




再,Ivan Sutherland 的 《技術與勇氣》(Technology and Courage)


SunLab整個Perspective Essay Series的幾篇文章都非常值得一讀。

Richard Hamming``You and Your Research"",這個有非常好的中譯版本


Hamming晚年所著「Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn」

以及在海軍研究生院基於相同內容的系列講座:Learning to learn



最近發現的一本:諾貝爾經濟學獎得主 Herbert Simon 的 《Model of My Life》。Simon同時還是政治學家,社會學家,心理學家,計算機科學家(人工智慧的開山鼻祖)。

UIUC 計算機系謝濤教授的 Advise 系列文章,對中國學生學者尤其有針對性:

Advice for Researchers and Students by Tao Xie

斯坦福Philip Guo(計算機博士)的 「The Ph.D. Grind」

Philip Guo - The Ph.D. Grind

展示真實的名校 Ph.D. 日常科研生活,以及學術界的「一將成名萬骨枯」。








Control in an Information Rich World

- Report of the Panel on Future Directions in
Control, Dynamics, and Systems



Future directions in control in an information-rich world

IEEE Xplore Abstract

Mathematical Models: Uses and Limitations

IEEE Xplore Abstract


Mathematical modeling is a technique that engineers use to solve any practical problem. Its severe limitations and pitfalls are illustrated.

In 1958, when someone commented to me that it was fortunate that the defense program lent itself so readily to mathematical formulations, I replied that this was largely illusory. In fact, I asserted, if the Federal government suddenly decided that the urgent national problem was garbage collecting, and funded it accordingly, there would soon be a mathematical theory of garbage collecting. But imagine my surprise, ten years later, to discover that garbage collecting has become an urgent national problem, under the more esoteric name of "waste management"-and, sure enough, mathematical modeling is being applied. So far, the funding level is only in hundreds of thousands of dollars, but as it gets up into the millions, there will no doubt be a differential theory of garbage collecting, a topological theory of garbage collecting, and a statistical theory of garbage collecting.

The principle of mathematical modeling has now become so widely accepted in the physical, biological, and that it scarcely seems necessary to present a case for it. Accordingly, I have prepared the accompanying chart (Table I) listing the pitfalls inherent in modeling. Perhaps one illustration provides the best overall advice to mathematical modelers; a rocky road, filled with potholes, and a large sign in the foreground, warning "Proceed-With Caution."


No model is ever a perfect fit to reality. Deductions based on the model must be regarded with appropriate suspicion.

1. Don"t believe the 33rd-order consequences of a first-order model.

The "impenetrability" of the sound barrier.

2. Don"t extrapolate beyond the region of fit.

The world is flat, locally.

3. Don"t apply any model until you understand the simplifying assumptions on which it is based, and can test their applicability.

Perpetual motion inventors and angle trisectors have not read the fine print.


Distinguish at all times between the model and the real world.

1. Don"t believe that the model is the reality.

Sticking pins in a voodoo doll.

2. Don"t distort reality to fit the model.

Gestalt perception of preconceived patterns (e.g., Martian canals?).

3. Don"t limit yourself to a single model. More than one may be useful for understanding different aspects of the same phenomenon.

Light is a wave or a particle, and heat and electricity can be regarded as fluids.


A model must be permitted to evolve as conditions change or as additional data become available.

1. Don"t retain a discredited model.

Astrological forecasting.

2. Don"t fall in love with you model.

Network theorists who do not wish to admit any of the newer components into their circuits.

3. Don"t reject data which are in conflict with the model. Use them to refute, modify, or improve the model.

Astronomers pooh-poohed meteorites for centuries. Hypnotism was not believable.



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