
在簡書上發現一個特別好玩的作者,個人簽名 = "戰戰兢兢"*3 。今天分享一篇ta的文章,使用Python寫成的腳本,簡單有趣,適合新手練習。


01. 目錄文件分類




usage: classify.py [-h] [-t {ext,mtime,back}] directory對目錄進行文件整理歸類.positional arguments: directory 目標目錄路徑optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t {ext,mtime,back}, --type {ext,mtime,back} 分類方式


python classify.py -t ext 目錄路徑


├── DS_Store├── bat├── bin├── css├── db├── default├── gif├── gitattributes├── gitignore├── htaccess├── jar├── js├── json├── lib├── log├── md├── php├── plex├── png├── sql├── sublime-project├── sublime-workspace├── tpl├── txt├── xml├── y└── yml


python classify.py -t mtime 目錄路徑


├── 2014│ └── 10│ └── 24├── 2015│ └── 12│ └── 21└── 2016 ├── 6 │ ├── 28 │ ├── 29 │ └── 30 ├── 7 │ ├── 1 │ └── 26 └── 8 ├── 6 └── 7


python classify.py -t word 目錄路徑


├── 3├── 4├── 5├── N├── R├── W├── a├── b├── c├── d├── e├── f├── h├── i├── j├── l├── m├── o├── p├── s├── t├── u├── v└── y


python classify.py -t back 目錄路徑


├── assets│ ├── 2e015166│ ├── 4893405d│ │ ├── detailview│ │ ├── gridview│ │ └── listview│ ├── 4a5213fe│ └── a2744ecd│ ├── autocomplete│ ├── jui│ │ ├── css│ │ │ └── base│ │ │ └── images│ │ └── js│ ├── rating│ ├── treeview│ │ └── images│ └── yiitab├── css├── protected│ ├── commands│ ├── components│ ├── config│ ├── controllers│ ├── data│ ├── extensions│ │ └── smarty│ │ ├── demo│ │ │ ├── plugins│ │ │ └── templates│ │ ├── lexer│ │ └── libs│ │ ├── plugins│ │ └── sysplugins│ ├── filters│ ├── messages│ │ └── zh_cn│ ├── models│ ├── runtime│ ├── sql_source│ ├── tests│ │ ├── functional│ │ └── unit│ └── views│ ├── blog│ ├── layouts│ ├── login│ ├── postadmin│ └── useradmin└── themes └── classic └── views


#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import argparseimport osimport jsonimport shutilimport sysimport timefrom uuid import uuid4DEFAULT_KEY = "default"BACKUP_FILE = ".backup.json" # 防止遷移的時候出現文件重名的情況 def unique_covert(file_path): new_path = "|".join(file_path.split(os.sep)[:-1]) if not new_path: return file_path return os.path.basename(file_path) + " (" + new_path + ")" def coroutine(gen): def wrapper(*arg, **kws): coroutine = gen(*arg, **kws) next(coroutine) return coroutine return wrapper@coroutine def save_back_up(target_dir): string_len = len(target_dir) back_up_file = os.path.join(target_dir, BACKUP_FILE) if os.path.exists(back_up_file): go_back(target_dir) back_up_tree = {} while True: tup = yield if not tup: break (now, prev) = tup back_up_tree[now] = prev with open(back_up_file, "w") as buf: json.dump(back_up_tree, buf, indent=4) # 按擴展名分類 def classify_by_ext(target_dir, tmp_dir): from collections import defaultdict ext_files = defaultdict(list) for dir_ in os.walk(target_dir): for f in dir_[2]: exts = f.split(".") key = exts[-1] if len(exts) != 1 else DEFAULT_KEY ext_files[key].append(os.path.join(dir_[0], f)) for ext, file_list in ext_files.items(): dest_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, ext) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) for file_path in file_list: filename = unique_covert(os.path.relpath(file_path, target_dir)) dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename) rel_file_path = os.path.relpath(file_path, target_dir) shutil.move(file_path, dest) yield (os.path.join(ext, filename), rel_file_path) yield None # 按修改時間分類 def classify_by_mtime(target_dir, tmp_dir): for dir_ in os.walk(target_dir): base_dir = dir_[0] for f in dir_[2]: abs_file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, f) rel_file_path = os.path.relpath(abs_file_path, target_dir) if os.path.islink(abs_file_path): rel_dest_dir = "link" dest_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "link") else: mtime = os.stat(abs_file_path)[8] (y, m, d) = map(str, time.localtime(mtime)[:3]) rel_dest_dir = os.path.join(y, m, d) dest_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, rel_dest_dir) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) filename = unique_covert(rel_file_path) dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename) shutil.move(abs_file_path, dest_file) yield (os.path.join(rel_dest_dir, filename), rel_file_path) yield None # 按字母分類 def classify_by_first_letter(target_dir, tmp_dir): for dir_ in os.walk(target_dir): base_dir = dir_[0] for f in dir_[2]: abs_file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, f) rel_file_path = os.path.relpath(abs_file_path, target_dir) first_char = f[0] if first_char.isalnum(): dest_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, first_char) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) filename = unique_covert(rel_file_path) dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename) shutil.move(abs_file_path, dest_file) yield (os.path.join(first_char, filename), rel_file_path) else: shutil.move(abs_file_path, os.path.join(tmp_dir, f)) yield (f, rel_file_path) yield None def go_back(target_dir): target_dir = target_dir.decode("utf-8") tmp_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(target_dir)), str(uuid4())) os.mkdir(tmp_dir) back_up_tree = {} back_up_file = os.path.join(target_dir, BACKUP_FILE) if not os.path.exists(back_up_file): raise Exception("已經是初始狀態") with open(back_up_file, "rb") as buf: back_up_tree = json.load(buf) if not back_up_tree: raise Exception("備份文件已損壞或不存在") for src, old in back_up_tree.items(): src_file = os.path.join(target_dir, src) dest_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, old) dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_file) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) shutil.move(src_file, dest_file) shutil.rmtree(target_dir, ignore_errors=False) os.rename(tmp_dir, target_dir)def run(target_dir, classify_func): tmp_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(target_dir)), str(uuid4())) os.mkdir(tmp_dir) save_backup_gen = save_back_up(target_dir) classify_gen = classify_func(target_dir, tmp_dir) finished = 0 begin = time.time() while True: tup = classify_gen.send(None) finished += 1 sys.stdout.write(u"已完成%s個文件
" % finished) sys.stdout.flush() if not tup: break save_backup_gen.send(tup) print(u"已完成%s個文件,耗時%s秒" % (finished, time.time() - begin)) shutil.rmtree(target_dir, ignore_errors=False) os.rename(tmp_dir, target_dir) try: save_backup_gen.send(None) except StopIteration: pass def _main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="對目錄進行文件整理歸類.") parser.add_argument("directory", type=str, help="目標目錄路徑") parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", type=str, default="ext", choices=["ext", "mtime", "word", "back"], help="分類方式") args = parser.parse_args() target_dir = args.directory op = args.type if op == "ext": run(target_dir, classify_by_ext) elif op == "mtime": run(target_dir, classify_by_mtime) elif op == "word": run(target_dir, classify_by_first_letter) elif op == "back": go_back(target_dir) print ("恢復完成") else: raise Exception("參數錯誤")if __name__ == "__main__": _main()

