



對於一個從事應用型研究卻看不到應用前景的苦逼研究僧,很想知道別人家的科研都是怎麼做的,歡迎以所在實驗室的親身經歷作答: )


本題已收錄進圓桌:動態 - 將科學研究進行到底




  • 先來簡單的從荷蘭國家基金的層面來介紹下。

首先,在荷蘭的高校是不允許搞純應用方面的研究的,這種項目一律交給公司,或者和公司合作。我目前PhD的項目是老闆申請的VIDI-STW, VIDI是NWO(就相當於荷蘭自然基金)里的一個中型項目,STW叫 (Technology Foundation STW )

Technology Foundation STW focuses on knowledge transfer between the technical sciences and users of research results. The Foundation funds top scientific and technical research through a range of grants. Researchers and users collaborate in each project.





4、 在工作發表前,要得到所有Partner的同意, Partner有權力在發表前通過協商合作使用新的技術和進展,並且有權利阻止或者延後發表

2014年11月我就親歷了這麼一場VIDI-STW的進展報告,大概邀請了七八個公司的Partner,大部分是歐洲的植物育種公司但是還來了一個美國的土豆公司,就是給麥當勞貢土豆的Simplot。NWO也派了人來協調,Boss, 我,還有同一個項目的希臘哥一起做報告。因為項目才開始1年多,我們之前的那個抗病基因在田間的效果並不理想,所以也並沒有引起公司的太多注意。



  • 公司資助的項目


我們組在土豆晚疫病主效抗病基因的克隆上算是非常有歷史的,R1到R11包括後來在其他野生土豆里克隆到的抗病基因大部分都是我們組搞出來的。之前查到巴斯夫的植物科學部有一種抗晚疫病的土豆(Rpi-blb1和 Rpi-vnt1 兩個基因一起轉) 已經通過了安全實驗,我心想這基因不是我們瓦村克隆的么,怎麼公司就拿去搞了。問了下老闆,她說著當時就是一個小公司出錢的項目,拿到基因以後小公司申請了專利後來賣給了巴斯夫,具體多少錢老闆也不太清楚,但我想我們組應該也是能分成的吧。

另外在英國的Norwich有一個非常NB的組,叫Sainsbury實驗室,裡面Jonathan jones, 對植物免疫稍微了解點的就一定看過他2006年發表在Nature上的那篇Plant immune system...他們一個抗病基因的專利賣了幾百萬磅。

  • 高校的企業孵化器

去年年底上了一個workshop叫"Entrepreneurship in and outside




  • 學術會議





利益相關:infinity doubles infinity (quote from Revenge)


政府項目:Linguistics Matters雙語很重要

Bilingualism Matters

醫藥領域:Alzheimer and bilingualism 外語學習能夠有效延緩失憶症的發作時間

Bilingualism delays age at onset of dementia, independent of education and immigration status



1. 特別是高校、研究機構的應用型研究,是通過哪些方式與產業化結合的?

首先,並不是所有名曰應用的學科都能夠直接應用,如Applied Linguistics 應用語言學;科研和產業之間因職責不同有著天然的分界,一個告訴我們能走多遠,要朝哪個方向走;一個告訴我們現在已經走了多遠,怎麼走。還拿應用語言學舉例子,Applied Linguistics= Linguistics applied to solve linguistic issues in real-life social settings. 應用語言學等於運用語言學知識來幫助人理解現實生活中涉及到的語言學問題,所以這裡的「應用」並不是指應用到「生產」,而是指應用到現實生活中,是學以致知,而非學以致用

其次,對於有些學科而言,和產業掛鉤既不是其最終目的,也不是其最高追求。所以對這些學科而言,產業化並不是一個非常有價值的問題,但並不意味著這些學科的專業知識在離開了傳道授業的領域後不能在其他領域發揮作用。法醫語言學Forensic Linguistics就是語言學知識(主要是話語分析Discourse Analysis,聲學分析Speech Language Processing)應用到其他領域的例子;為什麼要做這樣一個其他領域和本領域的區分呢?我目前認為,不知道是否準確,是看它的研究能否為本學科的本體問題、元問題的解答做出貢獻。換句話說,是否「正統」。不正統並沒有錯,只是它對一門學科、一個領域根基的構建,沒有很大影響。

