怎麼證明second preimage resistant不代表collision resistant?

有道題讓我證明或反證這句話……If H is 2nd preimage resistant, then H is also collision resistant


idea: 考慮定義,找一個不滿足collision resistant但是滿足second pre-image resistant的Hash函數


Claim: There exists a Hash function h" which is second pre-image resistant but not collision resistant.


Let h(x) be a collision resistant hash function. Define another hash function  h as


h"(x) is NOT collision resistant. (trivial from the definition above)

However, in the security experiment for second pre-image resistance, the challenge text ( x*, h"(x*) ) is chosen uniformly at random. Thus Pr[x^*= 0^l lor x^*= 1^l] le negl(n)

If x* does NOT fall on either of the special values, because of the collsion resistance of h(x), it is hard for any ppt adversary A to find a second pre-image x" such that h"(x*) = h"(x"), namely,


where B is a ppt second preimage adversary against h.

Thus we finally havePr[x

So there exists a hash function h" as defined which is second pre-image resistant but not collision resistant.

對於玄星給出的例子有一點存疑。其中說h"(x)是抗碰撞的,僅僅從h"(x)的定義一筆帶過。但是實際上根據CRHF定義,如果一個函數是抗碰撞的,指的是任何多項式時間敵手,不能在多項式時間內,以不可忽略概率找到x1≠x2,且h(x1)=h(x2),這樣即為collision resistant。這代表可能存在不同輸入但是對應相同輸出,只要無法在多項式時間內以不可忽略概率找到即可滿足條件。對於h"(x),如果僅僅存在一組碰撞值,對於一個敵手找到這組碰撞的概率依然是1/2^l 是一個可忽略概率,依然滿足collision resistant的條件。所以對於這個函數的構造方式,不足以證明不滿足是Collision Resistant 卻滿足 2nd Pre-image Resistant.


求解 烏雲白帽子大會 直播的第三道題是怎麼解的呢?

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