

快速閱讀的訣竅是:強迫自己接受一個觀點:「做托福閱讀題就是一個不斷尋找BUT 的過程」;


通 過訓練批判性思維從而實現快速閱讀托福文章,以及準確做出題目是非常有效的方法。因為批判性思維(Critical Thinking) 是最根本的英文文章的寫作技術之一,只有充分理解並且掌握批判性思維方式才能真正理解作者所要表達的意思。也只有掌握批判性思維才能真正又快又準的解決雅
思閱讀中的難題,對於CT 的訓練是遠比那些華而不實的技巧和沒有任何實際意思的閱讀預測要務實而高效的多。


接下來我將用TPO 41-48中的最新文章節選和題目,來說明我的理論。(理論談不上,扯扯淡吧)

例 子1:比如Playing is a serious business. Children
engrossed in a make-believe world, fox cubs play-fighting or kittens teaming a
ball of string aren』t just having fun. Play may look like a carefree and
exuberant way to pass the time before the hard work of adulthood comes along,
but there』s much more to it than that. 每當你讀到 are
not just having fun ...., seems to ....應該很自然的想到後面的but ,

例子二: 接下來帶領大家一起來通過訓練CT 來快速進行閱讀理解:

The Truth about the

For many environmentalists, the world seems to be (出現seems to
//looks like// maybe 都是為了後面的indeed//but //however 的轉折來鋪墊的)
getting worse. (總分結構的寫法,作者會延續這個中心句的思路一直寫下去,來證明中心句;當然如果有轉折的話,就需要把重點放到BUT 後面來進行。 )They have developed
a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the
population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are
becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planets air and water are
becoming ever more polluted.( 後面的細節的細節的例子都是用來證明前面的內容的,所以只要不出現BUT的強轉折,就需要在心裏面有期待:anticipation, 就是後面的句子細節都是延續的,這樣就會讀的快起來!!)

But a quick look at the facts shows a different picture. (出現了第一個轉折,是和第一段中的seems to be 這樣的轉折的前奏的鋪墊
First, energy and other natural resources have become more abundant, not less
so,(一個小的CT 來驗證觀點) since the book
The Limits to Growth was published in 1972 by a group of scientists. Second,
more food is now produced per head of the worlds population than at any time
in history. Fewer people are starving. Third, although species are indeed
becoming extinct, (Although也是CT的具體體現,又是一個批判性思維的句子)only about 0.7% of them are expected to disappear in the next 50
years, not 25-50%,(小的CT) as has so often been
predicted. And finally, most forms of environmental pollution either appear to
have been exggerated, or are transient - associated with the early phases of
industrialisation and therefore best cured not by restricting economic growth,(又是一個CT,需要了解BUT後面的重點) but by
accelerating it. One form of pollution - the release of greenhouse gases that
causes global warming - does appear to be a phenomenon that is going to extend
well into our future, (批判性思維的句型CT) but
its total impact is unlikely to pose a devastating problem. A bigger problem
may well turn out to be an inappropriate response to it.

總之這一段就是一個大的批判性思維的中心句,然後再結合三個小的CT 而快速構成的閱讀段落。

Yet (輕微轉折,小的CT) opinion
polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards
are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between
perception and reality.

(中心句直接潑出來中心句,給出是四個方面導致現實和理解的不同,接下來就是要展開四個factors 的s 的)

One is the lopsidedness built into scientific research.
Scientific funcing goes mainly to areas with many problems. That may be wise
policy,( 前面是maybe ,後面是轉折,又是輕微的CT) but it will also create an impression that many more
potential problems exist than is the case.

Secondly, environmental groups need to be noticed by the
mass media. They also need to keep the money rolling in. Understandably,
perhaps, they sometimes overstate their arguments. In 1997, for example, the
World Wide Fund for Nature issued a press release entitled: Two thirds of the
worlds forests lost forever. (前後對比的CT) The truth turns out to be nearer 20%.

Though these groups are run overwhelmingly by selfless
folk, they nevertheless share many of the characteristics of other lobby
groups.(這句中心句是比較難的,但是也確實是重要的CT句型,翻譯是:儘管這些小組是以無私的名義來進行運作的,但是他們同樣還是具有其他遊說小組的特徵,這句話你看懂了嗎?) That would matter less if people applied the same degree of
scepticism to environmental lobbying as they do to lobby groups in other
fields. (本句是虛擬語氣,意思是: 如果我們對於這些所謂環保組織施加相同程度的懷疑,那麼問題就不會這麼嚴重。「 A trade organisation arguing for, say, weaker pollution controls
is instantly seen as self-interested. (這個地方又是明顯的CT, 前面是instantly seen 是批判性思維的前奏,後面的YET 是轉折的後半部分,是重點) yet a green organisation opposing such a weakening is seen as
altruistic, even if an impartial view of the controls in question might suggest
they are doing more harm than good. ( 前後採用批判性思維寫的句子,翻譯為: 然而這些綠色環保組織仍然被認為是利他的和無私的,即使有部分的觀點建議說這會產生更多的危害(

A third source of confusion is the attitude of the media.
People are clearly more cuirous about bad news than good. Newspapers and
broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants. (小的批判性思維的表現) That, however, can lead to significant distortions of perception. An
example was Americas encounter El Nino in 1997 and 1998. This climatic
phenomenon was accused of wrecking tourism, causing allergies, melting the
ski-slopes and causing 22 deaths. (CT, 後面是重點)However, according to an artical in the Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, the damage it did was estimated at US$4 billing but the
benefits amounted to some US$19 billion. These came from higher winter
temperatures (which saved an estimated 850 lives, reduced heating costs and
diminished spring floods caused by meltwaters).

