Feminism is no longer considered to be just a theory. Most politicians in democratic countries around the world take feminist ideas to be facts, and have these ideas influence public policy in a very real way. In the US, UK and Sweden, feminist thinkers are advisors to the government and directly influence legislation and other decisions.(女權主義已經不再被看作是一種理論。全世界大多數民主政治國家裡的政客們都把『女權主義意識形態』當作『既定事實』來對待,這種意識形態已經真真實實的展現了其可怕的影響力,並左右了公共政治領域。在美國,英國和瑞士,女權主義者是政府『政見』的提供者,其所提『政見』直接影響著國家立法以及其他國家政策決定。)
Feminism has even spread to schools, where boys now are shamed simply for being boys. Nobel prize winner and feminist Doris Lessing, described this phenomenon as early as 2001 in The Guardian:(眼下女權主義已經蔓延滋生到學校,以至於男孩們竟然對自己的性別產生了愧疚心理。諾貝爾獎獲得者多麗絲·萊辛,在2001版的《衛報》對此現象有所描述。)
「I was in a class of nine- and 10-year-olds, girls and boys, and this young woman was telling these kids that the reason for wars was the innately violent nature of men.(『我來到一個由年齡段為9-10歲的孩童組成的班級,看到班級中這個年輕女人一直挑唆這些孩子們說:戰爭源於男人『天生』的暴力傾向。』)
You could see the little girls, fat with complacency and conceit while the little boys sat there crumpled, apologising for their existence, thinking this was going to be the pattern of their lives.」(你可以清楚看到那些女孩臉上洋溢著沾沾自喜充滿自信的神態的同時,男孩們臉上卻一臉洋溢著頹廢和無奈,獃獃的坐著,並對他們的『存在』深感愧疚,使他們認為生為男孩必須接受這種倍受批評的生活方式。)
Feminist Christina Hoff Sommers has also written about the same tendency; in her book The War Against Boys she exposes how feminist ideas and sloppy research have attacked boys in US schools and turned boyhood into a disease.(哲學家克里斯蒂娜·霍夫·薩默斯也描述了教育中所存在的此種相同現象產生的趨勢,在她所著的《反對男孩的戰爭》一書中,她揭露了女權主義者是如何通過意識形態和偏執主觀的教研方式在美國學校中來打擊壓制男孩,並導致男孩在幼齡階段造成心理的扭曲和病態性格的產生)
So why is this such a big issue? Can』t boys see the wider picture here, and understand that the teacher is trying to correct past wrongs? No, this is exactly what children of a certain age are unable to do.
Children aren』t born with the cognitive capacities of your average adult, and before the age of 11, most children are simply unable to perform abstract reasoning or understand nuances when having a discussion. Instead, children below this age generally see things in either-or scenarios, and divide the world into dichotomies of 「good or bad」, 「wanted or unwanted」, etc. (因此為什麼這會是一個重要話題?難道男孩們不能用更廣泛的視野來看待自己,通過自己來意識到教師當前所說的一切只能用來糾正過去的錯誤而已嗎。答案是:不能。因為當前這個年齡段的幼童根本沒有這樣做的能力和意識。孩子們天生就不具備像成人一樣的平均認知水平。在11歲前,大多數孩子根本無法運用抽象思維及理性分析進行討論。相反,低於這個年齡段的孩子普遍只能模稜兩可,通過場景刺激的方式表面化的看待事物,把世界用『二分法』的方式簡單的歸納為『不是好的就是壞的』,『要麼這樣做,要麼就別這樣做』的認知方法。)
The cognitive development of children was described by famous Swiss scientist Jean Piaget, and the fact that children and human beings develop in stages has later been verified by Harvard researchers such as Susanne Cook-Greuter and Robert Kegan, and Theo Dawson who did her research at Berkeley.(兒童這一特有的『認知能力水平的發展過程』曾被著名瑞士科學家Jean Piaget描述過,後來像Sasanne Cook-Greuter和Robert Kegan這樣的哈佛研究者們也證實了『人類兒童認知能力在其成長各階段中的發展過程』)
