
主要是一些tax analysis memo,完全不得要領,想提高又不知從何處下手,求方法或推薦書籍

一方面,不要輕信什麼「一小時就可以學到的」 「終身受用」的法律寫作技巧。就算是經過入學考試篩選的美國也要法學院學生,也要經歷貫穿前兩個學期的魔鬼式寫作訓練,很多人還會在第三、第四學期參加法學期刊的編輯工作或模擬法庭,兩者都是寫作密集型工作,這是一個漫長的積累過程。



1. Issue, 法律問題:告訴讀者,寫下這段分析是要解決什麼樣的問題;

2. Rule, 規則:引述相關的法律規定或者判例,介紹相關的法律原則;

3. Analysis, 分析:結合事實,分析上述規則的適用問題;在所謂「三段論」的論述中,這就是將大前提(規則)和小前提(具體事實)相結合的部分;

4. Conclusion: 回答問題,可能是給出明確的是或否回答,也可能是承認問題的複雜性,充分揭示所有的可能性。




1. 問題:「戒斷反應」能否構成刑法上的責任阻卻事由?

2. 規則:明尼蘇達州的法律(大明律)中某條規定,行為人如果因為精神失常,對自己的行為喪失辨別能力,則不需要對行為承擔法律責任。然而,明尼蘇達州最高法院某判例指出,如果被告自主,自願地導致自己陷入精神失常的處境,則不能使用這一辯護理由。

3. 分析: 一方面,被告人並未完全對自己的形式喪失辨別能力,在接受訊問的時候,被告人能夠清醒地交待自己使用了什麼武器,對武器的殺傷力有認識,對可能導致的後果由預見力,因此不應適用大明律上述規定。另一方面,被告人因為自己自願參與強制戒酒課程導致發生戒斷反應,因此可以適用判例中對於「自願陷入精神失常處境」的規定。

4. 結論:基於上述分析,被告人呢不存在責任阻卻事由,應當承擔法律責任。



Even if the alleged discrimination based on sexual orientation and non–conformance with gender stereotype is actionable under Title VII, Intuitive is still entitled to summary judgment in the light of McDonnell–Douglas framework. (段落開頭其實是「結論」和「問題」部分的結合,既點出了這裡要分析的問題,即在McDonnell-Douglas判例所確定的舉證責任分配方式下,被告能否主張法院駁回起訴,也表明了本方的立場。)Under McDonnell–Douglas framework, the Plaintiff has the initial burden of establishing a prima facie case of racial discrimination under Title VII, then the burden shifts to the employer to articulate some legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the employee"s termination. McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 411 U.S. 792, 802 (1973). After the employer has met such burden of production, the burden then shifts back to plaintiff to show that the reason alleged by the employer is merely 「a pretext for the sort of discrimination.」 Id. at 804. The Plaintiff has the burden to prove 「by a preponderance of the evidence that the legitimate reasons offered by the defendant were not its true reasons, but were a pretext for discrimination." Tex. Dep"t of Cmty. Affairs v. Burdine, 450 U.S. 248, 252–53 (1981). The Plaintiff may not meet such burden if the employer』s justifications are challenged with merely 「irrelevant subjective assessments and opinions.」 Griffith v. Schnitzer Steel Indus., 115 P.3d 1065, 1073 (2005). When the plaintiff has not met such burden, the case shall not be submitted to the jury, which would make the Defendant entitled to summary judgment. Id. (這裡是規則部分,引述了相關判例,解釋舉證責任應該如何分配,具體分為三步:原告在一開始對存在歧視的可能性舉證,作為被告的僱主隨後對存在非歧視性的解僱原因舉證,如果僱主能夠舉證,則原告需要對這些理由僅僅是表面借口承擔舉證責任)

In this case, assuming that the Plaintiff has met the initial burden to establish a prima facie case, Intuitive has respondent with reasonable justifications, that the termination is due to 1) poor job performance, which is reflected by the quarterly evaluations submitted by different supervisors that shows consistently dropping quality of work performance and 2) unprofessional and inappropriate behavior, including Plaintiff』s uncooperative attitude towards new job assignment, inadequate effort to adjust to new position and unprofessional dressing. (這是分析部分:承認原告已經完成了第一步的舉證)