The fourth factor is poor individual perception. People
worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff everyone throws away will
cause the world to run out of places to dispose of waste.(注意這句話是典型的批判性思維的句型) Yet, even if Americas trash output continues to rise as it has
done in the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the
rubbish America produces through the entire 21st centurey will still take up
only on 12,000th of the area of the entire United States. 請重視這句話的思維翻譯是:即使美國的垃圾的增加速度是持續高的,即使美國的垃圾到了2100 年會翻倍,那麼全美國所產生的全部垃圾,也只佔到總的21世紀的垃圾的1/12000, 言下之意就是:這樣的問題並不嚴重,這個是不是一個典型的和常識相違背的思路和句型。

So what of global warming? As we know, carbon dioxide
emissions are causing the planet to warm. The best estimates are that the
temperatures will rise by 2-3°C in this century, causing considerable problems,
at a total cost of US$5,000 billion.

(本段開篇的句子,再次說明是CT的批判性思維的句型)Despite the intuition that something drastic needs to be done about
such a costly problem,economic analyses clearly show it will be far more
expensive to cut carbon dioxide emissions radically than to pay the costs of
adaptation ot the increased temperatures. (本句話的意思著實和我們的常識是完全不一致的,是完全違背常識的,翻譯過來是:儘管我們知道要為此而付出的昂貴代價的學費的問題是急需關注的,但是經濟分析人士認為大量減少二氧化碳的排放,而比為了適應增加的溫度所需要支付的費用要高很多) A model by one of the main authors of the United Nations Climate
Change Panel shows how an expected temperature increase of 2.1 degrees in 2100
would only be diminished to an increase of 1.9 degrees. Or to put it another
way, the temperature increase that the planet would have experienced in 2094
would be postponed to 2100. (後面的例子就是順接前面的觀點而進行展開的具體例子)

So this does not prevent global warming, but merely buys
the world six years.(小的轉折後面有來一個小的轉折) Yet(然而的表達又是轉折) the cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, for the United
States alone, will be higher than the cost of solving the wolrds single, most
pressing health problem: providing universal access to clean drinking water and
sanitation. Such measures would avoid 2 million deaths every year, and prevent
half a billion people from becoming seriously ill.

It is crucial that we look at the facts if we want to make
the best possible decisions for the future. It may be costly to be overly
optimistic - but more costly still to be too pessimistic.(最後一句話的寫作質量是很高的,翻譯是: 「似乎過於樂觀的成本必然是很高的,但是過於悲觀卻是代價更高的。)這句話同樣具有很強的批判性,在現實生活中,的確也是過於悲觀所產生的後果,要大大高


3,The investigators findings were
striking.(這是由形容詞形式的中心句,作為讀者要明白該段落接下來所有的意思都是圍繞著「為什麼是令人吃驚的結果「,在英文閱讀中有三個詞表示結果,分別是:result , outcome 和findings) In the late 1970s,the infant mortality rate for the children of
illiterate mothers was around 100deaths per thousand live births.(這是文盲媽媽組) At this point in their lives, thosemothers who later went on to
learn to read had assimilated level of childmortality (105/1000).(這是後來學習閱讀的媽媽組) For women educated in primary school,however, the infant mortality
rate was significantly lower, at 80 per thousand (這是本來媽媽就讀過小學的組)


In 1985, after the National LiteracyCrusade had ended,the
infant mortality figures for those who remained illiterate(仍然是文盲的媽媽組) and for thoseeducated in primary school (本身就讀過小學的媽媽組) remained more or less unchanged. For those women wholearnt to read
through the campaign, (然而後來通過訓練而讀書的媽媽組) the infant mortality rate
was 84 perthousand, an impressive21 points lower than for those women who were still illiterate. (這個地方就是非常明顯的下降,所以構成「令人吃驚的」結果。) The children of the newly-literate motherswere also 這個also是更進一步的表明,這個項目的另外一個優點) better nourished thanthose of women who could not read.


? 1.First it will pass through
sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually

?   結構:全句有3個謂語動詞:will pass,will tear和is。其中主句的是will pass。句子主幹是it will passthrough sharp
metal bars。第一個which引導的定語從句修飾的是sharp
metal bars。第二個which引導的定語從句修飾的是the
plastic bags。這是大定語從句裡面還有一個小定語從句。句子可以拆分為:

? 1. First it will pass through sharp metal bars.

? 2. The metal bars will tear open the plastic bags.

? 3. Rubbish is usually packed in the bags.