02. 12306餘票查詢工具




usage: left_ticket.py [-h] [-f FROM_CITY] [-t TO_CITY] [-d DATE] [-s] [-l]查詢12306車次余票.optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FROM_CITY, --from_city FROM_CITY 起始城市 -t TO_CITY, --to_city TO_CITY 目標城市 -d DATE, --date DATE 日期,格式如:2016-08-14 -s, --student 學生票 -l, --list_city 查看支持城市列表


python left_ticket.py -f 唐家灣 -t 廣州南 -d 8-26 # 年份默認為今年


車次序號 起始站 出發站 終點站 時間 一等座 二等座6e000C761003 珠海->唐家灣->廣州南 09:48 54 2576e000C762202 珠海->唐家灣->廣州南 11:43 39 2356e000C763002 珠海->唐家灣->廣州南 13:40 43 3076e000C763802 珠海->唐家灣->廣州南 14:45 58 3296e000C764602 珠海->唐家灣->廣州南 16:43 57 3126e000C765802 珠海->唐家灣->廣州南 18:38 62 3566e000C766202 珠海->唐家灣->廣州南 19:45 55 3576e000C767602 珠海->唐家灣->廣州南 22:10 64 3896e000C767802 珠海->唐家灣->廣州南 22:33 64 384


python left_ticket.py


請輸入起始城市(輸入回車為珠海):請輸入目的城市:廣州南請輸入出發日期(輸入回車為2016-08-14):是否成人票,是請按回車,不是請輸入n:正在查詢...車次序號 起始站 出發站 終點站 時間 一等座 二等座6e000C768602 珠海->珠海->廣州南 23:28 62 無6e000C768802 珠海->珠海->廣州南 23:58 112 33


python left_ticket.py -l


阜南 祁縣東 黑水 涪陵 哈密 大灰廠 新余北 平安 欽州東 安陸 黎塘 高各庄 谷城 彭水 沙縣 海安縣 棗莊西 崑山南 克東 圖強 大苴 恩施 水富 沂南 姚千戶屯 冷水江東 ...


#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import argparseimport osimport jsonimport urllib2import sslimport sysimport reimport socketfrom datetime import datetimePURPOSE_CODES = ["ADULT", "0X00"] # 成人票,學生票CITY_CACHE = NoneCITY_CACHE_FILE = ".cities"ADDR_CACHE_FILE = ".addr"CITY_LIST_URL = "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/resources/js/framework/station_name.js"ACTION_URL = "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/leftTicket/queryZ?leftTicketDTO.train_date={train_time}&leftTicketDTO.from_station={from_city}&leftTicketDTO.to_station={to_city}&purpose_codes={ticket_type}"SSL_CTX = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)# 對月份進行補零 def add_zero(month): if int(month) < 10: month = "0" + str(int(month)) return month# 默認為今天 def default_date(): now = datetime.now() return "-".join([str(now.year), str(add_zero(now.month)), str(add_zero(now.day))])# 格式化輸入日期 # 如: # 8-14 -> 2016-08-14 # 2016:8:14 -> 2016-08-14 # -> 2016-08-14 def date_format(input_date): if not input_date: return default_date() res = re.match(r"(([0-9]{4})[-|\|:])?([0-9]{1,2})[-|\|:]([0-9]{2})", input_date) if res: year = res.group(2) month = res.group(3) day = res.group(4) now = datetime.now() if not year: year = now.year if not month: month = now.month if not day: day = now.day return "-".join([str(year), add_zero(str(month)), str(day)]) else: print ("輸入日期格式錯誤") sys.exit(-1)# 載入城市信息 def load_cities(): global CITY_CACHE if CITY_CACHE is not None: return CITY_CACHE cache_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), CITY_CACHE_FILE) need_reload = True cities = {} if os.path.exists(cache_file): with open(cache_file, "rb") as fp: cities = json.load(fp) if cities: need_reload = False if need_reload is True: city_info = urllib2.urlopen(CITY_LIST_URL, context=SSL_CTX).read() for res in re.finditer(r"@[a-z]{3}|(.+?)|([A-Z]{3})|[a-z]+?|[a-z]+?|", city_info): city = res.group(1) code = res.group(2) cities[city] = code with open(cache_file, "w") as fp: json.dump(cities, fp) CITY_CACHE = cities return cities# 查詢操作 def search(from_city, to_city, train_time, ticket_type="ADULT"): cities = load_cities() try: from_code = cities[from_city.decode("utf-8")] except KeyError: print("指定起始站點%s不存在" % from_city) sys.exit(-1) try: to_code = cities[to_city.decode("utf-8")] except KeyError: print("指定目標站點%s不存在" % to_city) sys.exit(-1) url = ACTION_URL.format(from_city=from_code, to_city=to_code, train_time=train_time, ticket_type=ticket_type) print(url) ret = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url, context=SSL_CTX, timeout=10).read()) if not ret or ret == -1 or not ret["data"] or len(ret["data"]) == 0: print("沒查詢到相關的車次信息") sys.exit(-1) print ("車次序號 起始站 出發站 終點站 時間 一等座 二等座") for r in ret["data"]: r = r["queryLeftNewDTO"] if (not r["zy_num"].encode("utf-8").isdigit() and not r["ze_num"].encode("utf-8").isdigit() or r["from_station_name"].encode("utf-8") != from_city): continue print (u"%s %s->%s->%s %s %s %s" %( r["train_no"], r["start_station_name"], r["from_station_name"], r["to_station_name"], r["arrive_time"], r["zy_num"], r["ze_num"] ))# 獲取ip def getip(): url = "http://jsonip.com" res = re.search("d+.d+.d+.d+", urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=5).read()) if res: return res.group(0) return None # 根據ip獲取地址 def getaddr(fresh=False): addr_cache_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), ADDR_CACHE_FILE) if not fresh and os.path.exists(addr_cache_file): addr = None with open(addr_cache_file, "rb") as fp: addr = fp.read() if addr: return addr ip = getip() if not ip: return None addr_info = urllib2.urlopen("http://ip.taobao.com/service/getIpInfo.php?ip=%s" % ip, timeout=5).read() city = None if addr_info: addr_info = json.loads(addr_info) city = addr_info["data"]["city"] city = city.encode("utf-8").replace("市", "") with open(addr_cache_file, "w") as fp: fp.write(city) return citydef get_yn_input(msg): while True: res = raw_input("%s,是請按回車,不是請輸入n:" % msg) if res in ("", "n"): break return True if res == None else False # 默認模式 def guide(): try: cities = load_cities() city = getaddr() except socket.timeout: print ("請求超時") sys.exit(-1) if city and cities.has_key(city.decode("utf-8")): from_city = raw_input("請輸入起始站點(輸入回車為%s):" % city) if not from_city: from_city = city else: from_city = raw_input("請輸入起始站點:") while True: to_city = raw_input("請輸入目的站點:") if to_city: break dd = default_date() train_time = raw_input("請輸入出發日期(輸入回車為%s):" % dd) train_time = date_format(train_time) if train_time else dd ticket_type = "0X00" if get_yn_input("是否成人票") else "ADULT" print("正在查詢...
") search(from_city, to_city, train_time, ticket_type)if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="查詢12306車次余票.") parser.add_argument("-f", "--from_city", type=str, help="起始城市") parser.add_argument("-t", "--to_city", type=str, help="目標城市") parser.add_argument("-d", "--date", type=str, help="日期,格式如:2016-08-14") parser.add_argument("-s", "--student", action="store_true", help="學生票") parser.add_argument("-l", "--list_city", action="store_true", help="查看支持城市列表") args = parser.parse_args() from_city = args.from_city to_city = args.to_city train_time = date_format(args.date) ticket_type = PURPOSE_CODES[1] if args.student is True else PURPOSE_CODES[0] list_city = args.list_city if from_city is None and to_city is None and list_city is False: guide() else: if list_city: for city, code in load_cities().items(): print city, elif from_city and to_city and ticket_type: search(from_city, to_city, train_time, ticket_type) else: print ("參數錯誤")