第三,我認為,「應用型研究」和「產業化」的銜接靠人,而且很大程度上不能靠半路出家的人。什麼叫半路出家?還是在語言學領域內舉例子,一個致力語音和音系領域問題的研究者(above PhD level),有一天突發奇想說我要去做語音和自然語言處理Speech and Language Processing,可不可以呢?我想大多數人會對他說,不建議你這樣做。第一條原因就是個人的職業規劃就出現混亂,職業前景模糊,轉軌代價大;第二條是有點用偏才。不能說大材小用,因為語音和自然語言處理,雖然在理論方面只用得到語音和音系領域的一小部分,但是它還需要其他領域更廣博的知識和技能為自己的工作做鋪墊,如計算機領域的軟體編程技能,統計學領域的量化分析技能,物理學領域的聲學知識……我這樣一講大家就知道半路出家的難度有多大了,那麼身陷某一領域的研究者學到一定的層級,基本上就定型了。

2. 國內或者國外的做法都是怎樣的?現階段存在哪些問題?

我的語言學學習從一開始就在國外,所以沒辦法談國內是怎麼做的。就我已知的情況來講,國內的應用語言學研究,可能更大的問題出在現有的科研需求都沒辦法得到很好的滿足,無論是硬體還是軟體。首先一個,應用性研究之所以掛名「應用」,其實暗含了很多時候需要動手做實驗這樣一個意思,所以我拿的研究生學位是Master of Science理科碩士。那麼實驗室就要齊備,該有的什麼都要有。就像謝耳朵頭上戴的EEG/ERP設備,國內的語言院所我沒看到幾家(也可能是我看到的有限):


先談到這裡,有關現階段存在的問題我還要查閱一下資料再作答(to be continued...

3. 作為苦逼研究生,應該怎樣看待自己的科研和將來的職業選擇之間的關係

自嘲時間到!我要放大招了。我們來看看,How can a linguist find a JOB! 我最喜歡的答案是:

Too much BB,下面我來貼一篇正兒八經的文章,附帶導演音軌喲(導演音軌為……中文部分)。

Source: Reader Question: What jobs can a linguist get?

by Linguistic Mystic

Hello all! I』ve just gotten a reader question, and rather than just sending her back an email, I figured I』d throw the answer up here instead so that more people can perhaps learn from it.

I am in my 3rd year of a bachelor degree in Linguistics, and I love it! I am just wondering what I could actually do with the skills I am learning… I mean for a living.


What you can do depends on what you enjoy doing, and how advanced a degree you want to (and can) get.


「I have a BA in Linguistics!」 當你取得學士學位時...

If you want to start working after you get the BA, there are some possibilities 取得學士學位後緊接著工作,想要找跟專業相關的工作不是那麼容易,但還是有可能的 for linguistics-specific sort of work. Lots of industries are using linguists for market research, 很多產業會用語言學家做市場調查,特別是數據解析,內容分析之類的 especially doing things like data annotation and analysis on content and whatnot. You probably won』t be making many decisions at first, and you』re more likely to find jobs which just pay you hour-by-hour to do annotation. There is also the military/intelligence route, 還有軍事情報部門也需要語言學家的專業眼光 if that』s your style.

Mind you, with just the BA, linguistics-specific jobs will be scarce, 要提醒你的是,在學士學位階段,對口語言學專業的職位將會非常稀缺 you』ll be at a lower pay grade than an MA or Ph.D student, and the point of entry is going to be a bit lower on the totem pole, but of course, you can work up. If you』re going this route, I』d recommend trying to do an Honors Thesis, 建議你寫出一篇得90分的論文,這樣能向用人單位展示你在這一領域有一定的專業研究 so you have an example of some research you"ve done in the field of Linguistics, and so you can show having some degree of specialization in the field.


「I got my MA too!」當你有碩士學位時...

If you』re able to get into an MA program and graduate, you"ve got many more options beyond the ones discussed above.

