
比如:當事人依照本法第68條規定中止履行的,應當及時通知對方。該句子的參考譯文是where,in accordance with the provisions of Article 68 of this Law,either party to a contrct suspends its performance of the contract,the party in question shall promptly inform the other party thereto of such suspension.

the other party thereto =&> the other party to that (contract)

這裡的thereto裡面的"there", 是在指稱上文的 "either party to a contract"當中的那個"contract".


之前曾在別處就相同的問題, 這種詞的用法, 作了頗詳細的答覆。

本想就直接貼鏈結, 後來想想還是將我那些文字以及排版稍做修改, 放在這裡作覆。

首先, 以該處的問題作引子 (其中against的用法, 我在這裡則略過, 詳見文末連結):---

「一遇到against hereby hereof thereof 我就頭大...有沒有高人能專門做個關於這幾個詞的帖子」



常會碰到的 here-pp 和there-pp 這種詞(在我這文當中, 這個 "-pp"指的是 介詞),

其中的here-和there- 是 指稱代詞, 是 名詞。


知道這點, 應該就比較不會「頭大」了。。。

我以例子作說明, 並主要以契約為範疇(雖然這種字詞不會只用在契約而已)。

一) here-pp這種詞的幾個常見例詞, 或常見搭配: ---

hereto =&> to this Agreement/Contract

hereof =&> of this Agreement

herein =&> in this Agreement

hereby =&> by this Agreement

hereunder =&> under this Agreement

hereinafter =&> in this Agreement, and after this very word (或these very words)

幾個實際用法的例子: ---

1/…in accordance with the terms hereof …

=&> …in accordance with the terms of this Agreement…

2/ obligations hereunder

=&> obligations under this Agreement [本合約內所列的義務]

3/ We hereby certify that the enclosed information is valid and true, accurate

and correct to the best of our knowledge.

=&> By this letter (this statement), we certify that the enclosed information is…

4 又, 在商業文書上也常會用到的herewith =&> (together) with this letter/email。

例句: We enclosed herewith the pictures that were taken at the time of the inspection.

=&> We enclosed (together) with this letter the pictures that were taken at the time of

the inspection.


二) there-pp這種詞的幾個例詞: ---

thereto =&> to it; to that; to those/these; etc.

thereof =&> of it; of that; of those/these; etc.

therein =&> in it; in that; in those/these; etc.

thereby =&> by it; by that; by those/these; etc.

跟"here-pp"相較, "there-pp"會比較困擾一些,

因為"here-pp"當中的here- 所指稱的, 往往就是該合約本身, 頗為明確;

然而, "there-pp"當中的 there- 到底是指稱何事何物, 往往要從上下文當中找

(通常 會是指前文中 已經提及的某事物)。

我舉幾個例子說明: ---

1/…in accordance with the terms hereof, except as enforcement thereof may be limited …

=&> in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,

except as enforcement of these terms may be limited …

2/Charles Jones, whose name is subscribed to the attached instrument, was, at the time of subscribing thereto, a Notary Public in and for the Province of Alberta, duly commissioned and duly authorized by the laws thereof to administer oaths, to take affidavits and to certify the proof of deeds and other instruments in writing to be recorded within the said Province.


2-1/「…at the time of subscribing thereto」, 其中, thereto =&> to it

=&> …at the time of subscribing to the attached instrument。

[請注意: subscribe 通常會與to這個介詞作固定搭配]

2-2/「…duly authorized by the laws thereof」, 其中, thereof =&> of those laws

=&> …duly authorized by the laws of the Province of Alberta

或許會問: 那麼, 是否可將上文最後的「to be recorded within the said Province.」

寫成 to be recorded therewithin 呢?

我會回答: 這樣不好, 不只因為 文內太多there-pp或here-pp這種字眼會不好,

也因為若寫成這樣的話, 在這個例子裡, 會造成 指稱不明, 會不精確。

因為: ---

在「…to be recorded within…」之前有: oaths, affidavits, deeds, 和other instruments 等等詞,

這些詞都有可能被「recorded within」裡的within, 給"within"了,


也就是說, 若將「…within the said Province」, 化約寫成 therewithin,

就有可能會造成文義模糊, 讓人不確定其中的there-是指稱何事或何物。

英文契約/法律文字雖然可能覺得詰屈聱牙, 但是必須精確, 不能模糊 。

為了 避免模糊, 所以要如上文所示, 老老實實的寫成:「…within the said Province」。

(其實這也已做了精省, 省略但仍精確。 最"老實"的是寫成: within the Province of Alberta.)

[可與同一文中的 thereto 跟 thereof 所指稱的詞的前文比較, 便可感受]

這些種there-pp或here-pp字詞, 雖然有時會顯得有些陳舊(archaic), 甚或覺得詰屈聱牙;

但若用在法律或契約或其它法律文書上(也常出現在這些文書上), 或者精確的用在正式

且嚴謹的書信上, 會是精省文字的有效工具。

只要抓住上面那些要領, 並加以習慣, 再在碰上here-pp和there-pp這種字詞,



三) whereas,

英文契約裡面, 尤其在開頭段落, 可能也會碰到的 Whereas,

或者, 在結尾很可能會用到的 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,

這個慣用字眼跟詞組 ---

其中的whereas =&> when in fact, 或 considering that…, 或 that being the case.

[依狀況或可能會類如中文的 「鑒於」, 「有鑒於」, 等等]

至於IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 並沒有特別的功能或意義,



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed

by duly authorized representatives of both parties on the xx(date) of xxxx (year).


完整上下文語境, 請見 http://www.douban.com/group/topic/12403434/

當中的2010-07-04 20:55:10, 是我。


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