03. 文本備份雲倉庫




usage: everbox.py [-h] {init,push,pushall,list,drop,drag,remove,pull,log} ...文本備份助手.optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit操作命令: {init,push,pushall,list,drop,drag,remove,pull,log} init 新建一個倉庫 push 添加文本到倉庫 pushall 添加批量文本到倉庫 list 列出倉庫或文本 drop 刪除一個倉庫 drag 從遠程拉取一個文件同時刪除記錄 remove 從倉庫刪除指定id的文本 pull 從倉庫拉取文本 log 查看文本記錄信息


安裝evernote sdk for python

pip install evernote



init 新建一個倉庫

usage: everbox.py init [-h] box新建一個倉庫positional arguments: box 倉庫名字python everbox.py init test創建成功,id為:0c6e25c4-538c-4008-87e2-7efe32e18280

list 列出倉庫或文本

usage: everbox.py list [-h] [box]列出倉庫文本positional arguments: box 倉庫id或倉庫名字


python everbox.py list| 文本id | 倉庫名稱 |6da27e72-ad2d-4cd0-a05a-f1fc12d9e44c 我的第一個筆記本1902a691-62f3-4edc-a8bb-4db6d949da50 示例筆記本


python everbox.py list 6da2| 文本id | 文本名稱 |b00204f8-41d0-43bb-8fc3-17b3a654360f README.mdf7c7b2be-c247-4c2a-8001-186d27942cce README.md

pushall 推送所有文本

usage: everbox.py pushall [-h] [-b BOX] [files [files ...]]添加批量文本到倉庫positional arguments: files 文本路徑,多個以空格間隔optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BOX, --box BOX 倉庫id或倉庫名字python everbox.py pushall -b 6da2 README.md已上傳(1/1)個文本python everbox.py pushall README.md無指定倉庫,將使用默認倉庫已上傳(1/1)個文本

log 查看文件在倉庫中的記錄

usage: everbox.py log [-h] file查看文本記錄信息positional arguments: file 文本名稱python everbox.py log README.md


| 文本id | 文本名稱 | 倉庫 | 創建時間b00204f8-41d0-43bb-8fc3-17b3a654360f README.md 我的第一個筆記本 2016-08-16 17:14:07f7c7b2be-c247-4c2a-8001-186d27942cce README.md 我的第一個筆記本 2016-08-16 17:15:02

pull 從倉庫中拉取文件

usage: everbox.py pull [-h] [-b BOX] [-y] [files [files ...]] directory從倉庫拉取文本positional arguments: files 文本guid或名稱(若用名稱則取最新的同名 ),多個以空格間隔 directory 拉取目錄optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BOX, --box BOX 倉庫id或倉庫名字 -y, --yes 忽略覆蓋提示python everbox.py pull b00204f8-41d0-43bb-8fc3-17b3a654360f .


文件 /Users/tonnie/github/one-week/03-everbox/README.md 已存在,是否覆蓋,是請按y,不是請輸入n:y成功拉取:1個文件

remove 從倉庫刪除指定的文本

usage: everbox.py remove [-h] guid從倉庫刪除指定id的文本positional arguments: guid 文本guidpython everbox.py remove d8bc4812-bfc2-44cd-9aee-bc7a92887e70



drag 從遠程拉取一個文件同時刪除記錄

usage: everbox.py drag [-h] guid directory從遠程拉取一個文本同時刪除記錄positional arguments: guid 文本guid directory 拉取目錄python everbox.py drag f7c7b2be-c247-4c2a-8001-186d27942cce ~



drop 刪除一個倉庫

usage: everbox.py drop [-h] box刪除一個倉庫positional arguments: box 倉庫id或倉庫名字python everbox.py drop 我的第一個筆記本