There are plenty of industry jobs out there for Linguistics MAs, especially if you』ve got a speech or computational bent. 如果你有聲學和自然語音處理方面的專業知識或者是計算機編程方向的專業訓練,那麼產業內將會有大量和你專業對口的工作。所以這一點呼應第一個問題的第三點:「應用型研究」和「產業化」的銜接靠人,而且很大程度上不能靠半路出家的人,應用型研究還不夠,必須要那種直接面向產業的方向、分支甚至是具體的課題,才能夠把你培養成一個產業型科研人才。Google and big tech companies always want Natural Language Processing people, and places like Rosetta Stone are often hiring linguists for speech analysis, language analysis, and data collection. And every speech recognition place in the world wants more linguists and phoneticians. 這一大段要表達的中心思想就是,計算機行業需要大量自然語言處理專家,語音處理和數據分析方向優先。

The main disadvantage to industry jobs is that you end up having to deal with lawyers, NDAs, and non-compete clauses. Some companies are very draconian, preventing you from publishing on languages you』ve worked with while working for them, and some of them even claim as proprietary any insights you might have about the grammar or functioning of natural languages. As such, you may end up working for a company that actually claims as proprietary parts of the grammar of the language you』re working with. By going industry, you』re often going to have to sacrifice the openness and dedication to spreading knowledge that』s omnipresent in Academia, and you certainly won』t be able to take as much credit for your research. Instead, you』ll be studying language to improve your company』s profitability and product, with much of what you actually do and discover hidden behind the veils of corporate secrecy, under penalty of lawyer. All that said, the pay will be better than in academia, and I strongly suspect that not all industry players are as draconian and litigious as some of the subjects of the horror stories I』ve heard from friends in industry.這一大段表達的關鍵意思是,在產業工作的研究者很多時候會受到律師,保密協議和非競爭條款的制約。也就是說,你自己的研究不歸你自己所有,而是公司的知識財產。這個時候很多研究者就會失去科研的動力,因為publish or perish (不發表就隕落) no credits (發表了也沒法署自己的名)!!! 後來就會逐漸淪為簽訂賣身契的高級技工了……

Some places, usually private language schools or companies, will hire Linguistics MA students to teach English as a second language, especially outside of English speaker countries. If you enjoy living abroad, that』s a very good option, as some of those places are willing to pay handsomely for your expertise. So, definitely keep that option in mind.

In academia, an MA degree can definitely get you a job as a research assistant or researcher, helping with experimental linguistics and working in labs to help faculty members. It』s also possible that you』ll get a TA job, especially if you』re in the MA program at the time. Unfortunately, though, you』d be extremely unlikely to end up in a tenure track position with just the MA. 這一段的大意就是,those who cannot do teach...好好的做科研卻改行去教書。說到教書,還真是一個科研和產業(教與學)結合得比較緊密的行業。很多出色的語言學家,特別是二語習得領域的專家,是從教師隊伍裡面興起的。不過很多時候,拿著碩士學位的老師是沒辦法得到終身職位的,需要回爐重造拿到博士學位再說。我身邊很多師友都走的是教書-科研-教書/科研的路子。

Also, it』s worth noting that many schools will also hire MA-level research assistants for the long term, who have specialized in a given area and participate in projects where they』re necessary. Here, you have some job security, and the possibility of being paid well, but without having to go through the Ph.D process. 當然了,還可以去做助手,當其他擁有博士學位的人的小跟班。


「Ph.D, here I come!」當你考上博士以後...

If you』re accepted into a Ph.D program, many doors open. In many places, people admitted into a Ph.D program with support will automatically be given a job as a teaching assistant or a research assistant. 博士項目一般會有獎學金+津貼支持,以及得到助研或者助教職位的機會,這對很多PhD Candidate來說就是最美好的情形了。This is wonderful because you get that experience, and you can earn enough to keep yourself afloat, at a part time basis, while you』re getting the degree. If you』re applying to Ph.D programs, apply to a bunch of them, and decide between the programs which offer you support, either as a stipend or as a TA/RA job. As my advisor told me during the Ph.D application process, 「there are lots of places willing to pay you if you fit well, so you should never use your own money to get a Ph.D」. So, in academia, there are plenty of jobs for Ph.D students that an MA student would be less likely to.

