字幕翻譯:天文志願字幕組(有錯誤的地方望各位指出)翻譯審核:@-ChillyChilly0- @野馬
如果我們要和居住在半人馬座阿爾法星附近的外星人一起工作,計劃成立一個蟲洞傳送點NSuppose we』re working with aliens who live near Alpha Centauri to build a wormhole teleporter
我們就能去拜訪外星人了——和他們吃個晚飯,建立星際外交,或者做些其他的事Nso we can go visit them - for dinner, or interstellar diplomacy, or whatever. Of course we』ll
當然,我們需要和他們談一談,如何製造每一邊的入口Nneed to be able to talk with them about what to make each side of the portal out of, how
要製造多大的零件,等等。但是由於我們沒有去過半人馬座阿爾法星Nbig to make the various pieces, and so on. But since we』ve never been to Alpha Centauri,
外星人也從來沒在上面出現過,所以剛剛我就是開個玩笑——我指的是,Nand they』ve never been here, this is tricky – I mean, if you tell me to make you an
如果外星人告訴我,讓我製作一個300腕尺長的圓弧,emmmmm,我也不知道腕尺是多長。。。Narc that』s 300 cubits long, and I don』t know what a cubit is, you』ll probably get
那麼,很可能外星人拿到的圓弧,根本不是他們想要的那個長度Nan arc that』s not exactly what you were hoping for .
因此我們需要從頭開始,建立一個能夠輕鬆暢談宇宙的共享式交流方式NSo we』ll have to build, from the ground up, an easily sharable way of communicating
距離問題要通過想法來解決,而不是通過某個具體的的人工產品來解決Nabout the universe, where distances and such are based on ideas, rather than specific artifacts.
大概我們會首先想到一些點子,你懂得,NWe』d probably start with basic materials, you know, like how instead of sending a vial
我們不說「發射一個裝滿大塊鋰元素的小瓶子,讓它穿過宇宙空間」Nwith a chunk of lithium in it across interstellar space, we can just say 「use the atom that
我們說「使用一種原子,它含有三個質子、三個中子和三個電子」(鋰)Nhas 3 protons, 3 neutrons, and 3 electrons.」 Water would be 「the molecule that』s a
或者說水分子「含有一個帶有8個質子的原子,還有兩個帶有1個質子的原子"這類的話Ncombination of one atom with 8 protons and two atoms with 1 proton.」 And so on.
我們把材料準備好後,我們開始記錄時間——我們只是告訴外星人NOnce we have materials down, we can do clocks – we just tell the aliens that if they take
他們是否能帶上一種原子(銫),含有55個質子和78個中子,並讓原子以某種方式放射出光子Nthe atom with 55 protons and 78 neutrons , make it emit a photon of light in a certain way
然後等待光子振動9,192,631,770次:我們把這記作一秒鐘N, and wait for that photon to oscillate 9,192,631,770 times: that』s what we call one second.
記錄時間後,我們開始記錄距離:NOnce we have clocks, we can do distances: just tell the aliens to see how far light
我們告訴外星人,讓他們記下光子在這一秒行走的299,792,458步,我們把這記作一米Ngoes in one 299,792,458th of a second – that』s what we call a meter.