#!usr/bin/python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import argparseimport binasciiimport hashlibimport osimport sysimport base64from datetime import datetime, datetry: import evernote from evernote.api.client import EvernoteClient import evernote.edam.type.ttypes as Types import evernote.edam.notestore.ttypes as NoteTypesexcept: print ("未安裝evernote的擴展,請安裝後重試") sys.exit(-1)try: import socket s = socket.create_connection(("sandbox.evernote.com", 80), 5)except Exception,e: print("無法連接到evernote,請檢查網路連接") sys.exit(-1)dev_token = "S=s1:U=92d14:E=15de8ebccac:C=156913a9da8:P=1cd:A=en-devtoken:V=2:H=ca0bbceb23208c3cde8227aa5912761a" from contextlib import contextmanager_loading = True def loading(hint): while _loading: sys.stdout.write(hint + "
") sys.stdout.flush()# 耗時操作的提示 @contextmanager def open_loading(hint): from threading import Thread global _loading _loading = True t = Thread(target=loading, args=[hint]) t.start() yield _loading = False class LazyGet: def __init__(self, construct_func, hint=None, end_hint=None, excp_hint=None): self._func = construct_func self._ins = None self._hint = hint self._end_hint = end_hint self._excp_hint = excp_hint def __call__(self): if self._ins is not None: return self._ins print (self._hint) try: self._ins = self._func() except Exception, e: print (self._excp_hint) sys.exit(-1) print (self._end_hint) return self._insget_client = LazyGet(lambda : EvernoteClient(token=dev_token), "初始化組件...", "初始化成功", "初始化失敗")get_box_store = LazyGet(lambda : get_client().get_note_store(), "連接evernote...", "連接成功", "連接失敗")get_boxes = LazyGet(lambda : get_box_store().listNotebooks(), "獲取倉庫信息...", "獲取倉庫成功", "獲取失敗")def create_box(name): box = Types.Notebook() box.name = name return boxdef create_file(title, content, box_id="", image_resource=None): hash_hex = "" file = Types.Note() if box_id: file.notebookGuid = box_id if image_resource: (resource, image_hash) = image_resource file.resources = [resource] hash_hex = binascii.hexlify(image_hash) file.title = title file.content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd"> <en-note><caption>%s</caption>""" % content if hash_hex: file.content += "<en-media type="image/png" hash="%s"/>" % hash_hex file.content += "</en-note>" return filedef parse_file(content): file_content = "" try: content = content.split("<caption>")[1].split("</caption>")[0] except: pass media_index = content.find("<en-media") content = content[:media_index] file_lst = content.split("<br/>") for content in file_lst: file_content += content return file_contentdef load_file(guid): file = None try: file = get_box_store().getNote(dev_token, guid, True, True, False, False) except Exception, e: return None file_content = parse_file(file.content) return { "title": file.title, "content": base64.b64decode(file_content + "=" * (-len(file_content) % 4)), "created": date.fromtimestamp(file.created / 100).strftime("%d/%m/%Y") }def get_box_by_id(box_id): if len(box_id) < 4: print ("id匹配長度至少為4") sys.exit(-1) for box in get_boxes(): if box.guid.startswith(box_id): return box return "" def get_box_by_name(name): for box in get_boxes(): if box.name == name: return box return "" def get_box(id_or_name): if not id_or_name: return "" box = get_box_by_id(args.box) if not box: box = get_box_by_name(args.box) if not box: print ("指定倉庫不存在") sys.exit(-1) return boxdef push_to_box(note): note = get_box_store().createNote(dev_token, note) return notedef get_yn_input(msg): while True: res = raw_input("%s,是請按y,不是請輸入n:" % msg) if res in ("y", "n"): break return True if res == "y" else False def get_abs_dir(directory): dest_dir = directory or os.path.abspath(".") if not os.path.exists(dest_dir) or not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): print ("指定目錄不存在") sys.exit(-1) dest_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(dest_dir))) return dest_dirdef datetime_format(time): return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(str(time)[:-3])).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")def init(args): boxname = args.box box = create_box(boxname) try: box = get_box_store().createNotebook(dev_token, box) if not box: raise print ("創建成功,id為:%s" % box.guid) except Exception,e: print ("創建失敗")def pull(args): dest_dir = get_abs_dir(args.directory) skip_cover = args.yes finished = 0 for f in args.files: try: flag = os.path.basename(f) file = load_file(flag) if not file: box = get_box(args.box) file_filter = NoteTypes.NoteFilter() if box: file_filter.notebookGuid = box.guid file_filter.title = flag files = get_box_store().findNotes(dev_token, file_filter, 0, 100).notes file = load_file(files[-1].guid) if not file: raise ouput_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, file["title"]) if os.path.exists(ouput_file): if not skip_cover: if not get_yn_input("文件 %s 已存在,是否覆蓋" % ouput_file): continue with open(ouput_file, "w") as fp: fp.write(file["content"]) finished += 1 sys.stdout.write("已拉取:%s個文件
" % finished) sys.stdout.flush() except Exception, e: print ("文件:%s拉取失敗,跳過.." % f) print("成功拉取:%s個文件" % finished)def list(args): def list_box(box): file_filter = NoteTypes.NoteFilter() file_filter.notebookGuid = box.guid files = get_box_store().findNotes(dev_token, file_filter, 0, 100).notes if not files: print "倉庫沒有任何文本" else: print ("| 文本id | 文本名稱 | 創建時間") for f in reversed(files): print "%s %s %s" %(f.guid, f.title, datetime_format(f.created)) # 沒有指定倉庫,則列出所有倉庫 if args.box is None: boxes = get_boxes() print ("| 倉庫id | 倉庫名稱 | 創建時間") for box in boxes: print box.guid, box.name, datetime_format(box.serviceCreated) else: box = get_box(args.box) list_box(box)def push(args): box = get_box(args.box) abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(args.file)) if not os.path.exists(abs_path): print ("文本路徑不存在") return try: with open(abs_path, "rb") as fp: title = os.path.basename(abs_path) if args.box: box = get_box(args.box) file = create_file(title, fp.read(), box.guid, "") else: print ("無指定倉庫,將使用默認倉庫") file = create_file(title, base64.b64encode(fp.read()), None, "") push_to_box(file) print ("%s 上傳成功" % abs_path) except Exception, e: print e print ("上傳%s時,發生異常" % abs_path)def pushall(args): files = args.files to_add = [] for f in files: abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(f)) if not os.path.exists(abs_path): print ("%s:文本路徑不存在,跳過" % f) continue if os.path.getsize(abs_path) > 1000 * 1000 * 10: # 10M print ("%s: 文本體積大於10M,跳過" % f) continue to_add.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(f))) else: total = len(to_add) finished = 0 for f in to_add: try: with open(f, "rb") as fp: title = os.path.basename(f) if args.box: box = get_box(args.box) file = create_file(title, fp.read(), box.guid, "") else: print ("無指定倉庫,將使用默認倉庫") file = create_file(title, fp.read(), None, "") push_to_box(file) finished += 1 sys.stdout.write("已上傳(%s/%s)個文本
" % (finished, total)) sys.stdout.flush() except Exception, e: print ("上傳%s時,發生異常" % f) print("已上傳(%s/%s)個文本" % (finished, total))def remove(args): guid = args.guid try: get_box_store().deleteNote(dev_token, guid) print ("刪除成功") except: print ("刪除失敗")def drop(args): box = get_box(args.box) try: get_box_store().expungeNotebook(dev_token, box.guid) print ("刪除成功") except: print ("刪除失敗")def drag(args): dest_dir = get_abs_dir(args.directory) file = load_file(args.guid) if not file: print ("文件拉取失敗") output_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(dest_dir, file["title"])); if os.path.exists(output_file): if not get_yn_input("文件 %s 已存在,是否覆蓋" % output_file): return with open(output_file, "w") as fp: fp.write(file["content"]) print ("拉取完成") remove(args)def log(args): file = args.file abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(file)) if not os.path.exists(abs_path): print ("文件不存在!") return file_name = os.path.basename(abs_path) file_filter = NoteTypes.NoteFilter() file_filter.title = file_name files = get_box_store().findNotes(dev_token, file_filter, 0, 100).notes if not files: print ("倉庫中不存在該文件的記錄") return print ("| 文本id | 文本名稱 | 倉庫 | 創建時間") for f in files: print "%s %s %s %s" %(f.guid, f.title, get_box_by_id(f.notebookGuid).name, datetime_format(f.created))if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="文本備份助手.") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="操作命令") init_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("init", help="新建一個倉庫", description="新建一個倉庫") init_cmd.add_argument("box", help="倉庫名字") init_cmd.set_defaults(func=init) push_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("push", help="添加文本到倉庫", description="添加文本到倉庫") push_cmd.add_argument("-b", "--box", help="倉庫id或倉庫名字") push_cmd.add_argument("file") push_cmd.set_defaults(func=push) push_all_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("pushall", help="添加批量文本到倉庫", description="添加批量文本到倉庫") push_all_cmd.add_argument("-b", "--box", help="倉庫id或倉庫名字") push_all_cmd.add_argument("files", nargs="*", help="文本路徑,多個以空格間隔") push_all_cmd.set_defaults(func=pushall) list_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("list", help="列出倉庫或文本", description="列出倉庫或文本") list_cmd.add_argument("box", nargs="?", help="倉庫id或倉庫名字") list_cmd.set_defaults(func=list) drop_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("drop", help="刪除一個倉庫", description="刪除一個倉庫") drop_cmd.add_argument("box", help="倉庫id或倉庫名字") drop_cmd.set_defaults(func=drop) drag_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("drag", help="從遠程拉取一個文件同時刪除記錄", description="從遠程拉取一個文件同時刪除記錄") drag_cmd.add_argument("guid", help="文本guid") drag_cmd.add_argument("directory", type=str, help="拉取目錄") drag_cmd.set_defaults(func=drag) remove_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("remove", help="從倉庫刪除指定id的文本", description="從倉庫刪除指定id的文本") remove_cmd.add_argument("guid", help="文本guid") remove_cmd.set_defaults(func=remove) pull_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("pull", help="從倉庫拉取文本", description="從倉庫拉取文本") pull_cmd.add_argument("-b", "--box", help="倉庫id或倉庫名字") pull_cmd.add_argument("-y", "--yes", action="store_true", help="忽略覆蓋提示") pull_cmd.add_argument("files", nargs="*", help="文本guid或名稱(若用名稱則取最新的同名),多個以空格間隔") pull_cmd.add_argument("directory", type=str, help="拉取目錄") pull_cmd.set_defaults(func=pull) log_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("log", help="查看文本記錄信息", description="查看文本記錄信息") log_cmd.add_argument("file", help="文本名稱") log_cmd.set_defaults(func=log) args = parser.parse_args() args.func(args)

