













1.Can you tell me a little about yourself?


Sample Answer:

Interesting question. Let』s see … Well, I think of myself as smart, loyal and dedicated. I really enjoy solving problems, especially problems that other people haven』t been able to solve. When I worked at ABC Company, we couldn』t get the order department to communicate well with the fulfillment department. By doing x, y and z I figured out that we needed to change the way order notifications were processed. That felt great! I did something similar in DEF Company where I was able to come up with a way to streamline the customer feedback system. (NOTE: 第二個故事講述的簡潔一些,如果對方好奇的話可以繼續follow up。)

I also like to see something through to the end if possible. Again at ABC Company, my boss gave me a new project before the order problem solution was implemented. He told me I could hand it off at that point if I wanted, but I asked if I could stay involved in an advisory capacity until fully implemented, to make to sure the problem actually got solved.

One of the reasons I』m so excited about this job opportunity, is that it gives me the chance to really dig in and use my problem-solving and follow-through skills to help you and your team improve product delivery operations. I would love that.」

2.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

對於這個問題,HR是這麼解釋的:You should have a good sense of where you want to go in your career, but use your best judgment in responding. If your goal is to become CEO in 1 year and the CEO who is interviewing you doesn』t have plans to leave the company for about 5, it』s best not make that your goal, or you may be implying to her you plan to remain in the job for only a defined amount of time. Use common sense and state your goals. You might also ask the hiring executive about the career path for the position you are seeking.



3.How did you hear about the position?

又是一個看上去非常簡單的問題,如果回答得好,卻能幫助你從申請者里stand out。你的回答要表現出你對公司強烈的興趣以及關注度。比如你從朋友那裡聽說了這個職位,那麼說出那個人的名字。如果你是從某一篇報道里發現了公司,那麼講述一下報道的內容。

Sample Answer:

I was researching LinkedIn for openings in sourcing and procurement. At that point, I had narrowed down my choices to those within Disney』s Integrated Supply Chain Management team. What really matters to me is that sourcing and procurement is valued within an organization – this is essential.

The way that I evaluate this criterion is by uncovering your investments in the team by way of talent, resources, and training programs. I also considered your stated mission that you want to 「unleash the innovative potential of the supply base.」

I was happiest at Target when I had that opportunity to unleash greater vendor relationship potential – when I spearheaded the indirect IT spending of $600 million USD while managing 20+ buyers located within 11 countries. When I renegotiated the mobility plans with multiple US carriers, I achieved breakthrough cost savings. It was then that I was able to repurpose that spend to buy state of the art technology to support our merchandising team.

In a similar way, I imagine that there are ways to restructure existing vendor deals at Disney. Your mission gives me the impression that you would be open to these conversations and that made me extremely interested in applying to the job so I』m very happy that I found the ad.

4.What do you know about the company?

HR這麼說:If you have done your homework as I discussed in earlier pages, you can cite company facts. But beyond that, you want to discuss what is appealing about the company and why you are interested in an opportunity there. If you inquire as to a particular issue at the company-its business plan, class-action lawsuit, or pending merger – don』t put the executive on the defensive. Ask about their strategy in addressing these issues or praise them for their quick response to a problem. You won』t score any points with the company』s executives if you are overly critical of their approach.

每一位位面試者都會快速得瀏覽公司相關頁面,因此當面試者在提問這個問題的時候,他並不在意你是否了解公司的營業內容和目標,他關心的是你是否在意他們。回答這個問題時,用一句公司的目標開頭,提到一些官網上 的關鍵詞,然後用比較私人的方式回答問題,比如,「我對公司的企業文化非常感興趣,因為。。。」或者,「我對公司的某項業務也特別的看法,因為。。。」,同時加上一兩個與你個人有關的舉例。

5.Why do you want this job?

HR這麼說:I have had candidates tell me they』re in it for the money. This should not be your response. Even if it appears to be the primary reason for you, it actually goes deeper than that. It may be an opportunity to broaden your management capabilities, expand into a new industry, or manage a larger team. This typically also will result in higher compensation.


Sample Answer:

I think the Co-op is a great organisation, I admire their ethical stance and I was very impressed when they had no issues over horse meat. That』s the sort of company I』d like to be in. I know you need staff who can work shifts, who are good with customers and who will make sure that the shelves are kept stocked and tidy. I really enjoy working with customers, helping them find things, explaining the difference between products and I hate untidy shops. It』s really important to me to be polite and friendly, when I worked in the garage I tried to get every customer to smile before they left! It has been a while since I have done shop work but I don』t think you lose the passion to please the customer and make sure they always come back – I haven』t."

6.Why should we hire you?


Sample Answer:

After doing research on your company, I』m even more excited about the chance to work here. I know I can do a great job for you. You』re looking for someone to manage your bookkeeping system. Well, I not only handled all the accounts payable and receivable for my last employer, the XYZ company, but I came up with a way to improve their system and wound up saving them over $100,000.

