Girl in Kimono 1893 和服與阿姆斯特丹印象派

前一段時間,rijks(阿姆斯特丹國立博物館)有一個敲可愛的展覽「Breitner:Girl in Kimono",展出了1893-1896年期間george breitner所作的13幅穿和服的少女及1幅裸體,這也是第一次將13幅穿和服的少女齊聚一堂的展覽。我們來看看官網的介紹

The countless versions of a girl in a kimono, which is considered an icon of Japonism, emerged between 1893 and 1896. Young model Geesje Kwak posed for almost all of his paintings, being immortalised in the process. Based on new research, the exhibition displays the full series of 14 paintings for the first time, including a hitherto unknown "Girl in a Red Kimono" from a private collection.

其中提到girl in a red kimono,是佳士得拍賣行於2003年以 €582,450 賣出的作品。

……it was Geesje Kwak who posed for the painter between the ages of 16 and 18. Coming from a Zaandam family of bargees, Geesje Kwak moved to Amsterdam in 1880. Her young, innocent face and slender body contribute significantly to the appearance of delicate sensuality that characterises the entire series.

Geesje Kwak posed alternately in a red, a white and a blue Japanese kimono. From the time of his stay in Paris in 1884, where Japonism dominated the fashion scene, Breitner was fascinated by Japanese art. During that time, Japanese evenings were also held in the Netherlands and Japanese prints were exhibited. Breitner collected these woodcuts himself.


girl in a white kimono 1894

girl in a japanese kimono 1895-1896

還有那唯一一張裸女,nude,standing 1893




19世紀晚期,一部分畫家開始收到印象派的影響。海牙這塊地方對於他們來說太狹小了。這一部分畫家被稱為海牙畫派的第二代(the second generation of the hague school)。



首先是我們breitner的An Evening on the Dam in Amsterdam:

van looy的咖啡館:

willem bastiaan tholen的Riverscape with sailing boats in the summer:

Nicolaas Bastert:



TAG:艺术史论 | 油画 | 印象派 |