
【曲】A lifetime of adventure




Drum hit:MZZ


A lifetime of adventure 一生的探險

To be rich is 真正的富有

To still remember 是還保留著最美好回憶

To treasure your 1st dime 是能珍惜人生中獲得的第一桶金

To have a chance to say farewell 是還有機會說一句珍重和再見

Story of your life 你一生的故事裡

Time of solitude and strife 充滿了孤獨與紛爭

Freedom of an open road 一條自由的道路開放著

Hope, and many miles to go 總是充滿希望卻十分漫長艱辛

Promises to keep 也肯定會有

Countless goldfields to reap 無盡的黃金等待收穫

To be rich is to seek 但真正的富有是不斷的探索

To relive a memory 是重溫那些曾經的回憶

Far-off lands quests of old 去遙遠的地方

Self-respect true grit 需要真正堅定和高傲的勇氣

Never cared what a fortune might buy 不要在意那些財富可以買什麼

To seek is to be rich 因為不斷探索才是真正的財富

Story of your life 你一生的故事裡

Time of solitude and strife 充滿了孤獨與紛爭

Freedom of an open road 一條自由的道路開放著

Hope, and many miles to go 總是充滿希望卻十分漫長艱辛

Promises to keep 也肯定會有

Countless goldfields to reap 無盡的黃金等待收穫

To be rich is to seek 但真正的富有是不斷的探索

To relive a memory 是重溫那些曾經的回憶

All the strangers on your path 旅途中與你擦肩而過的人

Crossroads, the letters from home 走過的路口、一封封家書

The cooling embers of a Yuletide hearth 都已經成為聖誕過後壁爐里冷卻的灰燼

All the sounds of wilderness 荒野中傳來的各種聲音

The truth in which you roamed 其實是你所置身的那些事實的寫照

Now your lost Rosebud has brought you back home 現在,你曾失去的豆蔻年華已經把你重新帶回了家...


周杰倫開過那麼多演唱會,為什麼網上留下的 live 版音源只有區區幾場的?

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