And if you ask my boss and co-workers about me, they』ll tell you that I』m someone you can rely on 100%. They know I』ll do my best to come through for you when things get tough, like when the system went down and I quickly got them their numbers manually.

But I』m also someone who remembers to show appreciation for what others do – and pitch in where possible. I would love to do at least that for the QRX company, and hopefully become an essential part of your company as you continue to grow.」

7.What are your greastest professional strengths?

HR這麼說:Give this a lot of thought before the interview. Your strengths are presumably simple for you to identify; your weaknesses probably are not. Without being self-deprecating, you should know one or two areas of potential improvement. If you say you have no weaknesses, you may be perceived as either a finger pointer or clueless.

當你回答這個問題時, 建議你回答精確一些(說出你真實的強項,不要猜測面試官希望聽到的內容);相關(選擇你的強項里和申請職位最相關的);還有詳細(比如用"persuasive communications」代替「people skills")。接下來詳述一個職場里具體的例子用來證明你的能力。

8.What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

HR這麼說:This question is a common one, but Eric Melniczek, a career advisor at HighPoint University Career Internship Services, points out that interviewers rarely ask whether it is a current flaw. He suggests an answer along these lines: 「In the past, I was unable to meet set deadlines. However, several years ago, I developed a technique where I write down what I plan to accomplish every hour of every day during the workweek and how I spend my time. Over the years, I have noticed that my productivity has improved dramatically utilizing this method. In fact, my work supervisor recently complimented me in a staff meeting with a dozen of my peers for consistently exceeding team and individual expectations as well as managing my time well."

You』ve probably identified a weakness in anticipation of this question. An answer that shows you』ve solved it can illustrate your problem-solving capabilities.


Sample Answer:

My goal is to be involved in more team tasks. I have a hard time delegating and realize this is something I need to work on. Being the only one in control isn』t always realistic or possible and my desire to control every aspect of a project can not only slow me down, but can also give my teammates the impression that I don』t trust them or value their work. Because I know this is something I have to work on, I like to volunteer for team projects. The experiences, while initially uncomfortable for me as I had to learn to let things go and rely on other people, have really helped to open my eyes to the value of cooperation. As a result I』m discovering that projects, which would have been fine if I had done on my own, are ten times better as a result of the input and work of the entire team.」

9.What can you contribute to the company?

HR這麼說:You should be able to respond with self-confidence that you believe your qualifications and attributes make you an outstanding candidate for the position and give four or five reasons why. Don』t just say because you are the best candidate for the job!


Sample Answer:

「I am an individual who has a very creative mind. My abilities and my ideas are unique and actionable. I have, in the past, introduced radical ideas regarding coordination and filing in my previous companies. The results have been amazing.」

-「I am not the kind of person who does not think about the practicality of his or her ideas. I am one who not only considers the results, but the aftermath of the result as well. My company is important to me, which is why I am always mindful of the repercussions of my ideas and my actions.」

-My experience, my network and my knowledge have been expanding and I am an ambitious person, and I hope that would happen continuously.

10.Do you have any questions about our company?


Sample Answer:


-Why is this position open?

-Is this position a new or replacement position?

-If replaced – May I know what went wrong? What are the things you would like to see changed?

-If new—what are you expectations? What would your ideal candidate be like?

-Can you give me detailed understanding about what my days might be like?

-What particular expertise/skills do you value the most for this position?


-What are the specific challenges you are facing?

-Who is the key/primary audience?

-Who are the key competitors?

-What does success look like to you?

-What is your vision?

-How much time/budget/resources do you want to spend on XXX project/team/department?


-How long have you been working here?

-What made you decide to join this company?

-What attracts you? What do you like of working here?

面試完成了,記得在 24小時內一定給面試官發去一封簡單的感謝信,一定要 customize並且說明一些你印象深刻的細節,讓面試官對你的記憶更加強化。

「XX, it was my pleasure to meet you and the team, I was very impressed by the creative and fast paced culture. Our conversion about x industry y product was particularly interesting and look forward to hear from you. 「






拉個人用英語聊天,聊天氣,聊家常,講故事扯淡。哪怕連說帶比劃也不能用漢語。語法不重要,對方明白就可以。一個人嫌你煩就天天換人 =,= 可以去酒吧、大學之類地方找外國人,或者去景點找外國人給人家當免費導遊。



我的口語是背誦《獅子王》(高中時候每天早晨循環放,兩個月後能背誦)+ 和好友用英語聊天(高中時)+5天培訓班正音(本科時候)打的基礎,在國外呆了一個月就隨口說了,雖然語法也是種種錯誤,但交流無障礙。我見過口語很差的人(此人話癆)國外暑期班一星期後就順暢很多的人。







Business English: How to write a formal Email ?

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