Also, there are lots of industry companies that are happy to snatch Ph.D students away from academia, even if they』ve not finished the degree, and a few of my friends have taken this route. For them, they get most of the the benefits of somebody with Ph.D level education, but without having to pay the salary of somebody with a full on Doctoral degree. So, as silly as it sounds, even if you』re looking to go into industry after you get your MA, it might not hurt you to apply to Ph.D programs, and to accept an offer. You』ll likely get pulled in by other companies at a higher pay grade, and if you decide to return to academia later (and you kept publishing), you』ll have been accepted once. 當然了,這個時候也會有很多公司伺機把讀博士的學生拉出學術坑、拐到產業裡面去。這種情況多發生在工科領域,而企業這樣做的好處是他們可以用非博士的錢買到與博士的工作。在這裡作者提出了一個「姦猾」的建議,那就是如果准博士生希望在拿到碩士學位後到產業去工作,不妨先申請博士項目並拿到offer,這樣如果日後想回爐重造(前提是不中斷科研和發論文)就容易很多,畢竟你已經被錄取過一次。

Mind you, once you』re out of academia and a Ph.D program, it』s always tougher to get back in, and if the job you left for leaves you, especially if some time has passed, you risk having trouble there. So, unless you need the extra money right away, or you』re offered your dream job with great security, I』d highly recommend you work for the company as much as you can while still working on your Ph.D and dissertation, but keep working on that Ph.D and dissertation. They』ll pay you more when you graduate, and once you』ve got that magical piece of paper, everything will be just a bit easier in case you end up changing jobs down the road. 這段話的大意是,如果想早日變現,要記住學術坑出去容易回來難。所以如果拿到夢寐以求的職位offer和誘人的package,一定要儘可能地在工作的同時筆耕不輟——完成自己的博士論文。博士論文是一片有魔力的紙,這張紙很可能是將來你想返回學術界的通行證。

「That』s Doctor Linguist to you!」當你取得博士學位後...

Finally, if you fight through and get the Ph.D, you』ve got your pick. Nearly all of the opportunities mentioned above will be open to you, and new doors will open besides.拿到博士學位後以上所有的大門都會向你敞開

Industry will likely want you, especially if you』ve got the right specialization for their programs. 如果你的專業技能和他們上線的項目匹配度高的話,產業也很願意僱用你,而且你拿到的薪水將比碩士生和准博士生高很多。還有,你將更有可能獨自領導一個項目,而不是去做別人的小跟班。You』ll also be paid more than MA and Ph.D student candidates, and will likely come in higher on the totem pole. You』ll be more likely to be able to guide events, not just annotate or work on problems.

There are also jobs for linguists in other places that aren』t industry, but aren』t quite academia either.當然,也有介於產業和學術界之間的工作等著你去做,比如說當法庭的專家見證人,再比如說做客媒體訪談節目,甚至自己去主持、經營一檔欄目向大眾科普你的專業知識 For instance, many linguists, some who are faculty elsewhere, can become known as being good expert witnesses in trials and lawsuits which deal with matters of language and communication. Some people end up practicing forensic linguistics in law enforcement and intelligence, analyzing language to learn about speakers. Of course, there are also plenty of opportunities in intelligence, defense, and working for the military or military intelligence services.

In academia, you』ll have the opportunity to take a Post Doctoral appointment, doing research or teaching at a school for a few years before putting yourself on the market as a professor or researcher. This can be as part of a grant or a project, or simply as a member of a department who needs some help for a little while. 博後工作

You can try for a research position, where you』ll have minimal teaching load, and instead, are used more to bring the department prestige, grant money, and publications. If research is your thing, then larger, research universities are where you』ll want to be, and these sorts of positions are definitely right up your alley.研究員工作,就像生活大爆炸裡面那四個人一樣,好處就是幾乎不用教書,自己玩自己的。

You can also choose a lecturer or adjunct faculty position, where you』re not on track for tenure, and you』ll not have much in the way of job security beyond a few years, but it』s a job, and you』ll be at the helm of classes and getting paid for a few years. This is a great option if other factors in your life are preventing you from committing to a longer term stay in a given place, or if you』re simply not sure that you』re wanting to teach for the rest of your life. 還可以選擇不以終身教職為目的的fellow工作,這樣可以過幾年換個地方,換個心情。