The effect of teachers bringing feminism into the classroom, whether they are feminists themselves or simply instructed to do so, is that young boys hear the message: 「Girls are good, boys are bad.」 Due to their cognitive development, this is the natural interpretation of feminism for young boys (and girls). This creates a sense of shame at a very deep level, and could quite conceivably affect the self-esteem and healthy development of these young boys.(無論是身為女權主義者而故意為止,還是無意之中的行為,由於兒童認知水平發展的限制,一旦教師把『女權主義』帶入教室里,所產生的後果就是讓男孩無意之中認為:女孩就是好的,男孩就是壞的。』並且自然而然的變成一種男孩女孩們潛意識裡接受的『女權主義』傾向的權威解釋。這會使男孩造成愧疚感恥辱感,可想而知這樣做會使得這些男孩們在健康發育和自我意識建立的過程中受到多麼大的影響。)
I personally consider it an outrage that young boys are shamed in the name of feminism. First of all I consider feminist ideas to be a very unbalanced take on gender issues, and therefore I don』t even recommend them for adults. However, imposing these ideas on young boys who cognitively cannot help but be shamed and deflated is dangerously close to child abuse.(用『女權主義』手段和影響來增加男孩們的恥辱感愧疚感,這種做法使我個人倍感憤怒。首先,我認為『女權主義』在兩性問題上本來就具有極其嚴重的『偏向性』,打破了『平等』理念。因此,我甚至不推薦向成人灌輸『女權主義意識』。然而在那些認知能力水平還未完全發育成熟的男孩子們中間強化這些理念,並使其增加恥辱挫敗感,這種做法無異於走向『虐待兒童』的邊緣!
Let』s have a passionate gender debate amongst adults, but leave children alone, and stop telling them that there』s something wrong with them simply because they were born male.(我們可以在成人之間對兩性問題進行爭論,但請不要把我們的孩子也攪和進來,同時不要告訴那些男孩們這樣做是錯誤的,因為男孩生來就是那樣的天性!)
Those of us who are men and around 45 years old or younger, quite probably grew up (or are currently growing up) with feminism around us in one way or other, at least in The West. Being raised with feminist ideas floating around in society, in our schools and possibly in our own families, means that we have all experienced the shaming I describe above.(我們之中很多年齡在45歲左右或更年輕一點的人,就可能成長於(或當前成長於)一個在『女權主義』包圍的環境里,至少在西方就是如此,我們從小伴隨著『女權主義意識形態無限膨脹』的社會體系里長大成人。在我們的學校里還是家庭里,像這種上述讓我們男性故意增加恥辱感挫敗感的事例我們每個人都經歷過。)
As long as we are children who are cognitively immature, we simply don』t have the capacity to argue against feminism or put up any effective psychological defenses, and hence the shaming takes place.(只要我們的孩子還沒有建立成熟的認知能力,而我們又無力去抵制『女權主義』對孩子們的侵襲,如果被動的一直處於『心理防禦』的狀態,那這才是我們真正的恥辱!)
As sad as these dynamics are, I also believe that Generation X and Y will be the generations that change the gender discourse forever. We』ve seen first-hand how destructive and imbalanced feminism can be, and aided by men from previous generations and by women who are sick and tired of feminism, the time has come to speak up and have our voices be heard.(沮喪的看著這些咄咄逼人的問題,我已經相信《x一代和y一代》里所描述的那一代會出現並且即將修改『性別問題』上的課程內容。我們在第一手的時間裡就已經見識了『女權主義』的無賴和偏執及其超強的破壞力,在前輩男性的幫助下,在那些厭惡噁心『女權主義』的婦女幫助下,現在是時候把我們的心裡話說出來並讓社會聽到我們心聲的時候了!)