?   翻譯:首先,垃圾要通過尖的金屬棒,金屬棒會把裝垃圾的塑料袋弄破。

? 2.When we talk about someone』s
personality,we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels
that makethat individual different from others.

?   結構:全句有4組謂語動詞:talk,mean,acts/speaks/thinks/feels和make。其中主句的是:mean。句首是When引導的時間狀語從句。之後which引導的定語從句和that引導的定語從句都是修飾the ways的。句子可以拆分為:

? 1. We talk about someone』s personality.

? 2. We mean the ways.

? 3. He or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels in these

? 4. These make that individual different from others.

?   翻譯:當我們談到某個人的個性時,我們指的是他/她在行為,言談和思考以及感覺等方面的方式。這些方式使這個人區別於他人。

? 3.Competition is not only good in
itself, itis the means by which other basic American values such as individual
freedom,equality of opportunity and hard work are protected.

?   結構:全句有3個謂語動詞:is, is和are protected。其中主句的是:is, is。全句由兩個有遞進關係的單句構成。其中,which引導的是定語從句,修飾the means。句子可被拆分為:

? 1. Competition is not only good in itself.

? 2. It is the means.

? 3. Other basic American values such as individual
freedom, equality ofopportunity and hard work are protected by these means.

?   翻譯:競爭不但本身就是好事,還是其他基本的美國價值觀如個人自由,機會平等和勤奮工作等得到保護的手段。

? 4. The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled,
painfree life equalshappiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining
real happiness.

?   結構:全句有3個謂語動詞:hold,equals和reduce。其中主句的是reduces。句子主幹為:The way actuallyreduces their
chances of ever attaining real happiness。The way 後面是省略了which/that的定語從句。在這個定語從句中,還有一個that引導的同位語從句,修飾the belief。句子可以拆分為:

? 1. This way actually reduces their chances of ever
attaining realhappiness.

? 2. A fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness.

? 3. People hold to this belief.

?   翻譯:人們信奉的充實又無憂無慮的生活就等於幸福的信念實際上降低了他們獲得真正的幸福的可能性。

? 5. Those who oppose the building of flats base their case
primarily on theassumption that everyone prefers an individual home and garden
and on the highcost per unit of accommodation.

?   結構:全句有3個謂語動詞:oppose,base和prefers。其中主句的是:base。句子主幹為:Those base their case primarily
on theassumption and on the high cost。其中who引導的是定語從句,修飾those。that引導的同位語從句修飾the

?   翻譯:那些反對建設公寓的人的理由主要是基於大家都喜歡單獨的住宅和花園的假設以及每個居住單位的高成本。

視頻解析地址:@李威廉老師 批判式突破閱讀高分(第一講)

TOEFL,SAT,GMAT) 的閱讀高分問題。



















1. with介詞短語作後置定語

2. with介詞短語作狀語

3. 比較級more…than…結構中than的後面接句子

4. 現在分詞作狀語

5. 現在分詞作定語(前置後置)

6. 過去分詞作定語/狀語(前置後置)

7. 狀語從句(最常見的引導詞為whereas, though, while,
if, when和as)

8. 狀語從句的省略

9. 同位語結構

10. 主語從句(最常見的引導詞為that,
what, how,和whether)

11. 賓語從句(最常見的引導詞為that,
what, how)

12. 定語從句(最常見的引導詞為that,which,whose,who,介詞+which,where,和when)

13. 形式主語

14. 倒裝句

15. 強調句

16. 形容詞片語作後置定語



















1 查出文章中所有不認識的生詞並整理背誦;

2 精讀每一個句子,不懂的句子反覆閱讀,分析句子成分,直到讀懂;

3 分析每個句子之間的邏輯關係;

4 總結每段的段落主旨和分析每個段落之間的關係

5 總結文章結構圖。(附圖是TPO45-1的文章結構圖)

6 如果題主自制力差,強烈建議找個靠譜的老師。

首先,恭喜你給自己留出了足夠的時間,4個月可以切割成3個階段,40天左右一個階段。第一個階段裡面,主要做好單詞和語法基礎的準備。建議你們背一下F-O-C-U-S的托福TPO辭彙伴侶,裡面不僅包含了基礎辭彙,還包含了托福閱讀專業辭彙,這樣一起提高,等到之後做題的時候用途非常大,不會出現還有很多單詞不認識的情況。語法的話,不建議自學,太多,太複雜,-F-O-C-U-S的托福閱讀預備教程很好,包含了常考的語法點,學起來節省時間還省勁,最主要的是有針對性,之後學習隨處可見。這一階段,至少儲備4000辭彙和所有語法知識。第二個階段,開始做題,是精細分析每一道題目,不是簡單地刷題,做完題目之後,要整理單詞,分析長難句,還要掌握托福4個單項的考試形式和考試方法,為了效率高,還是建議你和專業的老師學習方法和技巧,這樣精準,kanglei,wangyue,yangyakun,liuyizhneg,wangxiaolei 都非常不錯。第三個階段,主要就是利用前面20天查漏補缺,必須做好所有的提前準備,做到沒有瑕疵,後面20天,集中模考訓練,提前掌握考試節奏,最後就可以自信的走進考場,拿下高分。



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