢?一定是算的。
總的來說,例子不一定非要帶著for example這樣的短語,描述具體的生活情境同樣也有舉例子的作用,但就記得一點:
1. When obesity and other diseases become common for the public, citizens should do more exercise, such as jogging, to maintain their health. (如果你願意,other diseases那裡也可以舉例,比如hypertension什麼鬼的~)
2. If the quantity of private cars could be controlled, less gas, such as carbon dioxide, will be emitted as a result.
3. It seems that part-time students could utilize distance learning when they come back from home. However, most employees may be exhausted after work and many of them may be unwilling to continue their study. Even if some well-motivated learners persuade themselves to study, the efficiency may be much lower due to tiredness.
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