
是蘇聯間諜無誤。參見司法部公布的調查結果FBI Memorandum identifying Harry Dexter White as agent Jurist。

以下是維諾那計劃 (豆瓣)中的正文前圖集部分:

懷特開始暴露的起因是1945年二戰結束之際美共間諜本特利(Elizabeth Bentley)決定退出組織並向FBI檢舉美共在華盛頓的情報網,前美共成員錢伯(Whittaker Chambers)在1948年出面指證懷特,FBI根據「維諾那計劃」破譯的電文(1946年底才破譯出來第一份電文)確定美國共諜名單,掌握了懷特從事間諜活動的證據,於是懷特在1948年受到HUAC的質詢。棘手之處在於當時FBI局長鬍佛出於信息安全考慮而需要對「維諾那計劃」(Venona project - Wikipedia)進行嚴格的保密乃至杜魯門政府亦不知情,因此最關鍵的證據由於涉及蘇俄在美國密布的龐大情報網,導致這部分證據無法在HUAC上公開,懷特因此得以在HUAC的聽證會上口若懸河替自己辯護而暫時脫罪,但幾天後心臟病發作,兩天後死亡,驗屍結果是洋地黃(digitalis)攝入過量。

On August 13, 1948, White testified before HUAC and denied being a communist. After he finished testifying he had a heart attack. He left Washington for a rest on his Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire farm. He had just arrived when he had another heart attack.[50] Two days later, on August 16, 1948, he died, age 55.[51][52] An overdose of digitalis was reported as the cause of death.[53]

曾有人懷疑懷特的死因係為蘇聯特工製造的一樁針對懷特的滅口行動,但由於缺乏證據最終調查不了了之。事後「維諾那計劃」解密的結果顯示懷特確實對發展蘇聯在美國政界的間諜網至關重要,甚至和希斯(Alger Hiss - Wikipedia)一樣有政治泄密行為。這方面證據還可以參見KGB檔案負責人Vassiliev的記錄Alexander Vassiliev』s Notes and Harry Dexter White,其中莫斯科的通訊記錄和美國國會證詞由黑框部分標出,內容直指懷特的具體活動。

懷特曾經出賣中國,見呂迅著《大棋局中的國共關係》出版-中國社會科學院近代史研究所 第69頁談到:

此外還可以參見回答約翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)為什麼被刺殺?中關於懷特的相關段落。

懷特被確證為間諜是在於「維諾那計劃」查實的電文破譯後揭示出電文中代號為Jurist的人正是他本人,蘇聯解體後KGB的解密檔案也揭示出他的間諜身份且上線是莫斯科,因此成了莫斯科知曉白宮政治機密的信息源之一(這點是直接證據)。這方面權威著作參考《維諾那計劃》(作者是這方面的歷史研究專家John Earl Haynes),其中第168頁談到

文中提到的希斯(Alger Hiss - Wikipedia)被HUAC確認為間諜是因為尼克松在HUAC出示了著名的「南瓜文件(Pumpkin Paper)」,但那時已經過了法律規定的10年追訴期,最後無法判間諜罪而只能依法判偽證罪入獄,原因是希斯先前否認自己從事相關間諜活動。


有意思的是,文中提到的「遲照庭」(音譯)經對照英文版(Venona (豆瓣))和人物履歷,可確定是知名TG地下黨員冀朝鼎,英文版對照Venona (豆瓣),p.140

With U.S Government support, arranged through White, Chi returned to Chungking in 1941 to become an official of the Chinese government"s finance ministry. There he supplied the Chinese Communists with information and disrupted Chiang Kai-shek"s regime from within. When Chiang and his Nationalist government retreated to Taiwan in 1949, Chi stayed on the mainland , openly anouncing his status as a veteran Chinese Communist party operative, and became a senior official of Mao Tse-tung"s government.[51]