04. ascii圖形預覽




python ascii-image.py [圖像路徑]



#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- from PIL import Imageimport sysimport os# 加上顏色 class BColor: HEADER = "33[95m" OKBLUE = "33[94m" OKGREEN = "33[92m" WARNING = "33[93m" FAIL = "33[91m" ENDC = "33[0m" BOLD = "33[1m" UNDERLINE = "33[4m" def _main(): try: pic = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) except: print("指定圖片路徑") img = Image.open(pic) width = int(img.size[0]) height = int(img.size[1]) gray_img = img.convert("L") scale = width // 100 char_lst = " .:-=+*#%@" char_len = len(char_lst) arr = [] for y in range(0, height, scale): for x in range(0, width, scale): brightness = 0 r = g = b = 0 count = 0 for ix in range(scale): for iy in range(scale): if (x + ix) == width or (y + iy) == height: break count += 1 b = 255 - gray_img.getpixel((x+ix, y+iy)) brightness += b choice = int(char_len * (brightness // count / 255) ** 1.2) if choice >= char_len: choice = char_len sys.stdout.write(char_lst[choice]) sys.stdout.write("
") sys.stdout.flush()if __name__ == "__main__": _main()

05. html生成器




from htmlgen import hh("html") # <html></html>


datas = [ ["1 + 1", 2], ["1 + 2", 3], ["2 + 2", 4]]


build(h("html", c=[ h("head", c=[ h("title", "My Title"), h("meta", charset="utf-8"), hc("This is comment"), hcss("test.css") ]), h("body#main.class1 class2", c=[ h("h1", "HtmlGen") * 2, h("ul", extra=1, c=[ hmap("li", "I am {?}!", [1,2,3,4,5]) ]), h("ul", c=[ hfor(5, lambda i: h("li", "{}").format(chr(ord(str(i)) + 17))) ]), h("table", c=[ h("tr", c=[ h("td"), heach(dict(name="result"), lambda k, v: h("td", v)) ]), heach(datas, lambda v: h("tr", c=[ heach(v, lambda v: h("td", v, stylex="border:1px solid black;")), ]) ) ]), ~ hjs("test.js") ]), ]), "test.html")


build(h("html") <= [ h("head") <= [ h("title", "My Title"), h("meta", charset="utf-8"), hc("This is comment"), hcss("test.css") ], h("body#main.class1 class2") <= [ h("h1", "HtmlGen") * 2, h("ul", extra=1) <= [ hmap("li", "I am {?}!", [1,2,3,4,5]) ], h("ul") <= [ hfor(5, lambda i: h("li", "{}").format(chr(ord(str(i)) + 17))) ], h("table") <= [ h("tr") <= [ h("td"), heach({"name": "result"}, lambda k, v: h("td", v)) ], heach(datas, lambda v: h("tr") <= [ heach(v, lambda v: h("td", v, stylex="border:1px solid black;")), ] ) ], ~ hjs("test.js") # comment,too ], ], "test.html")


<html><head> <title>My Title</title> <meta charset="utf-8"></meta> <!-- This is comment --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test.css"></head><body id="main" class="class1 class2"> <h1>HtmlGen</h1> <h1>HtmlGen</h1> <ul extra="1"> <li>I am 1!</li> <li>I am 2!</li> <li>I am 3!</li> <li>I am 4!</li> <li>I am 5!</li> </ul> <ul> <li>A</li> <li>B</li> <li>C</li> <li>D</li> <li>E</li> </ul> <table> <tr> <td></td> <td>result</td> </tr> <tr> <td stylex="border:1px solid black;">1 + 1</td> <td stylex="border:1px solid black;">2</td> </tr> <tr> <td stylex="border:1px solid black;">1 + 2</td> <td stylex="border:1px solid black;">3</td> </tr> <tr> <td stylex="border:1px solid black;">2 + 2</td> <td stylex="border:1px solid black;">4</td> </tr> </table> <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script> --></body></html>


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import reclass Piece(object): _html = "<{tag}{attrs}>{content}{childs}</{tag}>" def __init__(self, tag="", attrs={}, content="", childs="", raw=None): self.raw = raw self.tag = tag self.attrs = attrs self.content = content self.childs = childs def resolve(self): if self.raw: return self.raw attrs = make_attrs(self.attrs) self.html = self._html.format(tag=self.tag, attrs=attrs, content=self.content, childs=self.childs) return self.html def format(self, *args, **kws): return self.resolve().format(*args, **kws) def __str__(self): return self.resolve() def __invert__(self): return "<!-- {} -->".format(self.resolve()) # child"s inject def __le__(self, childs): self.childs = "".join([str(o) for o in childs]) return self def __mul__(self, num): return str(self) * 2 def __getattr__(self, attr): return self.attrs.get(attr, None) __repr__ = __str__def make_attrs(attrs): attrs = "" + " ".join(["{}="{}"".format(k, v) for k, v in attrs.items()]) attrs = " {}".format(attrs) if attrs else "" return attrstag_flg = re.compile(r"(?P<tag>[w]+)(#(?P<id>[w]+))?(.(?P<class>[ws]+))?")def h(tag, content="", **attrs): if tag: m = re.match(tag_flg, tag) if m: groups = m.groupdict() if groups["id"] is not None: attrs["id"] = groups["id"] if groups["class"] is not None: attrs["class"] = groups["class"] if groups["tag"] is not None: tag = groups["tag"] childs = attrs.pop("c", []) child_html = "".join([str(c) for c in childs]) return Piece(tag, attrs, content, child_html)def hmap(tag, content="", datas=None, **attrs): if datas is None: datas = [] htmls = [] for data in datas: html = Piece._html.format( tag=tag, attrs=make_attrs(attrs), content=content.replace("{?}", str(data)), childs="" ) htmls.append(html) return "".join(htmls)def hcss(path): return Piece(raw="<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{}">".format(path))def hjs(path): return Piece(raw="<script type="text/javascript" src="{}"></script>".format(path))def hc(comment): return "<!-- {} -->".format(comment)def heach(iterable, func): res = [] if isinstance(iterable, list): for value in iterable: res.append(str(func(value))) elif isinstance(iterable, dict): for key, value in iterable.items(): res.append(str(func(key, value))) return "".join(res)def hfor(times, func, **injects): res = [] for i in range(times): res.append(func(i)) return "".join(res)def _main(): def build(piece, path): buf = piece.resolve() with open(path, "w") as fp: fp.write(buf) datas = [ ["1 + 1", 2], ["1 + 2", 3], ["2 + 2", 4] ] build(h("html") <= [ h("head") <= [ h("title", "My Title"), h("meta", charset="utf-8"), hc("This is comment"), hcss("test.css") ], h("body#main.class1 class2") <= [ h("h1", "HtmlGen") * 2, h("ul", extra=1) <= [ hmap("li", "I am {?}!", [1,2,3,4,5]) ], h("ul") <= [ hfor(5, lambda i: h("li", "{}").format(chr(ord(str(i)) + 17))) ], h("table") <= [ h("tr") <= [ h("td"), heach({"name": "result"}, lambda k, v: h("td", v)) ], heach(datas, lambda v: h("tr") <= [ heach(v, lambda v: h("td", v, stylex="border:1px solid black;")), ] ) ], ~ hjs("test.js") # comment,too ], ], "test.html")if __name__ == "__main__": _main()