Intuitive has met its burden of production by providing justifications for the termination, it would then be the Plaintiff』s burden to challenge the justifications and provide evidence beyond 「irrelevant subjective assessments and opinions.」 Palintiff has failed to meet this burden. The strongest pieces of evidence the Plaintiff might provide were no more than some subjective speculations based on unfriendly comments and the posters in his locker. A reasonable jury could not possibly relate such highly subjective and fanciful reasoning to Intuitive』s decision of termination. (這裡是分析部分的繼續:指出被告已經完成了第二部分的舉證,能夠舉出正當的解僱原因,而原告並未完成第三部分的舉證,即不能對上述解釋僅僅是僱主的借口進行舉證)Viewed in the light most favorable to the Plaintiff, the relevance between such alleged facts and the termination could not reasonably exist, and the conclusion that the Plaintiff was fired because he was homosexual or did not act in conformance with gender stereotype is the Plaintiff』s own speculation and subjective opinion. Hence, the court should grant Intuitive』s motion for summary judgment, as no reasonable jury would conclude that the Plaintiff could overcome his burden of proof by evidence to effectively challenge Intuitive』s justification of termination. (結論:被告要求法院駁回起訴的主張應該得到支持。)



謝邀,少年,我看你骨骼清奇,特將叔叔總結的幾本關於Legal Writing好書贈予你,望有緣人珍惜:

Plain English for Lawyers

HBR Guide to Better Business Writing

Garner"s Dictionary of Legal Usage


誠如王瑞恩所言,IRAC當是法律寫作論述架構的指導原則。然而並非任何時候都需要我們用寫memo的方式花費大量篇幅去闡釋一個問題。在律師日常的協議草擬、郵件溝通以及向客戶做展示的過程中,出於工作效率(也就是「活好」)考慮,我個人認為以最準確、精鍊的語言表達出你的觀點是「good legal writing」的基本功:

1. Lead the text with your conclusion; the IRAC style conveys arguments backwards.

2. Use strong verbs.

3. Use active voice to give directions and passive voice to remind readers of consequences of actions.

4. Eliminate legal jargon.

5. Move most of the subordinate clauses to the beginning or ends of sentences.

6. Write clearly and simply while keeping things as short as possible.

7. Don』t hedge. If you must hedge, explain why.

8. Use specific imagery, not vague generalities.

9. Facts often make the argument.

10. Always edit.

11. Check for typographical errors.

12. Print the text out before editing and checking for typos.

以上是我從工作和書籍中摘選總結的Tips,我個人也是在學習過程中。Uncle Leslie推薦的書就挺好,其中尤其推薦Bryan Garner(就是Black Law Dictionary的主編)的《Legal Writing in Plain English》。此外,我個人還推薦Steven Stark的《Writing to Win》。老爺子一把年紀了,上次還來我們所里給我們做legal writing的講座,前面的很多tips都是他書里的建議。

此外,在工作中我從一位律師那裡學到了一句話「Write for your readers, not for yourself」。這位律師經常會讓我看她draft的郵件,以一個完全不懂facts和rules的視角去理解郵件內容並提出修改建議,真是受教。

Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing: Structure, Strategy, and Style


這裡有下載:Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing: Structure, Strategy, and Style (7th ed.)



搞定! 我在外企工作五年,基本就是這個套路。




1. Succinct and precise - no space for rhetoric

2. Say what you mean and mean what you say

最簡單的辦法其實是看老闆寫的東西。。。每個所writing style都不一樣。別寫的太複雜



如何評價 iCourt?
34 法律行業顛覆式創新 大概率與「紅圈八所」無關 跨界虐殺才最殘酷
如何評價「馬蓉起訴王寶強要求刪除微博並道歉 稱侵犯名譽」?

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