怎麼評價道金斯在twitter上推薦的文章「Epigenetic inheritance is a wild goose chase」?




其次disclosure:我專業方向是CVD Epidemiology,雖然有做Epigenetics的意向,但並沒有真的做過Epigenetics。只是在學校上過入門的課而已。

另外對於這文章最後一句的「As Dr. Davey Smith puts it: "The conclusion from over 100 years of research must be that epigenetic inheritance is not a major contributor" to physical resemblance across generations.」 感到不解,說了半天只關心physical resemblance?

背景知識:Wild-goose chase

A pursuit of something unattainable or non-existent,



First, the entire epigenetic mechanism is normally stripped away when an egg or sperm is made.

Second, this version of epigenetics rehabilitates the theories of the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, who two centuries ago postulated that traits acquired during a lifetime can be genetically passed on to the next generation-a theory long since buried by experiments.

Third, the evidence for such a process is sketchy-while the evidence that it has negligible impact, even if it can occasionally happen, is strong.

首先,對於饑荒導致該時期出生的嬰兒在長大後成為肥胖或糖尿病的高危人群我沒有異議,並且對此現象表示epigenetic的解釋在我看來很合理。反駁點中提到" the entire epigenetic mechanism is normally stripped away", 但也有abnormal的啊,比如有個概念叫做genomic imprinting, 概念直接抄Wiki:Genomic imprinting

Genomic imprinting is the phenomenon by which certain genes are expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner. It is an inheritance process independent of the classical Mendelian inheritance. If the allele inherited from the father is imprinted and thereby silenced, then only (or primarily) the allele from the mother is expressed (e.g. in the case of the genes H19 or CDKN1C). If the allele from the mother is imprinted, then only the allele from the father is expressed (e.g. in the case of the gene IGF-2). Forms of genomic imprinting have been demonstrated in fungi, plants and animals.[1] Genomic imprinting is a fairly rare phenomenon in mammals; most genes are not imprinted.

一個「fairly rare」說明這不是normal的~

Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process that involves DNA methylation and histone methylation in order to achieve the expression of only one allele without altering the genetic sequence. These epigenetic marks are established ("imprinted") in the germline(sperm or egg cells) of the parents and are maintained through mitotic cell divisions in the somatic cells of an organism.

作者對於第二個反駁點的依據是過去的實驗都沒有大面積的驗證這個「Lamarck」理論。但這些研究只是看"physical resemblance (The variation in pure lines, in weight of beans in bean plants for example)",這跟目前研究的「susceptibility」不是一回事。那個年代也測不出epigenetic,更別提那些實驗都是植物了,比如植物怎麼測出來肥胖或者胰島素抵抗?就算是老鼠,那也不是人群,在老鼠身上的驗證只是正是該理論是否適用於老鼠,何人有關聯但是不是完全相同。Agouti mouse的實驗在人身上的驗證我覺得不大可能。

作者對於第三點的支持依據就更加難以理解了。Epigenetic 的技術在近幾年才突飛猛進,EWAS的概念也沒提出多久,大型隊列研究估計還都在寫著manuscript或者在處理數據,沒有足夠的「evidence」是可以理解的。研究和數據收集需要時間,尤其是對於人群研究來說。

一句話,我覺得作者說這是wild goose chase的一句不夠充分。



對於genomic imprinting有幾個現成的例子:

1. Russell-Silver syndrome Russell-Silver syndrome

Both chromosome 7 and chromosome 11 contain groups of genes that normally undergo genomic imprinting. Abnormalities involving these genes appear to be responsible for many cases of Russell-Silver syndrome.

2. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

Abnormalities involving genes on chromosome 11 that undergo genomic imprinting are responsible for most cases of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

3. 更多的可以自行搜索 Rett, ICF, ATR-X, Fragile X

總的來說,研究epigenetic inheritance 有助於理解一些疾病的發生髮展,有可能導致採取有效的預防措施,以減少發病,畢竟epigentic changes有可能被干預。所以我個人覺得這方面的研究是有必要的而且也是重要的。

但是從另一個角度看,巨大的資金投入是否應當,或者說是否cost-effective我不知道。我的hunch是在當前NOT cost-effective。當下我們手裡的數據太多,但缺乏有效的分析方法,我們了解的和認識到的risk factor也太多,還沒有能力把已知的危險因素控制完全,花錢做一些隻影響小部分人群的研究或許是浪費錢的。如果把effect size考慮進來,做epigenetic inheritance的研究或許可以稱作waste of time and money 但是依舊不符合「wild goose chase」的定義。


1. 我個人反對在知乎上貼能百度到或者google到的定義或者概念。但在知乎呆了這段時間,發現很多人都這麼干,於是在本答案中貼過來了概念。

2. 我目前還在學習,雖然知道真的是不大可能有人這麼干,我還是要說,在上文中提到的都是我個人的看法,與我在學校中接觸到的任何觀點沒有關係。我覺得我提到的由於影響了一小部分人所以就是浪費時間金錢會惹惱不少人。但該觀點不代表HSPH的觀點。

3. 我還是個學生,不敢說自己是「評價」這篇文章,只是寫點自己的想法。

4. 我看到這個問題一直沒人回答,就算是拋磚引玉了,歡迎專業人士儘快評價一下。


1. 高等生物體內具有展現不同形態和功能的多種體細胞,他們的基因組相同而表型不同是因為這些體細胞內的基因表達不同,後者是受到表觀遺傳控制,這一點已經被廣泛接受。最近完成的ENCODE, TCGA, 111 human epigenome等大規模人類表觀遺傳學研究都證實這一點。

2. 精子,卵子和受精卵的DNA甲基變化最近也通過全基因組甲基化測序的方式得以驗證,其結果同樣證實表觀遺傳的存在。

3. 對於表觀遺傳對基因表達的控制,小鼠的Agouti基因是經典模型。除此以外,最近的研究也證明抑癌基因CDKN2A/p16通過遺傳重組方式在轉錄起始位點上游1Kb引入DNA甲基化誘導元件之後可以誘導啟動子甲基化,抑制p16表達,引發多種癌症, 其表型也是可以穩定遺傳的。





TAG:進化 | 基因 | 遺傳學 | 生物學 | 表觀遺傳學 |