06. web微型框架


python web微型框架


  • 解析請求和產生響應(基於WebOb)
  • 路由解析(基於正則匹配)
  • 模版渲染(基於jinja2)


from pyboa import PyBoa, render_templateimport timeapp = PyBoa()@app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def index(req): # 獲取請求方法 print("req.method: {}".format(req.method)) # 獲取請求參數 print("req.params: {}".format(req.params)) # 獲取GET參數 print("req.GET: {}".format(req.GET)) # 獲取POST參數 print("req.POST: {}".format(req.POST)) # 獲取Environ參數 print("req.environ: {}".format(req.environ)) return render_template("index.html", time=time.time())@app.route("/page") def page(req): return "page" # 這條語句會導致循環導入 # app.add_route("/page/{year:dddd}", controller="test:page")app.add_route("/page/{year:dddd}", controller=page)if __name__ == "__main__": app.run()


from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoaderfrom webob.request import Request as WebObRequestfrom webob.response import Response as WebObResponsefrom webob.dec import wsgifyfrom webob import excfrom wsgiref.simple_server import make_serverimport sysimport osimport re__all__ = [ "PyBoa", "make_response", "render_template"]_jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.abspath("./templates")))# 匹配路由的正則表達式rule_regex = re.compile(r""" { (w+) (?::([^}]+))? } """, re.VERBOSE)def _is_immutable(self): raise TypeError("%r objects are immutable" % self.__class__.__name__)iteritems = lambda d, *args, **kwargs: iter(d.items(*args, **kwargs))class ImmutableDictMixin(object): _hash_cache = None def __setitem__(self, key, value): _is_immutable(self) def __delitem__(self, key): _is_immutable(self) def clear(self): _is_immutable(self) def pop(self): _is_immutable(self) def update(self): _is_immutable(self) def setdefault(self): _is_immutable(self) def _iter_hashitems(self): return iteritems(self) def __hash__(self): if self._hash_cache is not None: return self._hash_cache rv = self._hash_cache = hash(frozenset(self._iter_hashitems())) return rvclass ImmutableDict(ImmutableDictMixin, dict): def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, dict.__repr__(self), ) def copy(self): return dict(self) def __copy__(self): return selfclass Request(WebObRequest): pass class Response(WebObResponse): content_type = "text/html"wsgify.RequestClass = Requestdef make_response(**options): resp = Response(**options) return respdef render_template(template_name, **context): return _jinja_env.get_template(template_name).render(context)def load_controller(string): module_name, func_name = string.split(":", 1) if module_name: __import__(module_name) else: file_path = sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_filename.replace(".py", "") module_name = os.path.basename(file_path) __import__(module_name) module = sys.modules[module_name] func = getattr(module, func_name) func = wsgify(func) return funcclass Config(dict): def from_object(self, obj): for key in dir(obj): # 檢查所有字母是否均為大寫,是則視為配置參數 if key.isupper(): self[key] = objclass PyBoa(object): default_config = ImmutableDict({ "DEBUG": True, }) def __init__(self): self.routes = [] self.config = Config(self.default_config) def add_route(self, template, controller, **options): if isinstance(controller, str): controller = load_controller(controller) options.setdefault("methods", ("GET", )) self.routes.append((re.compile(rule_to_regex(template)), controller, options)) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): req = Request(environ) for regex, controller, options in self.routes: match = regex.match(req.path_info) if match: if req.method not in options["methods"]: # methods參數 return exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()(environ, start_response) req.urlvars = match.groupdict() req.urlvars.update(options) return controller(environ, start_response) return exc.HTTPNotFound()(environ, start_response) def route(self, rule, **options): def decorator(view): view = wsgify(view) self.add_route(rule, controller=view, **options) return view return decorator def run(self, host="", port=8000, **options): server = make_server(host, port, self) print("Serving on port {}...".format(port)) try: server.serve_forever() except: server.shutdown()def rule_to_regex(rule): regex = "" last_pos = 0 for match in rule_regex.finditer(rule): regex += re.escape(rule[last_pos:match.start()]) var_name = match.group(1) expr = match.group(2) or "[^/]+" expr = "(?P<%s>%s)" % (var_name, expr) regex += expr last_pos = match.end() regex += re.escape(rule[last_pos:]) regex = "^%s$" % regex return regex

07. 城市信息服務





API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY"usage: city.py [-h] [-k KEYWORD] {info,place,bus} ...城市信息查詢.optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -k KEYWORD, --keyword KEYWORD 關鍵詞操作命令: {info,place,bus} info 查詢城市簡介 place 查詢城市信息 bus 查詢公交信息


usage: city.py info [-h] [city]查詢城市簡介positional arguments: city 查詢城市(默認為ip所在城市)python city.py info 珠海




usage: city.py place [-h] keyword [city]查詢城市信息positional arguments: keyword 查詢的關鍵詞 city 查詢城市(默認為ip所在城市)python city.py place 肯德基


+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| 名稱 | 地址 | 電話 |+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| 肯德基(人民西路店) | 人民西路仁恆星園商業街一層商鋪 | 0756-2608108 || 肯德基(三灶店) | 映月路65-67號1層 | 4008823823;0756-7511166;4009200715 || 肯德基(拱北汽車站店) | 友誼路20號1、2層 | 0756-8887871;4009200715 || 肯德基(迎賓店) | 迎賓南路1126號迎賓百貨廣場2層 | 4008823823 || 肯德基(吉大店) | 景山路220號珠海免稅商場 | 0756-3374325;13680023140 || 肯德基(明珠店) | 明珠南路1389號明珠商業廣場1層 | 0756-8629257;4009200715 || 肯德基(井岸店) | 井岸鎮新民路18-22號1層 | 0756-5559659;0756-5111163;4009200715 || 肯德基(時代廣場店) | 人民西路808號華潤萬佳1層 | 0756-2651502;4008823823 || 肯德基(鳳凰南路店) | 鳳凰南路1128號 | 0756-2115782;4009200715 || 肯德基(檸溪店) | 檸溪路284號文化廣場 | 0756-2625733;4008823823 || 肯德基(夏灣店) | 夏灣路夏灣市場1層 | 0756-8882821;0756-8884008;4009200715 || 肯德基(朝福店) | 井岸步行街新民路144號 | 0756-5111163 || 肯德基(南坑店) | 市場集團南坑商貿樓1層 | 0756-2169018;4009208801 || 肯德基(南屏路店) | 南屏鎮環屏路1號華夏國際商務酒店2層 | 0756-8911006 || 肯德基(前山店) | 前山路前山市場A圈一二層(近得一超市) | 0756-8986233 || 肯德基(九洲港店) | 情侶路599號九洲港客運大樓一層 | 0756-3262230 || 肯德基(紫荊店) | 紫荊路301號至尊寶大廈1-2層 | 0756-2127203;0756-2127662;4008823823 || 肯德基(口岸店) | 口岸廣場B1層 | 0756-8307613 || 肯德基(山場路店) | 山場路1號五洲花城1層 | 0756-2535337;4008823823;4009200715 || 肯德基(僑光店) | 拱北僑光路37號國泰酒店一層 | 0756-8889017 || 肯德基(珠海機場店kfc店) | 三灶鎮海澄機場候機大樓主樓(中指廊)二樓出發大廳SD025號 | 0756-7680932;4009200715 || 肯德基(華髮商都店) | 珠海大道8號華髮商都2號樓1層A1028、A1029號 | 0756-8921086;0756-8921085 |+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+


usage: city.py bus [-h] start end [city]查詢公交信息positional arguments: start 出發地 end 目的地 city 查詢城市python city.py bus 唐家市場 圓明新園