但這時我們會遇到一個巨大的障礙——從字面上來說NBut this is when we would run into a massive roadblock – literally. Pretty much the
談論宇宙的大部分話題是需要雙方了解什麼是質量Nrest of our communication about the universe requires knowing what mass is, and what we
我們通常說的「一千克」,不能直接和遠方的外星人這樣表達Ncurrently call a kilogram isn』t an idea we can just tell distant aliens, the way we
我們可以這樣說,「含有三個質子的原子」。一千克是一個特別的金屬塊,Ncan say 「the atom with 3 protons」. A kilogram is just a particular lump of metal sitting
位於我們行星上某個地區的某個空間中,Nin a particular room in a particular place on our planet , and if you want to know how
如果你想知道反物質有多少千克,你需要把它放在那,互相稱一稱Nmany kilograms of say, antimatter, you have, you have to take it there and weigh them against
在不久的將來,Neach other . In the very near future, we』re going to
我們會想出一個更明智的方法來討論質量,Nsettle on a more sensible way of talking about mass, so instead of saying 「in order to
不必再說「為了建立這個傳送點,你需要來到地球某處,帶上一塊甜乳酪Nbuild this teleporter you have to come to the part of earth with good cheese so we can
這樣一來,我們就能給你一塊發亮的金屬塊」,Nshow you our shiny lump of metal,」 , we』ll either be telling the aliens to just get a
我們可以告訴外星人,拿一塊21.5253873乘10的24次方的原子,含有14個質子和14個中子Npile of something like 21.5253873 septillion of the atom that has 14 protons and 14 neutrons,
或者這麼說,稱一稱一個原子或者一個分子在發出光子後所丟失的重量,Nor we』ll tell them to weigh how much mass an atom or molecule loses after emitting a
光子大約每秒振動135.6392534乘10的48次方次。Nphoton of light that oscillates roughly 135.6392534 septillion septillion times each second. One
這兩個方法都可以給記錄質量,即使在一堆原子中做出選擇Nof these two concepts will be our new kilogram, and even though the pile of atoms option sounds
聽起來比較簡單,事實上,在實際操作中,這樣的方式非常困難又耗錢Nsimpler in principle, it』s actually kind of harder and more expensive to do in practice.
不管我們選擇哪個方法,一旦我們在討論質量問題上是種觀念NWhichever way it is, once we have our new way of communicating about mass as an idea
而不是某個具體物體,我們就能夠和半人馬座阿爾法星人一起建立蟲洞傳送點Ninstead of an object, we』ll be able to build our wormhole teleporter with the alpha centaurians
並且,我們可以邀請他們到地球上來,一起吃個晚飯,N. And then we can bring them here to earth, have dinner, and afterwards, show them the
然後,給他們展示一下我們討論物體質量時通常使用的金屬塊這樣的東西Nchunk of metal that used to be THE THING that we used to talk about the mass of all other
在我介紹這個視頻的贊助商之前Nthings. Before I tell you about this video』s sponsor,
技術分享——我想講述一個故事。我剛過了30歲生日NSkillshare, I want to tell you a story. I recently turned 30, but back when I was in
但是追溯到高中時期,我非常擅長製作計算機視覺特效及科幻電影Nhigh school, I was super into computer visual effects and sci-fi movies – however, there
——然而,我幾乎找不到容易的方法,能讓我學會如何為我自己製作視覺特效Nwere very few easy ways to learn how to do visual effects yourself. I mean, consumer
我的意思指,那時,數碼攝像機對於消費者們仍然是個新鮮的事物,Naccess to digital video cameras was still very new, personal computers were just starting
個人電腦剛開始起步,只能用於合法的視頻編輯,YouTube那時還不存在。Nto be good enough for legit video editing, and youtube didn』t even exist. I had to
我需要在視覺特效聊天室、光碟特別報道及神秘的博客上四處搜尋,學習知識Nscrounge in vfx chat-rooms, dvd special features, and arcane blogs to learn enough to make my
想拙劣地模仿一下指環王和星球大戰的製作。如今我三十歲了,Nlord-of-the-rings and star-wars parodies. Today at age 30, the situation is night and
以前和現在的情況簡直就是一個黑夜,一個白天。你甚至可以用手機拍攝、編輯高清錄像!Nday – you can shoot and edit high definition footage on a telephone, for crying out loud!
並且,我們有很多非常容易的方式,可以去學習如何使用更強大的工具NAnd it』s much easier to learn how to use more powerful tools like After Effects and
比如After Effects和Photoshop軟體,還可以享受更強大的服務,比如技術分享網站NPhotoshop – services like Skillshare, for example, now allow you to find tens of thousands
技術分享網站上可以找到數以萬計的視頻,關於設計、攝影、編程、視覺特效等專題Nof video tutorials on design, photography, programming, visual effects, and more. And
前200名註冊該網站年費高級會員的人,即可享受七折優惠NSkillshare is offering 30% off a year-long premium membership for the first 200 people
技術分享網站的網址是skl.sh/minutephysics30。Nwho go to skl.sh/minutephysics30 – again, that』s skl.sh/minutephysics30 for 30% off
另外,這個七折優惠一直有效,即使你未滿30N– and it works even if you didn』t just turn 30!N@-ChillyChilly-
※7顆行星撥動「費米悖論」 ,希望人類懂得恐懼
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