There are fifteen deciphered KGB messages during the 1944 and 1945 in which White was discussed or which reported information he was providing to Soviet intelligence officers.[52] The KGB mentioned that White offered advice concerning how far the Soviet could push the United States on abandoning the Polish Government-in-exile(Which was hostile to Stalin) and assured the Soviet that U.S.policy-makers, despite their public opposition, would acuiesce to the USSR"s annexation of Latvia, Estionia, and Lithuania. White was also a senior adviser to the U.S. delegation at the founding conference of the United Nations in San Francisco in May 1945. During the negotiations on the UN charter he met covertly with Soviet intelligence officers and provide them with information on the American negotiating strategy. He assured the Soviets that "Truman and Stettinius want to achieve the success of the conference at any price" and advised that if Soviet diplomats held firm to their demand that the Soviet Union get a veto of UN actions, that the United States"will agree".[53]。


原文對照(英文版Venona (豆瓣),p.142)

In 1942, the U.S. Congress authorized a $500 million loan to Nationalist China. In 1943 the Chinese government asked for a $200 million delivery of gold to be charged against this loan. China"s currency was inflating rapidly under wartime conditions, with great damage to that country"s economy. A supply of gold to back the currency would assist in slowing inflation, which was rising to ruinious levels. Roosevelt approved the gold loan, and in July 1943 Secretary Morgenthau signed a letter to the Chinese government pledging transfer of the gold.

White, with the assistance of Frank Coe (director of the Division of Monetary Research) and Solomon Adler (Treasury representative in China), opposed carring out the transfer and repeatedly won Morgenthau"s support for delaying delivery, arguing that pervasive corruption in the Nationalist government and its failure to adopt financial reforms would result in the gold"s doing little good. By July 1945, two years later, only $29 million in gold had been sent to China. Meanwhile, the hyperinflation of this period, more than a thousand percent a year, did immense damage to the Chinese economy and severely weakened the standing of the Nationalist government when civil war with the Chinese Communists resumed at the end of 1945.


Morgenthau, however, thought his aides had merely mishandled the gold transfer but were well motivated, and he never suspected that they had an entirely separate agenda from his.[58]

另外,還可以參見wiki詞條蘇聯在美國間諜名單List of Eastern Bloc agents in the United States,其中兩個情報網Silvermaster group和Ware group都顯示出懷特在共同的名單里,附帶說一句Silvermaster也是蘇聯間諜(就是上文段落中提到的「西爾夫馬斯特」),相關調查卷宗和報告參見wiki詞條的FBI Silvermaster File的引用來源,原材料參見https://archive.org/details/FBISilvermasterFile :

維諾那文件中的List of Americans in the Venona papers的也提到懷特

Harry Dexter White,[2] Senior U.S. Treasury department official, primary designer of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

懷特的間諜身份除了根據「維諾那計劃」的線索確認外,後來還可以根據蘇聯解體後KGB檔案得到印證,相關信息基本吻合,參見Alexander Vassiliev』s Notes and Harry Dexter White, wiki詞條也談到:

This codename was confirmed by the notes of KGB archivist Vasili Nikitich Mitrokhin in his country volume 6, chapter 3, part1, where six key Soviet agents are named. Harry Dexter White is listed as being first "KASSIR" and later "JURIST".[62]

Further evidence of White"s complicity as a Soviet agent was gleaned from Soviet archives and KGB operative Alexander Vassiliev. In a book by Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev, The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America — the Stalin Era, Vassiliev, a former Soviet journalist and KGB operative, reviewed Soviet archives dealing with White"s actions on behalf of the Soviet Union. White assisted Harold Glasser, a Treasury executive and NKVD spy, "in obtaining posts and promotions at Treasury while aware of his Communist ties". Because of White"s backing, Glasser survived an FBI background check. In December 1941 the Secret Service forwarded a report to Harry White indicating that it had evidence Glasser was involved in Communist activities. White never acted on the report. Glasser continued to serve in the Treasury Department, and soon began recruiting other agents and preparing briefing reports on Treasury personnel and other potential espionage agents for the NKVD.


1.維諾那計劃 (豆瓣)

2.蘇聯間諜在美國名單 List of Eastern Bloc agents in the United States,維諾那文件List of Americans in the Venona papers

3.FBI Memorandum identifying Harry Dexter White as agent Jurist (司法部調查結果)

4.Andrew, Christoper; Vasili Mitrokhin (1999), The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB, New York: Basic Books, p. 106, ISBN 0-465-00310-9(俄方)

5.Alexander Vassiliev』s Notes and Harry Dexter White(俄方)





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