Material Shaders - Incandescent


This material shader has been optimized for simple,『emissive』 meshes that act as Global Illumination lights. It is intended to have a similar look to an area light that has its shape defined by a mesh, the difference being that this will only contribute to Global Illumination, since it doesn』t perform any actual direct lighting.

這一材質節點用於將自發光物體轉化為簡單的Global Illumination 光源。他與由物體形狀定義的面積光源相似,不同之處在於這一材質不執行任何真正的直接照明,只執行GI.

Shader Options Illumination 著色器選項 Illumination照明


This describes the color of the 『light』.描述這個光源的顏色


This describes the light temperature in Kelvin, as a black body radiator. We cover the range 1667K to 25000K, with lower values yielding colors towards the red end of the

spectrum and higher values yielding blue. The default is 6500K, which is the CIE standard 『white point』 temperature.



This determines the color mode, which can be:決定色彩形式,也就是:

  • Color - use the 『Color』 parameter.


  • Temperature - derive the color from the 『Temperature』parameter.


Intensity Multiplier強度倍數器

This is a color multiplier, to increase or decrease the intensity of the light. Setting this

to 0.0 effective disables the light, making it black.



When this is not checked, the back-side of 2-D meshes will appear black, so as not to

contribute to Global Illumination. The back-side is determined by the surface normals of the meshes.

如果勾選,而為無厚度的面的背面將是黑的,不再為全局照明提供能量.面的正反由表面的法線決定 .

Apply Camera Exposure Compensation 使用相機曝光補償

Enabling this will allow the material to appear to be a constant color, regardless of

camera exposure.


Affect Emission AOV

Enables Emission AOV output, ideally for when this node is used as a simple material.

啟用Emission AOV輸出,理想情況下用於將此節點用作簡單材質。

Alpha Mode

This determines how the alpha value is used:

  • Replace – (this is legacy) sets the alpha value on output, without making the material transparent
  • 替換 - (這是遺留的)設置輸出的alpha值,而不使材料透明
  • Ray-Traced Opacity – the alpha value describes opacity, which can be used to make the material transparent
  • 光線追蹤不透明度 - alpha值描述不透明度,可用於使材料透明.


This is the alpha value that will be output, or the opacity


Ray Type Intensity Multipliers光線類型強度倍數器


This controls how intense you want the light to be when seen through reflections.



This controls how intense you want the light to be when seen through




This controls how intense you want the light to be when calculating Global Illumination.


Here is a simple scene, demonstrating this; our『emissive』 mesh is a cyan torus with an intensity of 4.0 and all other settings to default. A chrome sphere sits in the middle of it, reflecting an HDR environment map, the ground and the emissive torus. No direct lights are present.


In the following example we renderwithout Global Illumination enabled. There is no diffuse light, only reflections.


Now we have enabled Global Illumination and you can clearly see the diffuse glow of the cyan torus and how it affects its environment.


Now we have set the "Reflection Intensity" to 0.0 for the torus, to demonstrate the effect on reflections. See how it appears black in the chrome sphere now?



Redshift Output

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