+-----------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+| 路線 | 上車站 | 下車站 | 途徑站數 | 首班車 | 末班車 | 預計時間 | 步行距離 |+-----------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+| 方案1 | | | | | | | 0.844公里 || 69路(城軌唐家灣站--圓明新園) | 唐家市場 | 圓明新園 | 28 | 06:05 | 22:20 | 48分鐘 | || | | | | | | | || 方案2 | | | | | | | 0.861公里 || K3路(城軌唐家灣站--拱北口岸總站) | 唐家市場 | 九洲城 | 6 | 06:05 | 20:50 | 29分鐘 | || ---換乘--- | | | | | | | || 25路(九洲港--屏北三路西) | 九洲城 | 圓明新園 | 5 | 06:15 | 23:10 | 20分鐘 | || 40路(吉大總站--上沖檢查站) | 九洲城 | 圓明新園 | 5 | 06:15 | 23:30 | 20分鐘 | || 60路(吉大總站--灣仔) | 九洲城 | 圓明新園 | 8 | 06:20 | 22:20 | 24分鐘 | || | | | | | | | || 方案3 | | | | | | | 0.949公里 || K1路(城軌珠海北站--拱北口岸總站) | 唐家市場 | 摩爾廣場 | 8 | 06:05 | 21:15 | 34分鐘 | || ---換乘--- | | | | | | | || 1路(城軌珠海站--香洲) | 摩爾廣場 | 圓明新園 | 1 | 06:20 | 01:15 | 15分鐘 | || 62路(橫琴口岸西--圓明新園) | 摩爾廣場 | 圓明新園 | 2 | 07:20 | 20:30 | 16分鐘 | || | | | | | | | || 方案4 | | | | | | | 0.872公里 || K3路(城軌唐家灣站--拱北口岸總站) | 唐家市場 | 吉大 | 7 | 06:05 | 20:50 | 30分鐘 | || ---換乘--- | | | | | | | || 992路(光大國貿--錦繡國際花城) | 吉大 | 圓明新園 | 3 | 06:25 | 21:00 | 18分鐘 | || | | | | | | | || 方案5 | | | | | | | 2.067公里 || K1路(城軌珠海北站--拱北口岸總站) | 唐家市場 | 隧道南 | 7 | 06:05 | 21:15 | 33分鐘 | || 10A路(城軌唐家灣站--拱北口岸總站) | 唐家市場 | 隧道南 | 18 | 06:15 | 22:05 | 38分鐘 | || 10F路(金鼎工業園北--城軌珠海站) | 唐家市場 | 隧道南 | 21 | 06:10 | 21:50 | 39分鐘 | || 10路(下柵檢查站--城軌珠海站) | 唐家市場 | 隧道南 | 21 | 06:05 | 22:00 | 39分鐘 | || ---換乘--- | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | |+-----------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+--------+--------+----------+-----------+


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import argparseimport urllib2import reimport jsonfrom prettytable import PrettyTableAPI_KEY = "5092e0ce602c4585e06316bfc3158ea2" def getip(): url = "http://jsonip.com" opener = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=5) if url == opener.geturl(): info = opener.read() res = re.search("d+.d+.d+.d+",info) if res: return res.group(0) return None # {"status":"1","info":"OK","infocode":"10000","province":"廣東省","city":"珠海市","adcode":"440400","rectangle":"113.0991626,21.9335713;113.7227333,22.39738989"} def get_geo(): ip = getip() ret = urllib2.urlopen("http://restapi.amap.com/v3/ip?ip=%s&output=json&key=%s" %(ip, API_KEY)).read() return json.loads(ret)def get_around_keyword(location, keyword): ret = urllib2.urlopen("http://restapi.amap.com/v3/place/around?key=%s&location=%s&output=json&radius=10000&keywords=%s" %(location, API_KEY, keyword)).read() return json.loads(ret)def get_city(args): city = args.city if not city: city = get_geo()["city"] if isinstance(city, unicode): city = city.encode("utf-8") return citydef get_place(keyword, city): ret = urllib2.urlopen("http://restapi.amap.com/v3/place/text?&keywords={}&city={}&output=json&offset=100&page=1&key={}&extensions=all".format(keyword, city, API_KEY)).read() if not ret: return None res = json.loads(ret) return resdef place(args): city = get_city(args) keyword = args.keyword res = get_place(keyword, city) t = PrettyTable(["名稱", "地址", "電話"]) for r in res["pois"]: t.add_row([r["name"], r["address"], r["tel"]]) print (t)def bus(args): start = args.start end = args.end city = get_city(args) res = get_place(start, city) if not res["pois"]: print ("無法找到起始位置") return start_point = res["pois"][0]["location"] res = get_place(end, city) if not res["pois"]: print ("無法找到目的位置") return end_point = res["pois"][0]["location"] ret = urllib2.urlopen("http://restapi.amap.com/v3/direction/transit/integrated?origin=%s&destination=%s&city=010&output=json&key=%s" %(start_point, end_point, API_KEY)).read() if not ret: return res = json.loads(ret) t = PrettyTable(["路線", "上車站", "下車站", "途徑站數", "首班車", "末班車", "預計時間", "步行距離"]) end = False count = 1 for transit in res["route"]["transits"]: t.add_row(["方案%s" %str(count),"","","","","", "","%s公里" % ( int(transit["walking_distance"]) / 1000.0)]) count += 1 for segment in transit.get("segments", []): if not segment["bus"]["buslines"]: end = True t.add_row(["","","","","","","",""]) else: names = [] d_stops = [] a_stops = [] durations = [] start_times = [] end_times = [] stops = [] for bus in segment["bus"]["buslines"]: names.append(bus["name"]) d_stops.append(bus["departure_stop"]["name"]) a_stops.append(bus["arrival_stop"]["name"]) durations.append(bus["duration"]) start_times.append(bus["start_time"][:2] + ":" + bus["start_time"][2:]) end_times.append(bus["end_time"][:2] + ":" + bus["end_time"][2:]) stops.append(bus["via_num"]) t.add_row([ "
".join(names), # "
".join([stop["name"] for stop in bus["via_stops"]]), "
".join(d_stops), "
".join(a_stops), "
".join(stops), "
".join(start_times), "
".join(end_times), "
".join(["%s分鐘" %(int(d)/60) for d in durations]), "", ]) if end == True: end = False t.add_row([ "---換乘---", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]) print t # for walk in segment["walking"]["steps"]: # print walk["instruction"] def info(args): city = get_city(args) ret = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.baike.com/wiki/%s" % city).read() if not ret: return summary = re.findall(r"<div class="summary">([sS]*?)</p>", ret)[0] summary = re.sub(r"<.*?>", "", summary) print (summary)def _main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="城市信息查詢.") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="操作命令") parser.add_argument("-k", "--keyword", type=str, help="關鍵詞") info_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("info", help="查詢城市簡介", description="查詢城市簡介") info_cmd.add_argument("city", nargs="?", help="查詢城市") info_cmd.set_defaults(func=info) place_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("place", help="查詢城市信息", description="查詢城市信息") place_cmd.add_argument("keyword", help="查詢的關鍵詞") place_cmd.add_argument("city", nargs="?", help="查詢城市") place_cmd.set_defaults(func=place) bus_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("bus", help="查詢公交信息", description="查詢公交信息") bus_cmd.add_argument("start", help="出發地") bus_cmd.add_argument("end", help="目的地") bus_cmd.add_argument("city", nargs="?", help="查詢城市") bus_cmd.set_defaults(func=bus) args = parser.parse_args() args.func(args)if __name__ == "__main__": _main()