Finally, some people, like me, eventually want to become full, tenured professors and pass on this knowledge in new and interesting ways to new and interesting people. To do this, you』ll likely start as an assistant professor, work your way up, and ideally, eventually win tenure. As a tenured professor, you』ll teach, do some research, publish, and participate in the workings of the university. You』ll be faculty, have the benefits and security of such, and be paid the salary of a full professor. It』s a pretty sweet gig, but winning such jobs can often be very competitive. 最後,當然可以選擇做終身教授,風光無限。


Edit: I just got this email from a reader who wanted to contribute her story. You』re welcome to email your own story, and I』ll make sure it ends up here!

I』m a former linguistics student, hopeful future linguistics student, and forever in love with linguistics. I was reading your post on jobs and just wanted to say that having a BA in Linguistics has helped me get jobs as a private ESL tutor, but mainly as a tutor for high school level reading and writing skills, and also as a SAT Critical Reading/Writing tutor. Now, tutoring English for the SAT can be a somewhat tedious job, but it is related to language, I always find ways to sneak in excerpts from the Language Instinct by Steven Pinker, and I can often get kids thinking about language in general. Plus, I get to help them improve their scores and get into college, thereby furthering the education of a generation (while rhyming). I also get to tell them how wonderful linguistics is, if they』ll listen, and hopefully plant a seed in the minds of those who are unsure of what to study. So overall, I do find it a satisfying job, and one that required only a BA in Linguistics. Now, I do intend to go for a PhD in either Neurolinguistics or linguistic anthropology (endangered languages maybe, a la The Linguists), and one day teach at a higher level, but for right now tutoring is good work and is definitely a worthwhile job.






最近參加工作坊學了個新詞叫「pracdemic」,就是將學術和實踐結合的人,我把它翻成「學踐者」。感覺社科類將科研轉化並不需要太多的人和資金,只要不斷輸出自己研究的成果並實踐就好了,其實現在知乎上已經有很多人在做類似的事情了,我就不說方法了,直接貼幾個我這個領域做得比較好的人,大家一看就都明白了。如果想了解更多也可以看我的文章:一個詞治好了我的「學術 or 應用」糾結症

Robert Biswas-Diener積極心理學家,教練,也是TED講者。(曾經貌似是個文藝青年=。=,感覺比較帥於是貼了個照片,其他人的就不貼了,點到網站里可以直接看)有趣的是他的父親是美國研究幸福最著名的學者之一Ed Diener。果然虎父無犬子。


教練培訓機構網站:https://positiveacorn.com 其中的積極心理教練課程也經過了國際教練協會ICF的認證

Lea Waters墨爾本大學積極心理學中心的創始人,最近主要研究親子教育。在一個評選中被選為澳洲最影響力的100位女性。不僅做學術,也做很多演講和培訓等


Reuben Rusk墨爾本大學積極心理學中的博士,以前是工程師,博士論文回顧了1800多篇積極心理學的文獻,提出了自己的理論模型(這個模型我在《積極心理學是什麼鬼》中提到過),然後沿著自己的理論模型做了一些研究,並且回紐西蘭做了自己的公司,現在還是墨大的榮譽講師和Journal of Positive Psychology的editor。


Iloua bouiwell從實踐者開始,一步步深入研究的範例。她編著了給中學生用的積極心理學的教材很有參考價值


Clive Leach一個經常在亞洲一帶活動的英國教練 主要也是實踐者。後邊兩個都是從實踐者入行的,不是我的主要模仿對象,但可以給一些做實踐的朋友作參考。














因為我是學術型碩士,就是搞理論的,包括我畢業論文搞的水污染控制模型也是理論較多,實踐較少,所以LZ所說的應用型科研如何高效的轉化我不是很了解,但是我知道在國外醫學領域有一種學科貌似叫 轉化醫學?(具體名字記不清楚了),就是說搞理論的專搞理論,搞生產的專搞生產,而這個轉化醫學呢就是負責把理論研究成果的轉化為產品,轉化成功之後,市場推廣和具體的製造就是有後面搞生產的來做了。




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