如何評價360Vulcan Team11秒攻破谷歌Chrome瀏覽器?
為什麼我看到的新聞不是很一樣呢?360這個團隊就是是文中所說的partial success的案例么?
Pwn2Own 2016: Windows Most Hacked, Edge Holds Its Own, Firefox Missing In Action
At this year』s Pwn2Own hacking contest, no target escaped unscathed. The hacking teams found 21 vulnerabilities in Windows, Mac OS X, Flash, Safari, Edge and Chrome, for which they were awarded a total of $460,000.
The two main sponsors of the event were Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Trend Micro. HPE will be selling the TippingPoint security division to Trend Micro for $300 million, which is why Trend Micro will remain the main sponsor in the future, but this year the two companies collaborated.
Windows Still Easiest to HackAlthough it』s not fair to compare an operating system to a browser in terms of how many vulnerabilities each has, because an operating system has a much larger attack surface, those vulnerabilities can be used to attack the browsers. This is why the Pwn2Own browser hacking contest allows operating system attacks, as well.
The hackers found six vulnerabilities in Windows 10 - the most found for a single target at the competition. However, Apple』s Mac OS X wasn』t too far behind, as they found five vulnerabilities in it.
Edge, Safari Successfully AttackedSafari was attacked three times, and all were successful. Microsoft』s new Edge browser proved more difficult to attack compared to Microsoft』s previous browsers, but it was still successfully attacked on both attempts.
With Edge, Microsoft ditched most of the legacy code found in Internet Explorer, so it should be expected that it』s more secure. However, it also looks like the hackers may have not focused as much on it, possibly because they believed that it would be hard to break. We』re going to have to see if Edge can be consistently more secure than most other browsers at the next Pwn2Own competitions.
Chrome Still Security KingChrome was built with security in mind from day one, and over the years it has proven to be the overall most secure browser. The sandboxing system, which has often been criticized for using too much memory, the large development team, and most of the browser being open source have all played a role in strengthening Chrome』s security.
The hackers attacked Chrome twice. One attack failed, and the other was deemed a partial success. The vulnerability had already been independently disclosed to Google, and the point of Pwn2Own is for software vendors to discover zero-day vulnerabilities.
黑客可以用如此快的速度攻破 Chrome,是因為在賽前他們做了充分的研究。在比賽現場,只要把預演的攻擊流程重新呈現出來就可以了。360Vulcan 的老大鄭文彬向雷鋒網介紹:
使用單一的漏洞很難攻破 Chrome,這次攻擊實際上使用了四個漏洞的組合攻擊。
還是那句話,台上一分鐘台下十年功,360養的一群大牛在日積月累的研究下找到漏洞,用了11秒重演了一遍。首先:這群人是牛人沒人懷疑吧,其次:這場比賽也沒幾個人參加,是小眾賽,注重結果,看到底做了什麼事情,不要去看名次,沒意義。第三:這是有錢人之間的競爭,和一般人沒多大關係,養個高級或資深專家一年 六十萬++++++,還沒含股票啊啥的。一般的小公司養得起嗎第四,宣傳嘛,多少有水分啦,畢竟花了那麼多錢。
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