08. 可視化數據結構




from vds import StackVdss = Stack([1,24,23,423])tracer = StackVds(s)tracer.show()s.pop()tracer.show()


from vds import LinkListVdsl = LinkList(1, [2,3,4,3])tracer = LinkListVds(l)tracer.show()l.delete(3, all=True)tracer.show()


from vds import MatrixVdsarr = [ [1,2], [3,4,5,6], [7,8,9]]tracer = MatrixVds(arr)tracer.show()

09. 面向stackoverflow編程





pip install stackitalias ???="python /path/to/wtf.py $(fc -ln -1);"



root@vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64:/code# python error.pyTraceback (most recent call last): File "error.py", line 2, in <module> print(a[1])IndexError: list index out of range$ ???


Searching for: IndexError: list index out of range...Tags:1Question: How to define two-dimensional array in pythonAnswer:You"re technically trying to index an uninitialized array. You have to firstinitialize the outer list with lists before adding items; Pytho...2Question: Why list doesn"t have safe "get" method like dictionary?Answer:Ultimately it probably doesn"t have a safe `.get` method because a `dict` isan associative collection (values are associated with names) ...3Question: IndexError: list assignment index out of rangeAnswer:`j` is an empty list, but you"re attempting to write to element `[0]` in thefirst iteration, which doesn"t exist yet.Try the following ...4Question: How can I find the last element in a List<> ?Answer:If you just want to access the last item in the list you can do var item = integerList[integerList.Count - 1];to get...5Question: Getting a default value on index out of range in PythonAnswer:In the Python spirit of "ask for forgiveness, not permission", here"s one way: try: b = a[4] except IndexError:...Enter m for more, a question number to select, or q to quit:


import sysimport subprocess# alias ???="python /path/to/wtf.py $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1);"STACKIT_COMMAND = "stackit -s "%s"" def _main(): command = " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) try: o = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: o = e.output errs = [] outputs = o.split("
") find = -1 for i, err in enumerate(outputs): if not err.startswith(" ") and not err.startswith("Traceback"): find = i break if find == -1: return errs = "".join(outputs[i:]) command = STACKIT_COMMAND % errs try: subprocess.call(command, shell=True) except: print("require stackit") if __name__ == "__main__": _main()

10. 加強型字元串




from sstr import SuperStrprint SuperStr("{"name" : "mike"}").json() # {u"name": u"mike"}print SuperStr("1").int() # 1print SuperStr(pickle.dumps(object())).object() # <object object at 0x1043330d0>print SuperStr("123").list() # ["1", "2", "3"]print SuperStr("aabbbc").most_common(2) # [("b", 3), ("a", 2)]print SuperStr("exists").exists("t") # Trueprint SuperStr("ababab").findall("ab") # ["ab", "ab", "ab"]print SuperStr("ab,ab,ab").split(",") # ["ab", "ab", "ab"]print SuperStr("ab,ab,ab").sub(",", "") # abababprint SuperStr("ab,ab,ab").count("a") # 3print SuperStr("reverse").sort().reverse() # vsrreeeprint SuperStr("abc").permutations() # <itertools.permutations object at 0x1046a7830># capitalize# center# count# decode# encode# endswith# expandtabs# find# format# index# isalnum# isalpha# isdigit# islower# isspace# istitle# isupper# join# ljust# lower# lstrip# partition# replace# rfind# rindex# rjust# rpartition# rsplit# rstrip# split# splitlines# startswith# strip# swapcase# title# translate# upper# zfill


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import retry: import cPickle as pickleexcept: import pickleimport jsonimport itertoolsfrom collections import Counterclass SuperStr(object): def __init__(self, string=""): assert isinstance(string, str) or isinstance(string, unicode) self._str = string.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(string, unicode) else string def get(self): return self._str def int(self): return int(self._str) def json(self): return json.loads(self._str) def object(self): return pickle.loads(self._str) def list(self): return list(self._str) def reverse(self): self._str = self._str[::-1] return self def most_common(self, n): if hasattr(self, "counter"): return self.counter.most_common(n) self.counter = Counter(self._str) return self.counter.most_common(n) def exists(self, pattern): return re.search(pattern, self._str) is not None def findall(self, pattern, flags=0): return re.findall(pattern, self._str, flags) def split(self, pattern, maxsplit=0, flags=0): return re.split(pattern, self._str, maxsplit, flags) def sub(self, pattern, repl, count=0, flags=0): self._str = re.sub(pattern, repl, self._str, count, flags) return self def count(self, char): if hasattr(self, "counter"): return self.counter[char] self.counter = Counter(self._str) return self.counter[char] def permutations(self, r=None): return itertools.permutations(self, r) def sort(self): self._str = "".join(sorted(self._str)) return self def __str__(self): return self._str __repr__ = __str__ def __call__(self, *args, **kws): if callable(self._str): self._str = self._str() return self def __getattr__(self, key): if key in dir(str): self._str = getattr(self._str, key) return self self._str = super(SuperStr, self).__getattr__(key) return self def __radd__(self, s): self._str += str(s) return self __add__ = __radd__ def __mul__(self, num): return str(self) * 2 def __getitem__(self, given): self._str = self._str[given.start: given.stop: given.step] if isinstance(given, slice) else self._str[given] return selfif __name__ == "__main__": print SuperStr("{"name" : "mike"}").json() # {u"name": u"mike"} print SuperStr("1").int() # 1 print SuperStr(pickle.dumps(object())).object() # <object object at 0x1043330d0> print SuperStr("123").list() # ["1", "2", "3"] print SuperStr("aabbbc").most_common(2) # [("b", 3), ("a", 2)] print SuperStr("exists").exists("t") # True print SuperStr("ababab").findall("ab") # ["ab", "ab", "ab"] print SuperStr("ab,ab,ab").split(",") # ["ab", "ab", "ab"] print SuperStr("ab,ab,ab").sub(",", "") # ababab print SuperStr("ab,ab,ab").count("a") # 3 print SuperStr("reverse").sort().reverse() # vsrreee print SuperStr("abc").permutations() # <itertools.permutations object at 0x1046a7830> # capitalize # center # count # decode # encode # endswith # expandtabs # find # format # index # isalnum # isalpha # isdigit # islower # isspace # istitle # isupper # join # ljust # lower # lstrip # partition # replace # rfind # rindex # rjust # rpartition # rsplit # rstrip # split # splitlines # startswith # strip # swapcase # title # translate # upper # zfill




Flask 實現小說網站 (二)

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